N.Hindmarsh_Fan said:
According to most links I could find, Hendrix and Page are always amongst the top with Van Halen trailing. The above link is an overall genre guitarist list, looks pretty fair to me.
I'm no guitarist but I would rather listen to Hendrix over Van Halen. Its all good and well to be able to play the guitar in a technical manner, but if the sound coming from the guitar isn't flowing and isnt appealing then its much like a person who is good at tricks with a soccer ball but put him on the field and he can't do much else but show boat.
Anyways, that's why I reckon.
Hendrix solos dont flow:? like Van Halen they didn't really have the flow on affect of someone like Slash who was renowned for it.
It's all about techincal ability, if you cannot play in the first place then emotion is irrelevent. David Lee Roth was just a sensationla, charismatic showman, but would you call him the best singer of all time because of these attributes?
Eruption is appealing, it's widely regarded as the solo that changed the guitar, keep doing the research and you'll see this;-)
Eddie was the complete guitarist, he had all the tricks, diversity actually according to the great Frank Zappa who thanked Eddie for reinventing the guitar, that says that guitar needed to change to have an impact on aspiring guitarist, Eddie certainly did that. His guitar playing influenced everyone from Kirk Hammett to Diamond Darrell, his guitar was used by Michael Jackson in Beat it and one last thing, please dont bring polls into it:lol: according to Rolling Stones Kurt Cobain is ranked as the 13th best guitarist of all time:lol: polls have agendas, always have and always will....and c**k rock is always discriminated against in these polls, so much so Joe Satriani was even in the top 100....you still want to bring polls into it?:lol: