Um, I don't think the father's opinion alone is enough to declare the court case brought against Bird for his alleged actions to a close?
Imagine if that's the way the world worked :lol:. Nah, I'll take the legal system and its requirements for evidence, charges and proper hearings to judge innocence or otherwise any day thanks. And I'm happy the guy remains stood down by his employer for lying to his employer about the situation in the meantime - let's remember Bird is still drawing his cheques after all.
in regards to the court case, the charges will be dropped.
im sure of it (its an assumption but im quite confident of this)
in regards to what really happened, im saying that if her father has heard what happened and is happy for her to contiune her relationship with him, then that should be enough to show that there wasnt anything in the incident. not to the courts and not to the club, but to anyone he is following this story.
i for one will never let my daughter date a guy who is, in the slightest possibility, prone to doing something dangerous to her. unless i am totally conivnced that there was no malice in it, i would not let my daughter date the guy.
in regards to the court cases, that will be all over quite quickly.
im not saying i know what hapened but im making an assumption as to what could have happened and considering her father is happy for her to continue seeing him, shows there wouldnt be much in it.
if there was, then the father is an even bigger moron than his daughter.