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Greg Bird charged and released by Sharks


STC sometimes I find your posts amusing and sometimes they are just total trash. These are trash. Come on grow up. Take the shots to another more appropriate thread

Bird is a sad case, no doubt. This was always going to happen. I was not remotely surprised when it happened. This girl should just count herself lucky she is going to get off scott free.


Well rumours are rumours Miller. But they are both young pups (24) with a fair bit of growing up to look forward to in life. People of all ages can change if they want to, but have to firstly start to not accept how they are as the best they can ever aspire to be, and secondly actually want to change in some specific way, for that to actually happen.

I hope that both of them eventually come out of this negative experience as better stronger people within themselves.

That is absolute rubbish bartman. People don't change!


Surely you must have noticed the publicity grab by this bunch of clowns.
Yeah, but I don't tar the whole Sharks organisation for it as a result... not that I'm fond of the Sharks myself for any reason. I think you're in poorer than usual form with the trolling tonight STC? Might be best to come back to it another day ;-)
Well rumours are rumours Miller. But they are both young pups (24) with a fair bit of growing up to look forward to in life. People of all ages can change if they want to, but have to firstly start to not accept how they are as the best they can ever aspire to be, and secondly actually want to change in some specific way, for that to actually happen.

I hope that both of them eventually come out of this negative experience as better stronger people within themselves.

Well said. There is no doubt people like STC have Bird hung out and dried without any evidence other then media reports. the same media company they say they hate so intimately for ruining the game and using it's media power to bring the game down. Funny how they pick and chose the subject matter they wish to use for and against their opinion they post.

IMO the Sharks club needs to let this play out and get to the truth before making any decisions. They need to take into consideration other actions and events involving Bird and determine in consultation with the NRL what the most appropriate action should be. If that is he is gone and deregistered I can live with that. If they decide suspension and councelling etc, i can live with that also, as long as the TRUTH that comes out supports that decision.


Well said. There is no doubt people like STC have Bird hung out and dried without any evidence other then media reports. the same media company they say they hate so intimately for ruining the game and using it's media power to bring the game down. Funny how they pick and chose the subject matter they wish to use for and against their opinion they post.

IMO the Sharks club needs to let this play out and get to the truth before making any decisions. They need to take into consideration other actions and events involving Bird and determine in consultation with the NRL what the most appropriate action should be. If that is he is gone and deregistered I can live with that. If they decide suspension and councelling etc, i can live with that also, as long as the TRUTH that comes out supports that decision.

You have me all wrong Miller. Innocent until proven guilty! I don't even care if he guilty, I see no reason why he should be prevented from playing football. The courts can deal with it. It is his living. I just think he fits in well with the Cronulla sense of fair play.
You have me all wrong Miller. Innocent until proven guilty! I don't even care if he guilty, I see no reason why he should be prevented from playing football. The courts can deal with it. It is his living. I just think he fits in well with the Cronulla sense of fair play.

Take a chill pill STC. I believe you are still throwing insults that have no basis, but are rather a result of your personal hatred for a football club. Really poor form.
You have me all wrong Miller. Innocent until proven guilty! I don't even care if he guilty, I see no reason why he should be prevented from playing football. The courts can deal with it. It is his living. I just think he fits in well with the Cronulla sense of fair play.

There has been some very stupid things said thus far in this thread
and I have held my tongue but you my learned friend have
just hit the jack-pot for foolishness.


First Grade
. Lets not forget he also has some charge from an incident in January to sort out.

There is no charge with regard to the January nightclub incident. Bird is simply to appear in court in relation to the incident.

This is a prime example of an assumption being made based on what is heard in the media and how it is spun.


Stop exagerating beyond what the media has already stated.[/QUOTE]

Yes, innocent until proven guilty is just plain silly. All employers should be able to intrude into every aspect of our lives.

It's a commercial decision. The employer has every right to make a commercial decision based on what happens in a persons personal life it it has an effect on their business. Employing someone that was found guilty of smashing a woman in the face with a bottle will turn off fans, especially women. That costs the Sharks money. It doesn't matter if he's done the time, his market value has been effected. If some lawyer in a big firm gets involved in a personal sex scandal which makes it too the papers, the firm has every right to fire him if he loses clients as a result.


Post Whore
Yes, innocent until proven guilty is just plain silly. All employers should be able to intrude into every aspect of our lives.

They do already.

Doctors, nurses, teachers in fact all civil servants are able to at the very least be stood down whilst serious criminal investigations are under way into their conduct.

Would Bird not have have signed a contract that had a clause in it about bringing the game into disrepute just like every other footy player in every single code in the country ?
Yes, innocent until proven guilty is just plain silly. All employers should be able to intrude into every aspect of our lives.


You said if he's guilty he should be able to play.

I don't even care if he guilty, I see no reason why he should be prevented from playing football.

He will be sitting in a gaol cell. He wont be allowed to walk the streets let-alone play in the NRL.


They do already.

Doctors, nurses, teachers in fact all civil servants are able to at the very least be stood down whilst serious criminal investigations are under way into their conduct.

Would Bird not have have signed a contract that had a clause in it about bringing the game into disrepute just like every other footy player in every single code in the country ?

The intrusion into the personal lives of medical personnel at the very least has an immediate relevance. Footballers are not "important" people as such. Generally they are nothing more than poorly educated yokels from the Western suburbs with a right to earn a living.

Bird would more than likely have signed a clause saying he wouldn't bring the game into disrepute. That is what happens when there is a monopoly! Should he have signed with the EGU, the ARE, the PRI, or the NRL?
STC you are totally ignoring the commercial implications upon the employer. the decision to stand Bird down was absolutely the right one and should be applauded not ridiculed. He has his opportunity to explain his actions to his club (re the information he provided on the day of the incident, which result in a club statement saying he had advised them he was not involved nor at the premises at the time. The justice system is to take care of the rest. The bottom line he should not be on the field until this is resolved and that resolution allows his return. If a commercial decsion is taken by the Sharks and the NRL to terminate his contract and deregister based upon events they feel justifies that action, I will not lose once ounce of sleep over it.


STC you are totally ignoring the commercial implications upon the employer. the decision to stand Bird down was absolutely the right one and should be applauded not ridiculed. He has his opportunity to explain his actions to his club (re the information he provided on the day of the incident, which result in a club statement saying he had advised them he was not involved nor at the premises at the time. The justice system is to take care of the rest. The bottom line he should not be on the field until this is resolved and that resolution allows his return. If a commercial decsion is taken by the Sharks and the NRL to terminate his contract and deregister based upon events they feel justifies that action, I will not lose once ounce of sleep over it.

He should not have to explain his actions to the club. It is none of their business. I don't like the guy, I don't approve of his actions, and I think he is guilty. He should be dealt with in court, not tried by Rebecca Wilson and her offspring!
He should not have to explain his actions to the club. It is none of their business. I don't like the guy, I don't approve of his actions, and I think he is guilty. He should be dealt with in court, not tried by Rebecca Wilson and her offspring!

I agree witn you on the media but seriously saying he should not have to explain himeself to the club is a very ignorant statement mate. Seriously, every player is responsible for his actions where those action have the potential to have a commercial impact upon the club or bring the game and it's administration into question. In thsi case the community outrage also demanded action by the club. Like it or not the decision to stand him down was correct and explaining his actions to his employer to which he is contracted to is absolutely appropriate


I agree witn you on the media but seriously saying he should not have to explain himeself to the club is a very ignorant statement mate. Seriously, every player is responsible for his actions where those action have the potential to have a commercial impact upon the club or bring the game and it's administration into question. In thsi case the community outrage also demanded action by the club. Like it or not the decision to stand him down was correct and explaining his actions to his employer to which he is contracted to is absolutely appropriate

Why are people so keen surrender their civil liberties? Greg Bird is fu@#ckwit! I know that, but does it mean he shouldn't be allowed to play footy. I am an engineer! If I wumped my girlfriend on the weekend, should I never be allowed to work again?


Why are people so keen surrender their civil liberties? Greg Bird is fu@#ckwit! I know that, but does it mean he shouldn't be allowed to play footy. I am an engineer! If I wumped my girlfriend on the weekend, should I never be allowed to work again?

of course you would be allowed to work again, whether it is with the same company you currently work for would be up to them.

i work in a profession where if i did that and was subsequently charged I would not be able to work in that profession again.

the fact Greg Bird makes his living in a job that has given him a public profile, and that is where the money is created from in order to pay these wages, makes him alot more susceptible to not being able to earn that money from the same source.