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Great night to pick your NSW side


First Grade
hayne made 3 errors , 2 of which led directly to tries

he also saved 3 definite tries with his defence, so that cancels the errors out.

he then scored a try that no other player on the team was capable of, and was willing to put his ass on the line with a final do or die play on the buzzer, something an origin player needs to be willing and able to do. The fact it didnt fall for him doesnt matter, no reward without risk

Points decision goes to Hayne IMO


Staff member
I think Hayne has to be in the side, only because he is one of the few players that has actually shown that he can be a game breaker at Origin level for NSW


First Grade
Agreed. I'd put him on the wing, he was close to man of the series 2 years ago on the wing. He needed to play fullback last year to keep Gidley out of the no 1, but now Dugan is there I'd have Dugan at fullback and Hayne back to wing.

1 Eyed TEZZA

Iv narrowed down our front row rotation to Mannah, Tolman, Snowden, TLL and Galloway. Not sure who id leave out.

Centers I think WILL be Gaz and Idris, but Id live with Idris on the bench and Jennings starting.

I thought Gordon was very slow in space.

Halves Im still unsure of. I mentioned last week that Pearce and Mullen appealed to me. I think maturity wise its great but I feel that Soward has a place in the team.

Id happily live with a team like this.

1. Hayne
2. Morris
3. Gasnier
4. Jennings
5. Uate
6. Mullen/Soward
7. Pearce/Mullen
8. TLL/Galloway (not convinced on TLL's form)
9. Farah
10. Snowden
11. Creagh
12. Bird
13. Gallen

14. Idris
15. Lewis/Scott
16. Tolman
17. Mannah

Im very tempted to start Idris, drop Jennings and put Soward on the bench. Other then the halves, im quite happy with that side.


I actually thought Soward was by far the poorest of the 3 halves in contention, which surprised me.

I thought he looked good in a couple of sets when he linked with Dugan, and he made a nice break, but that was it really. His long kicking game wasnt really on, and they were obviously hinding him in defense for a lot of the game, but it still didnt really work. If they pick him for NSW then they're going to have to work something out there.
Pearce's passing game was fantastic, as was Mullen's kicking.

I guess I can't really blame Mullen for those sets on City's line, when as Vossy said, he was planting the kicks perfectly, Uate, Gordon and Morris just kept dropping them. Those sets would have all resulted in trys if the outside backs had a little luck with their hands.

I thought Uate and Gordon were pretty disappointing overall, but they're still the best wing options for NSW.
I thought it seemed like Mullen was sort of fighting against him for possession to get to the kick. There were numerous times Soward was standing out wider with less pressure and Mullen went for the kick. That's the thing I hate about City v Country, it makes it easy for the guys in centers, fullback and forward pack to shine, but the halves are essentially competing against each other, it's impossible to get a true feel how each of them will go.

Soward looked the most dangerous when taking it to the line IMO. Mullen took most of the kicking though, whether that was part of the gameplan or the internal competition between the halves I'm not sure.


I thought it seemed like Mullen was sort of fighting against him for possession to get to the kick. There were numerous times Soward was standing out wider with less pressure and Mullen went for the kick. That's the thing I hate about City v Country, it makes it easy for the guys in centers, fullback and forward pack to shine, but the halves are essentially competing against each other, it's impossible to get a true feel how each of them will go.

Soward looked the most dangerous when taking it to the line IMO. Mullen took most of the kicking though, whether that was part of the gameplan or the internal competition between the halves I'm not sure.

I thought it was odd that Mullen kicked a lot but they both do the majority of the kicking at their respective clubs so Mullen was probably just used to taking responsibility for it more so then trying to outplay Soward.

With ball in hand I think Soward look the most dangerous of the halves so if his fit i would have him. Pearce and Mullen were very even in the contest and difficult to split them. I think Pearce's passing game was crisp and more effective then Mullen but Mullen's kicking was much better and got multiple repeat sets.

If Soward is unfit they would make a good combo but if Soward is fit he has to play and I would have Pearce just ousting Mullen but I think most fans would be happy either way.


Staff member
NSW- 1- Hayne 2- Gordon 3- Gasnier 4- Idris 5- Uate 6- Soward 7- Mullen 8- Snowden 9- Farah 10- Tolman 11- Bird 12- Watmough 13- Gallen Res- Galloway, Hinchcliffe, Mannah, TLL 18th man- G. Stewart

That team could beat QLD.

Morris is a rep myth. Jennings is in awful form (admittedly, I didn't see City v Country). Idris will be there, I'm sure.


If Mullen directs a few of those kicks a little closer to the posts, he finds an unmarked Josh Dugan for an easy try. Took the wrong option at times but other than that I thought he was the best half out there tonight.

Skeepe praising a Knights player. :shock:


After tonight I expect...

1. Jarryd Hayne
2. Brett Morris
3. Mark Gasnier
4. Jamal Idris
5. Akuila Uate
6. Jarrod Mullen
7. Mitchell Pearce
8. Kade Snowden
9. Robbie Farah
10. Aiden Tolman
11. Ben Creagh
12. Greg Bird
13. Paul Gallen (c)

14. Kurt Gidley
15. Tom Learoyd Lahrs
16. Tim Mannah
17. Beau Scott

Pretty close, though Weyman might have got given the night off because he's a certainty.

And if Soward is fit I think he'll be in the team.

Tweed Titan

Iv narrowed down our front row rotation to Mannah, Tolman, Snowden, TLL and Galloway. Not sure who id leave out.
I agree those are our best 5 props but just a thought, could we play all three and have TLL as a backrower/prop on the bench.

But then that means no Watmough probably so I think I just talked myself out of that.


Team for Game 1.
1. Hayne
2. Morris
3. Gasnier
4. Idris
5. Uate
6. Soward
7. Pearce
8. Snowden
9. Farah
10. TLL
11. Creagh
12. Bird
13. Gallen
14. Carney
15. Lewis
16. Mannah
17. Galloway

I expect every nsw player who played for Austalia to be an automatic selection.

Those who think Hayne shouldnt be there are kidding themselves. He's one player that Queensland fear and is an X factor, and he's also an extra 5/8 in attack.

Jennings lacks a decent passing game and should've set up at least two tries for his winger last night.

Soward surely has to be picked. Carney would be great off the bench.

Mannah and Galloway were excellent last night. Lewis and Bird would be great in the second row.


he also saved 3 definite tries with his defence, so that cancels the errors out.

he then scored a try that no other player on the team was capable of, and was willing to put his ass on the line with a final do or die play on the buzzer, something an origin player needs to be willing and able to do. The fact it didnt fall for him doesnt matter, no reward without risk

Points decision goes to Hayne IMO

nothing cancels out 2 gift tries in a low scoring game that you lose ... nothing .

the last try by uate from the selfish low percentage play by hayne wouldve given Ricky Stuart flashbacks to when he coached Kimmorley in origin .


Staff member
I completely disagree that Hayne was better than Dugan, however I've love to have them both there... Morris ffs :lol:


Although Soward wasn't overly great last night. He still needs to be there, it's his first full rep game, give the bloke a rest.
Not everyone is 100% successful on their first rep game, might even take a few more for him too feel a little more relaxed.
But at least till Carney gets back, he is the best 5/8 we have.
There is a lot of pressure on the inexperienced blues players at the moment just too cement themselves in the squad and to not let QLD get 6 series in a row
Add to that the pressure of the game itself, of course it might take them a while to settle in and reach their club form.


nothing cancels out 2 gift tries in a low scoring game that you lose ... nothing .

the last try by uate from the selfish low percentage play by hayne wouldve given Ricky Stuart flashbacks to when he coached Kimmorley in origin .

Hayne first mistake was defiantly uncharacteristic and I have not seen him drop a bomb in years, he may have suffered from nerves or not playing for two weeks who knows.

The last Uate try was unfortunate and not Haynes fault, with seconds remaining on the clock the score were level and city had to score to stop country from retaining it. Fittler had sent Hoppa infield and had he been on his wing Uate doesn't score, or had Merrit converted one of the tries Hayne kicks it down field into touch and doesn't try that.

The fact is Hayne called for the ball, he put himself in a position to try and score points and that is something Dugan didn't do. Dugan was safe at the back but neither fullback saw much ball on the kick return, Hayne was always back in the inside and ran off his halves and scored a impressive try.

Dugans broke the line once and was selfish himself, he could have slowed down and looked for Uate on the outside but he kicked ahead and couldn't outpace Hayne.

At the end of the day Hayne looked more likely in attack while Dugan was safe and made his own mistakes in attack.

50/50 call, neither fullback outplayed the other but I think Hayne was marginally better and the sort of player you need to beat QLD and a lot of what he does well he cant do from the wing.
I love all the people calling hayne a game breaker, the sort of player that can take it to queensland...he cant even be a game breaker for the eels...what makes you think he'll stop believing his own press long enough to put in a decent performance???


First Grade
I love all the people calling hayne a game breaker, the sort of player that can take it to queensland...he cant even be a game breaker for the eels...what makes you think he'll stop believing his own press long enough to put in a decent performance???

The fact that in every game Hayne has played for NSW he has been in the top 3 players on the field

He's won NSW player of series twice in 4 losing blues campaigns

Need anymore reasons?


We don't need a game breaker imo. I think Dugan will offer more in the Origin areana. I'll be happy with either but next year I think Dugan will be miles ahead of Hayne.


Staff member
Noticed a couple of people are picking their teams without a recognised goal kicker.

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