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Hayne missing. Spags pissed off. Our crap in the Tele again !


Post Whore
First of all I think it should've been mandatory for him to turn up sunday I mean he is paid around half a million a year. Missing training no problems he is injured and needs to rehab.

But pretty simple it shows what sort of team mate he is. From all the games I seen on the weekend any origin player that didn't play were in the stands or in the box watching their team. Shows the culture the club has.

It probably should have been mandatory - but the coach gave him the day off. You can't give him the day off and put restrictions on it.

It's easy to say that it's a reflection of his attitude when we're struggling because everyone is in hysteria mode, but I hardly think a bloke enjoying a well-earned rest while his team got belted (which would have happened regardless of whether he was present at the game or not) is a big issue or symptomatic of deep cultural issues at the club (though I do think we have problems in that department myself).


Post Whore
I'm just glad that he's still eating his vegies.
I hate to think he went down the "Piggy Riddell" recovery path and was photgraphed in KFC.



Post Whore
So Jarryd prefers woolies over coles and aldi et al....

Most interesting part of the story.

So SK actually does some good management, gives his injuried star a break, and people complain.

Still hey a woolies man.....

I don't understand the uproar - of either point.


Everyone knew we were going to lose. I'm guessing Hayne took Wednesday night pretty hard with the heartbreaking loss and Kearney though it would be better psychologically for him to not be there at the game/in the sheds for round 2 considering him being 100% is our only chance of pulling off a miracle and avoiding the spoon.

It would've been brilliant if some knuckle head hadn't sent the photo and the story to those a$$clowns at the DT.

barney gumble

This is a really, really, really, really, REALLY non-important issue.[/QUOTE]

And this is the type of attitude contributing to our place on the ladder.

Hanyne should have been there, should have refused any suggestion not to be there. Hayne was the only origin player who didn't attend his teams match this weekend, Billy Slater and Cameron Smith sat up in the box with their coach, for instance. Hayne played on the wing in origin, and hardly set the world on fire, he's our highest paid player and we are coming dead last.

Yes, not the most important issue going, but Hayne bloody well should've been there.


Injured players at other clubs are usually at the games. Given the game was played in Sydney, I think it's poor form for him to not want to be there.

As you say, it's USUAL. But it doesn't always happen. Plenty of injured blokes don't turn up - and I'd guarantee you that 100% of the blokes who the coach orders NOT to be there don't actually front up.

the club pays your salary... while you are missing over 6 weeks...

the least hayne could do is turn up for his team and club.

If the club pays his salary, then isn't it up to THEM and not YOU to decide what he does? Sounds to me like his boss (SK) told him not to come to the game and have a rest instead. If his boss tells him what to do, then surely earning his cash means he does what he says...

1 Hayne should want to be there

Ah brilliant. So because he was spotted doing the thing that his coach told him to, we can safely assume that he didn't want to be there??

I do think the most pressing issue to come out of this thread is the aforementioned ripoff on broccoli. Take your business elsewhere people!


Jarryd Hayne has to play with these donkeys year in year out so i don't blame him for wanting to get far away from these hopeless plodders

Woolworths the fresh food people > Willie Tonga


2. I'm not sure Spagnolo is as dense as he is making himself out to be here. I think he saw an opportunity to put a black mark against Kearney's name & took it (forward planning). The journalist just decided to slant the article to taint Hayne.
Exactly. Spags wouldn't be so dumb as to involve himself in any parra slow news day story.

I think he overestimates how much of a "case" he/th Board needs to build to "justify" a decision for the early sacking of Kearney to the fans/members. Based on performance alone, the case wouldn't need to even half as "solid" as the case assembled against D Anderson (even though that was pretty shoddy at the time).
He was doing what most of us were doing - heard the half time score, and only turned the TV on at 5:30pm, the rest of it wasn't worth watching


Post Whore
This is a really, really, really, really, REALLY non-important issue.

And this is the type of attitude contributing to our place on the ladder.

Hanyne should have been there, should have refused any suggestion not to be there. Hayne was the only origin player who didn't attend his teams match this weekend, Billy Slater and Cameron Smith sat up in the box with their coach, for instance. Hayne played on the wing in origin, and hardly set the world on fire, he's our highest paid player and we are coming dead last.

Yes, not the most important issue going, but Hayne bloody well should've been there.[/QUOTE]

That attitude is contributing nothing of the sort. You're getting your knickers in a knot over nothing.
settle petals there is still a LOT of unknowns here if you all want to run off half cocked assuming you know what's going on without all the facts then join the telegraph writing staff you'll fit right in

did jarryd ask to go to the game? was he told by kearney not to go? if so, why? why wasn't spagnolo told? why did spagnolo go running to the media before talking to kearney and hayne behind closed doors first?
if he was told to go and didnt show up thats one thing but if he was given the time off whats the big deal?

Eels Dude

did jarryd ask to go to the game? was he told by kearney not to go? if so, why? why wasn't spagnolo told? why did spagnolo go running to the media before talking to kearney and hayne behind closed doors first?
if he was told to go and didnt show up thats one thing but if he was given the time off whats the big deal?

It's a big deal to Spags apparently, and from the sounds of it giving him the day off was not something Kearney had the authority to do, or it was basically assumed the coach would not allow players such provisions in the first clase. Either way, him airing his opinions via the media before finding out what the deal was himself shows how unprofessional our club can be at times and the lack of communication between certain parties.


Post Whore
i tell ya what - i can see where Jarryd got his big boot from - his dad is on fox in a game from '92 and gee he's got a big boot on him too

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