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How is Anthony Mundine not considered racist?


Whatever hey, I guess all my Indigenous Justice lecturers at university are wrong, as are the dozens, hundreds even of authors who have written scholarly articles on the topic after years of research.

You guys are all right, Aboriginals in Australia aren't disadvantaged at all, they're just racist to white people. They get stuff for free, therefore they're just whinging and it's actually us white Australians that get it tough.

Maybe you and your indigenous justice lecturers need to walk down the Townsville Mall or through some parts of Cairns for a bit of perspective !


HOLY SHT PPL....I just looked in the mirror and have only just discovered i am WHITE..well no hang on...i'm not really white...i'm sorta brown...you know not dark brown, but kinda light brown...sort of an nice caramelish, little bit of orange, dash of well light yellow i suppose...i have portuguese blood from about 200 years ago, so i spose that makes me a black cnt-i mean i'm blacker than Geoff Clark and he's aborigoine??
i'm so confused...????


He has a fight coming up doesnt he,don't play into this poor individual hands,go and watch the grass grow or similar,much more substance than biting on this fellows bait.
Exactly, Mundine is out for Mundine. He couldn't give a f**k about the indigenous community unless it suits him to.
well this honky certainly enjoyed watching him play footy.
It's all about minority groups... Imagine if the city of Sydney organised a Heterosexual parade promoting and celebrating the theme or heterosexuality, the gays and lesbians would be up in arms.

I thought heterosexuals were a minority group in Sydney... :lol:


First Grade
"Originally Posted by hellteam
Whatever hey, I guess all my Indigenous Justice lecturers at university are wrong, as are the dozens, hundreds even of authors who have written scholarly articles on the topic after years of research. "

hahahaha...you doin comedy at uni mate???
or your doin what most arts graduates are doin at uni?
wastin our money and fudgeing an already pickled brain....
Indiginous Justice Lecturers..pull the other one...it plays tutorials on Derrida..

You have to pay money to go to uni, it's not all free from the government.

Although it's good to see you didn't waste my tax money, you obviously didn't even go to high school.


First Grade

Spend some time at Sir David Longlands (assuming you are white) and then tell me that Aborigines can't be racist.

Aborigines have had a tough hand dealt to them, nobody is disputing this, but to say ANY race can't be racist to another race is ludicrous.

Your opinion, there's a lot who will disagree with you. As I've said before, they may be prejudice against whites, but true racism involves power.


You have to pay money to go to uni, it's not all free from the government.

It's called AbStudy genius. Free tertiary education as well as a fortnightly allowance significantly greater than the equivalent payment to everyone else.

I don't care whether someone is black, white or purple. I DO care when they get access to free education and centrelink payments and take it for granted, while everyone else has a huge HECS debt to pay off and needs to work through uni because Youth Allowance simply isn't enough to live off.

Academics know sweet f*ck all about anything in the real world. I did my degree in Economics, and you can be damn sure anything you learn in an economics textbook doesn't work in the real world.

Like that other guy said, get out of the lecture theater and go and visit some Aboriginal communities and see for yourself. Part of the problem is that opportunities are limited, but most of the problem is that they don't make the most of the opportunities they DO have.

EDIT: Back to the topic. Mundine is an idiot and anything that comes out of his mouth is drivel. We would all be better off if the media shunned him.


Your opinion, there's a lot who will disagree with you. As I've said before, they may be prejudice against whites, but true racism involves power.

So Aborigines can't be racist because there aren't that many of them?

I've said it before, this is political correctness gone mad.

If a white guy "I'm awesome because I'm white" then it's racist.

If a black guy says "I'm awesome because I'm black" then it's empowerment.


First Grade
It's called AbStudy genius. Free tertiary education as well as a fortnightly allowance significantly greater than the equivalent payment to everyone else.

I don't care whether someone is black, white or purple. I DO care when they get access to free education and centrelink payments and take it for granted, while everyone else has a huge HECS debt to pay off and needs to work through uni because Youth Allowance simply isn't enough to live off.

Academics know sweet f*ck all about anything in the real world. I did my degree in Economics, and you can be damn sure anything you learn in an economics textbook doesn't work in the real world.

Like that other guy said, get out of the lecture theater and go and visit some Aboriginal communities and see for yourself. Part of the problem is that opportunities are limited, but most of the problem is that they don't make the most of the opportunities they DO have.

EDIT: Back to the topic. Mundine is an idiot and anything that comes out of his mouth is drivel. We would all be better off if the media shunned him.

I know what Abstudy is, I'm not Indigenous so I don't get it. He was having a go at me for wasting his money by going to uni.

Racism is ingrained into White Australia's culture. There can be no f*ckin denying it. You may say that giving Aboriginals money should help them - but we have been doing this for 30+ years and the fact is that Aboriginal's life expectancy is 20 YEARS LOWER than white Australian's, 13 times more likely to go to jail, Aboriginal youths are 26 times more likely to be involved in the criminal justice system. The list goes on.

You have to think of the last 200 years of disadvantage they have experienced. Who are we to tell them how to live? We give them money - a lot of it just feeds their alcohol/drug addictions (one of our lovely gifts to them?)

There's no easy answer to this at all, I don't know what the government should do, but I'm pretty sure it's extremely obvious whatever is happening now isn't working. They're in a hard place, but it's not just the government's responsibility, it's all of Australia's. Everyone's attitude has to change, Aboriginals in today's society are pretty much immediately labeled as 'deviant' - they are extremely over policed because of this and in turn they have way too much contact with the criminal justice system which pretty much stuffs up any chance they have of making a successful life for themselves.

This is why things like Johns' comments mean so much to Aboriginals, there needs to be a change, and good on Tahu for sticking with what he believes in. Mundine is a jerk no doubt, but he is not a racist. He is talking the truth in his articles (about Indigenous Australians anyway - not Muslims/911) and Australia does need to change.

Eels Dude

I know what they're teaching me. I know that's part of it, but racism isn't simply just hating a person of a different race. Obviously you think it is, but it's part of a system of power that has been going on for generations, in this case - Aboriginals and European Australia.

I'm not going to argue any more - have a search on the internet about it if you want, there is so much information that agrees with what I am saying. But of course, there is also information that doesn't agree, but if you take some time to read about what 'racism' really is you might see where I'm coming from.

You're delusional. Just because some scholar is telling you that that's what rascism is about you believe their every word. Rascism isn't something you need to study at university or read countless articles about to understand the concept. It's a very f**king concept thing to understand. Just because some scholars are trying to read into and define and re-write their own opinions and try and pass them off as fact, overcomplicating the most simple of things to sound smart, doesn't mean you should believe their every word. And I studied a couple of subjects about this during my uni days just for the record.

I'm not going to search on the internet for a definition of rascism because every tom, dick and harry know knows what it means so stop trying to sound smarter than everyone else because you're coming across as the fool. Look up what prejudice in the dictionary if you must, because that's what rascism is a form of and where the term comes from. Simple as that.


First Grade
You're delusional. Just because some scholar is telling you that that's what rascism is about you believe their every word. Rascism isn't something you need to study at university or read countless articles about to understand the concept. It's a very f**king concept thing to understand. Just because some scholars are trying to read into and define and re-write their own opinions and try and pass them off as fact, overcomplicating the most simple of things to sound smart, doesn't mean you should believe their every word. And I studied a couple of subjects about this during my uni days just for the record.

I'm not going to search on the internet for a definition of rascism because every tom, dick and harry know knows what it means so stop trying to sound smarter than everyone else because you're coming across as the fool. Look up what prejudice in the dictionary if you must, because that's what rascism is a form of and where the term comes from. Simple as that.

I was just answering the question in the title of the thread. I'm not trying to sound smart, I was just saying why Mundine isn't considered a racist.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
It is pretty blind to pretend that there aren't massive disadvantages towards indigenous Australians built into the social structure of Australia. It isn't just about money guys. Financial capital is only one type of capital.

Sure, there are attempts to even the playing field but lets face it less than 5 percent of indigenous Australians hold a BA or higher. I was EXPECTED since I was like 5 to go to university and gain qualifications.

It isn't just indigenous Australians either who are disadvantaged btw. They are just a very obvious example.


Just as some anecdotal evidence I work in a smallish highschool as a head of department which means I have to on occasions deal with troublesome teens. 99 percent of them have total deadsh*t parents. This kind of thing is ten thousand times more important than easier access to university. The fact that seemingly we have entire generations of people who are failing school BEFORE they step in the door is problematic.


Surely, ones ability to use the various institutions within Australian society is more important then just throwing money at a problem. As I said it isn't just indigenous Australians but for example children from lower income groups (especially boys) can be outright hostile towards education. It is a fairly tricky situation and one I don't really know any answer to. School is hardly some magical level playing field though.

Money is a feel good solution and it makes the politicians look like they are doing something. This kind of sh*t can't be just fixed with money though. It is a real problem.
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"you obviously didn't even go to high school."

er, Psychology (science degree mind u ) at London Guildhall Uni 93-96 and Master of arts in Cog Science UNSW 1998.

Blacks in africa are the first evidence of so called Racism-to witt-blacks started it...
go and look at how albinos have been treated by blacks for thousands of years...who are we (so called whites)? we're just africans that have lost our skin pigment...and we have been getting sht from them ever since-even tho, on the whole, we kindly went back there and tried to give them civilisation...most of them appreciated it..

Pete Cash

Post Whore
Albinos are of the same race though.


When I did my MA they left out the illiterate troll component.


Whatever hey, I guess all my Indigenous Justice lecturers at university are wrong, as are the dozens, hundreds even of authors who have written scholarly articles on the topic after years of research.

You guys are all right, Aboriginals in Australia aren't disadvantaged at all, they're just racist to white people. They get stuff for free, therefore they're just whinging and it's actually us white Australians that get it tough.

yes they are, or at least the ones where you got your information, come up to cairns and you take a walk around shang st in earlville, youre theory will be blown totally out of the water
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First Grade
But seriously, racism isn't just about actions. An Aboriginal can come up to me and go, you white merkin, but what has it achieved? Nothing. It hasn't changed the past 200 years of history, hasn't changed the disadvantage, hasn't changed anything. But by Johns saying that, and people ignoring the fact that Indigenous people are disadvantaged and by blaming it on themselves, it just continues the fact that White Australians are easily the most privileged people in Australian society and further pushes Indigenous Australians away.

And that's why I, and many many others, think black people can't be truly racist.

Eels Dude

But seriously, racism isn't just about actions. An Aboriginal can come up to me and go, you white merkin, but what has it achieved? Nothing. It hasn't changed the past 200 years of history, hasn't changed the disadvantage, hasn't changed anything. But by Johns saying that, and people ignoring the fact that Indigenous people are disadvantaged and by blaming it on themselves, it just continues the fact that White Australians are easily the most privileged people in Australian society and further pushes Indigenous Australians away.

And that's why I, and many many others, think black people can't be truly racist.

What's that got to do with racism though???? It's a two way street. You keep contradicting yourself by overcomplicating the term racism as something determined based on history and disadvantage bla bla bla. It's got nothing to do with privelage or anything like that. You've still not explained one reason why 'black people can't truly be racist' without referring to disadvantage etc. That's irrelevant. Sometimes these scholars right with an agenda as opposed to taking an objective view and that's where the failure in their logic lies.


First Grade
It's got everything to do with it, white people hold the power.

Here you go...


"..one can hold to race prejudice - defined as antipathy towards members of a racial group based on that groups racial identify - without being a racist for the simple fact that not all groups have the same access to power. If I am a member of a racial group that does not control the dominant social institutions - that is, I do not enjoy structural power - and that is disadvantaged by the workings of prevailing social relations, then I cannot translate my race prejudice into racism. So saying that a black man is racist because he holds bigoted attitudes concerning white people depends on a faulty definition of racism."

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