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Greg Bird charged and released by Sharks

1. Yes in this case being a fu@#ckwit does mean he shouldn't be playing football
2. You bashing your missus has no commercial implications for your employer.if you were a well known Engineer who is a role model to all aspiring lil bob the builder fans and the media made it well known you bashed her, then clients said to your employer, we don't want him on our site or doing our work, then your employer would have little choice but to keep you off the job. If the continue to pay you they are doing nothing wrong legally. Nor are the Sharks, Bird is still being paid.


of course you would be allowed to work again, whether it is with the same company you currently work for would be up to them.

i work in a profession where if i did that and was subsequently charged I would not be able to work in that profession again.

the fact Greg Bird makes his living in a job that has given him a public profile, and that is where the money is created from in order to pay these wages, makes him alot more susceptible to not being able to earn that money from the same source.

The NRL is a monopoly - he can't move to a different firm. The trade off between money earned vs civil liberties is not a straightforward debate!


1. Yes in this case being a fu@#ckwit does mean he shouldn't be playing football
2. You bashing your missus has no commercial implications for your employer.if you were a well known Engineer who is a role model to all aspiring lil bob the builder fans and the media made it well known you bashed her, then clients said to your employer, we don't want him on our site or doing our work, then your employer would have little choice but to keep you off the job. If the continue to pay you they are doing nothing wrong legally. Nor are the Sharks, Bird is still being paid.

Come off it mate! You are smarter than Rebecca Wilson. People's personal lives have nothing to do football.
Come off it mate! You are smarter than Rebecca Wilson. People's personal lives have nothing to do football.

If you seriously believe this statement, thats up to you. IMO a player has both a contractual and moral responsibility as a public figure earning his income from a sport that is funded by both media rights and public monies (sponsors and fans), to be responsible in his off field activities. You will not find to many off field incident wose than what is alleged to have taken place in this instance.

Again, you are entitled to your opinion. So i will leave you to believe that
Its fast coming to the point where someone is bound to "glass" this thread.

This has been a community service announcement from Jatz Crackers.


If you seriously believe this statement, thats up to you. IMO a player has both a contractual and moral responsibility as a public figure earning his income from a sport that is funded by both media rights and public monies (sponsors and fans), to be responsible in his off field activities. You will not find to many off field incident wose than what is alleged to have taken place in this instance.

Again, you are entitled to your opinion. So i will leave you to believe that

I would like to see the deregistration of Todd Carney and the soon to be deregistered Greg Bird have their predicaments tested in court.


First Grade
Why are people so keen surrender their civil liberties? Greg Bird is fu@#ckwit! I know that, but does it mean he shouldn't be allowed to play footy. I am an engineer! If I wumped my girlfriend on the weekend, should I never be allowed to work again?

Bird signed a contract that would include clauses about adhering to certain behavourial standards, and about the possibly consequences of bringing the game and the club into disrepute.

The difference between an engineer beating his girlfriend and a professional rugby league player beating his girlfriend is that when it has disasterous consequences for the club and the NRL. If your picture was plastered all over the papers and your company was drawn into it, your company would react quite differently than they otherwise would


i work in a profession where if i did that and was subsequently charged I would not be able to work in that profession again.

The only positions I can think of where that would be the case is a teacher or child care worker.


The only positions I can think of where that would be the case is a teacher or child care worker.

or pretty much anything where public image is a concern...politicians, actors, etc. In these professions i'm sure its rather frowned upon to be in the newspapers for allegedly glassing your girl


or pretty much anything where public image is a concern...politicians, actors, etc. In these professions i'm sure its rather frowned upon to be in the newspapers for allegedly glassing your girl

Politician is another one where they couldn't work.

Actors could. Actors and similar (musicians, directors, etc.) have been charged and convicted and still been given jobs. Even a convicted pedophile is still directing/producing/writing.


Politician is another one where they couldn't work.

Actors could. Actors and similar (musicians, directors, etc.) have been charged and convicted and still been given jobs. Even a convicted pedophile is still directing/producing/writing.

I'm no expert, I'm hoping someone can maybe provide examples, but I would *assume* that film studios avoid casting people convicted of GBH (yes, i know bird hasn't had his day in court yet, it seems like most of this discussion is on the assumption that he will be found guilty though)


only because he pissed off to France to avoid prison

He never went to France and went to prison. Victor Salva served a year jail for the 5 counts of sexual misconduct with a 12-year old boy (with one of the children staring in a movie he directed).

El Diablo

Post Whore
He never went to France and went to prison. Victor Salva served a year jail for the 5 counts of sexual misconduct with a 12-year old boy (with one of the children staring in a movie he directed).
i'm talking about Polanski


First Grade

By Elle Halliwell
August 31, 2008


AFTER a dark week, Katie Milligan stepped into the sunshine yesterday, a pair of designer glasses hiding the injuries allegedly inflicted by her league star boyfriend Greg Bird.
The only visible evidence yesterday of the horrific glassing attack Bird has been charged with, was a vertical wound above her left eye, which an oversize pair of glasses could not conceal.

Ms Milligan, a New Yorker, seemed calm and relaxed when she left the Rydges Cronulla hotel, where she has been staying since her release from hospital.
She was accompanied by her father and a female friend, but hid her face with her handbag as she entered the hotel car park.
At the same time, police visited Bird's apartment, apparently to serve some documents on the suspended Sharks footballer.
Ms Milligan, 24, suffered a fractured eye socket and glass wounds to the eye last Sunday morning in the Cronulla unit she shared with Bird.
Doctors performed surgery at Prince of Wales Hospital last Monday but at first feared she might lose the sight in one eye.
Bird, who met Ms Milligan while he was holidaying in Las Vegas earlier this year, has been charged with maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm, an offence that carries a maximum penalty of 25 years in jail.
Police allege that Bird initially tried toget friend Brent Watson, who was staying at the unit, to take the blame for the attack.
But the plan unravelled when it was revealed the talented amateur golfer was playing in a tournament at the time. Bird, 24, will next face court on October 8, but has already been suspended by the Sharks.
It is expected his $350,000-a-year contract will be torn up, regardless of the outcome, to head off an exodus by sponsors.
The NRL is also moving to deregister him if he is found guilty, which will prevent him from playing rugby leaguein Australia.
It is understood Ms Milligan, a law student, is yet to agree to an interview with police.
Her lawyer, Campbell MacCallum, issued a statement last week saying she wanted to concentrate on recovering from her injuries. Mr MacCallum works for Gold Coast firm Ryan and Bosscher, listed on the website of Bird's manager Gavin Orr as a partner in Orr's company.
Police had also been keen to speak to Mr Orr about a visit he made to Ms Milligan's bedside on Tuesday.
Cronulla coach Ricky Stuart last night told how he visited Bird and Ms Milligan in hospital last Sunday morning.
"I got a phone call from a friend who saw Greg walking into Sutherland Hospital with a girl who had a problem,'' Stuart said.
"I headed straight to the hospital, where I spoke to Greg and a police officer. I realised we had a big problem (but) the major concern was obviously Katie's health.
"I was heading to church for my son Jack's Holy Communion when I got the call. I tried ringing Greg several times on the way, getting no better than a message, until after church, when I got a call back.''


The only positions I can think of where that would be the case is a teacher or child care worker.


if i did what Greg Bird is accused of doing i could not work again in my profession, and rightfully so.


Bird signed a contract that would include clauses about adhering to certain behavourial standards, and about the possibly consequences of bringing the game and the club into disrepute.

The difference between an engineer beating his girlfriend and a professional rugby league player beating his girlfriend is that when it has disasterous consequences for the club and the NRL. If your picture was plastered all over the papers and your company was drawn into it, your company would react quite differently than they otherwise would

It shouldn't be legal to put these ridiculous behavioural restrictions into a contract. Why should a footballer's right to earn a living be dictated by the moral judges on high like Rebecca Wilson?


First Grade
Interesting that Magnay on the Offsiders this morning said that when the full story comes out we would feel some sympathy towards Bird. She obviously knows something and was defending him.

This doesn't surprise me at all. After what happened at Coffs Harbour with the Bulldogs when the media went crazy on lies and hysteria when it was clear they were INNOCENT.

Have we not learnt anything from all this about how the media operate?