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Greg Bird charged and released by Sharks



That's what the witness said.

Milligen SAID

The court was told Bird and Ms Milligan initially told police Watson was responsible for the alleged atack.

Stop trying to twist facts. You listen to what a witness said someone said(who could have been talking about anything) rather than the victim themselves?
i get what your saying but......... is it really fair that some bloke can commit a crime and then come out of jail and start earning 400k plus a year and be a hero again? i think not...

you gotta put in perspective. i mean, if he was a bus driver or something yeh fine, but not someone in the public eye earning heaps of dosh.

he should do his time and then have to pick up the pieces of his shattered life the hard way like most crims would have to do. not have a successful career and million dollar lifestyle waiting on a silver platter for when he gets out.

I doubt that would happen. He'd be a few years older, bad reputation, etc. Would not get top $$$$.

Actually, if the judge had a sense of humour, he could show mercy to Bird and sentence him (if guilty) to 5 years of weekend detention.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
Because you are paraniod about what the media will do.

You know it is shtye he will get less heat than you would.

Simply answering the question - not saying it is what transpired.

come on Angry thats a f**king pissweak excuse if true.
of course he will face more scrutiny as do all players or celebs, politicians, people in the public eye, but i its true he's asked a mate to take the blame for something serious then there's no acceptable reason for it.

if this is correct, does he expect his mate to go to jail for him as well?

some f**king mate.....

if it transpires that his mate did it then i want to seethat guy charged, but doesnt his mate have witnesses and an alibi? far more then bird allegedly has...

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
come on Angry thats a f**king pissweak excuse if true.
of course he will face more scrutiny as do all players or celebs, politicians, people in the public eye, but i its true he's asked a mate to take the blame for something serious then there's no acceptable reason for it.

if this is correct, does he expect his mate to go to jail for him as well?

some f**king mate.....

if it transpires that his mate did it then i want to seethat guy charged, but doesnt his mate have witnesses and an alibi? far more then bird allegedly has...
Lets be clear I am talking hypertheticals.

Should you convince the judge and jury she was not sure who did it, you get off, this is a good ploy.

Have to be a good mate.

Seems to me the mate wanted nothing to do with it.

To be clear IF any individual did this, I am on th prosecutions side.

Bringing the mate in is smart not dumb, but asking a lot.


Bird will most probly get off. *edited*
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First Grade
wouldnt suprise me at all. fits the pattern of alot of domestic violence victims.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
He was playing golf at the time.

thats what i read and if confirmed blows holes in the 'flatmate did it story', which then leads to the question why has bird and this girl allegedly told the cops the flatmate did it. if they're lying and making statements like that then cant they be charged with perverting justice?

if bird has done it then i hope the girls family gets it through her head that this isnt acceptable and she should press on with charges, unfortunately as kikki has stated this is looking more and more like fitting the pattern of domestic violence

Rockin Ronny

the lies and the cover-up by Bird should be enough to see him de-registered by the NRL. he has brought the game into disrepute.

Umm, the game is owned by a media group who just want to make money and don't care about the players, clubs, game, fans - just selling PayTV and lowbrow newspapers. Players passion is for money, not the game. Traditional clubs have been defrauded, and kicked out or forced to merge simply to save News Limited money, regardless of damage to the game. Juniors and country footy are severely underfunded and going backwards. The NRL Footy Show which represents the code is an absolute national embarrassment. Also, events like "Greg Bird" are great for News - more fodder for lowbrow "journalists".

So, as this is what rugby league stands for - how can the "disrepute" be any worse? I'd say Greg Bird sums up the game pretty well.


Her alleged refusal to assist police is typical of the problems that police face worldwide in relation to domestic violence issues. The women say "help me help me" and then go crawling back to the attacker/partner convinced in their own mind that they somehow contributed to the attack.
They are somehow convinced that they can change the attacker and he still loves her - some love ! its why serial killers worldwide, get serious marriage proposals from women who are solicitors, doctors and other so called professional people.
At the end of the day, the victim has to take some responsibilty for her actions AFTER the attack. The authorities have better things to do that have repeat complaints of domestic violence from women (and sometimes men) tying up their time who dont want to help themselves.
That being said - There is NO excuse to hit a woman EVER.
Anyone who does is a low down scum who should be taken out by his mates and flogged to within an inch of his life and anyone out there who knows of one of his mates who is doing this needs to hang their heads in shame. Hes not a mate, hes a dog.

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