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Grow up Queensland


First Grade
I'm not at all parochial about Origin, it's an entertaining distraction from the NRL. But Lockyer's refusal to acknowledge NSW in his speech was petty. The fire and brimstone in the heat of battle is great, but afterwards when hands are shaken you need to show a bit of respect. It's what rugby league has always been about. You expect more class than that from a player like Lockyer

I agree with that


I'm not at all parochial about Origin, it's an entertaining distraction from the NRL. But Lockyer's refusal to acknowledge NSW in his speech was petty. The fire and brimstone in the heat of battle is great, but afterwards when hands are shaken you need to show a bit of respect. It's what rugby league has always been about. You expect more class than that from a player like Lockyer
I noticed that and hoped that he just forgot... but that's a bit naive I think.
TLL doesnt play FB (well he was off the ground but that defeats the point), they knew who whey were kicking it too. Why didnt they run at the NSW forwards and try and steamroll them ala O'Meley in his prime.

One of the greatest collisions in Origin history was Webcke v O'Meley - in his prime. Atleast I think it was Webcke :?

Manu Vatuvei

The kick on the first tackle was disgraceful and embarrassing for the game. I know it'd be a first, being suspended for kicking the ball, but Cameron Smith should really face some sort of censure for that. SOO is apparently the centrepiece of our game and to see our biggest names involved in that sort of planned schoolyard gang thuggery is pretty pathetic really.

Hari Kari

Hey i cant see any threads from QLDers whinging about our team. And i cant see any screaming out for mass sackings. wtf ?thats what always happens here after a SOO loss!

Interesting that.

Queenslanders just cry about how State of Origin is dead and that they'll never watch again when they get dominated by NSW.


First Grade
The kick on the first tackle was disgraceful and embarrassing for the game. I know it'd be a first, being suspended for kicking the ball, but Cameron Smith should really face some sort of censure for that. SOO is apparently the centrepiece of our game and to see our biggest names involved in that sort of planned schoolyard gang thuggery is pretty pathetic really.

2 mins to go, i thought he bombed it up so nsw would drop it and we'd go over and score, i didn't see any malace in the kick to be honest...
2010 NSW Jersey. :lol: Even when they win they whine.


Mr Saab

Red Bear, toughen up. Its rugby league. We all loved the Kevin Tamati vs Dowling fight in 1985....we finally get something...something in the modern era and we have people wearing skirts like red bear.
Go and watch f**king netball you soft c**k


the only disappointing thing was there wasnt glass bottles to nail the scum blues with instead of plastic cups. most disgraceful refereeing and dirty filthy scum i have ever witnessed.

4 - 0.


First Grade
Queenslanders just cry about how State of Origin is dead and that they'll never watch again when they get dominated by NSW.

err, it was the nsw press who said it was dead and boring when nsw were dominating, qld was very much alive and always will be when it comes to origin.


First Grade
Brett White over reacted to a meaningless bit of niggle in a tackle, no doubt about that, altho the fight between him and Price was fair in that it was one on one etc, before the run in from Waterhouse where he was rightfully sent off. That should've been the end of it right there. Penalty Qld, on with the game

Instead we see these big tough Queenslanders put up a kick to Kurt Gidley and just line him up and smack him, before diving around searching for a fight (Hodges going for Creagh off the ball), followed by typical chest beating bullsh*t all round from f**kstains like Hodges and Thurston. Amongst all this we see beer cups etc being thrown onto the field the whole time, going to show that as much as you can modernise a ground like suncorp it will still be filled with Queenslanders.

This whole end to the game was disgusting play by those north of the border, and yet another display of the deeply set inferiority complex of those north of the border. Don't you think after 150 years as a state it is time to grow up a little bit? Realise that quality of state is based on football games. Realise that you dont actually have to worry about NSW, you can be your own state? NSW has never really gave a sh*t about the rest of the states, we know how good we are (even if we have a decidedly average football team as seen this series). Yet Qld are stuck in the mode of the inferiority complex, hell i remember t-ba on here saying that celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the formation of the state were being billed as 'Celebrate the day we broke away from NSW.'

You guys dominated the series, you have a very special side at the moment and could easily beat us next year as well. I also hope Steve Price is alright, he seems like an ok guy and is a brilliant player. The behavior at the end of the game however was disgraceful from both players and crowd and it's time for your state to enter the 21st century. If that's the famous Queensland spirit we saw out there tonight I'm glad it isnt present in my state.

Can you honestly say you think NSW wouldn't have done the same thing?

Manu Vatuvei

:lol::lol: 'He kicked the ball, suspend him.' Gold.

lol, I'll admit it's a stupid/impossible suggestion, but you're kidding yourself if you can't see how grubby that incident was.

Queensland were getting beaten and embarrassed on their own turf, one of their players tried to go toe to toe with an opponent and failed miserably, so they decided to basically stop playing the game and attempt to mug a random opposing player.

It was disgraceful and, yes, I'm sure that the fact this kind of thing gets applauded by so many is part of the reason why the game doesn't grow.

Red Bear

Red Bear, toughen up. Its rugby league. We all loved the Kevin Tamati vs Dowling fight in 1985....we finally get something...something in the modern era and we have people wearing skirts like red bear.
Go and watch f**king netball you soft c**k
I didnt give a sh*t about the fight between White and Price, they happen all the time, entertaining for the crowd and what not, and that was indeed the best one in a long while. But throughout league history the penalty will generally get given and they will move on with the game.

It was the after tactics of simply bombing it to the smallest player and swinging arms at him that i thought was pathetic unprofessional play, along with the missiles of the crowd up at Lang Park.


The smallest player? Have a f**king cry for god sake. You cannot be serious right? It wouldn't have mattered who took the ball up and to suggest it was aimed at one player is moronic. If he is so small and fragile that he cant handle a big hit he had the opportunity to pass the ball. Obviously he had the balls to take it like a man so I dont know what you are whinging about.


queensland are cowards:

* Thurston kicking a bloke in the face when his on the ground, possibly breaking his cheekbone

* Thaiday pushing nsw players over whilst they have their backs to him

* Price kneeing White whilst he was on the ground, which lead to the fight when Price hit the ground like a sack of sh*t

* Hodges, Turston etc coming in with swinging arms on Gidley (one of the smallest players on the field) whilst he is being tackled by two queenslanders already. If they really wanted to man up then they should have taken hit ups themselves. its easy to smash blokes when its 6 on 1. then again i suppose they saw what happened to price when it was 1 on 1

Queensland acted like a pack of spolit brats. the nsw forwards handed their arse to them all game (this was whilst missing o'donnell and weyman), the only way qld could try to save face was to do it illegally. coming in with swining arms and 4 on 1 one the smallest bloke on the field. these blokes wouldnt look out of place roaming the streets of lekemba

Manu Vatuvei

What I'm whinging about is our so-called top professional players completing forgetting about a supposedly serious game of rugby league and instead making a pre-determined attempt to mug an opposition player. That's just some pitiful sh*t if rugby league is trying to be for real as a sport.

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