I share the schooner's view. If I may articulate my own version thereof though:
I myself would put Clinton in that class of players who did try hard this year, but like some of the other forwards, the hard labour of the season (and league hangover from seasons past) took more than its fair toll on them.
We all saw how they seemed to fizzle a bit in the latter matches. When the Souths 'premier league standard' forward pack are ripping through your international and rep players like they are crepe paper, somethings gone horribly wrong and for whatever reason, the players did not play as Lang would have instructed.
And it wasnt wrong at the start of the year, remember the Panthers sat comfortably in third in a round not too close to Round 1. They were very competitive when they butchered a valliant bunnies on Mothers day.
In my view, the change of fortune cannot be accounted by a change of heart alone but moreso, by the cumultaive forces of wanton destruction played out upon them both physically and pyschologically.
This is one tough game. You have to be very strong indeed to remain at the elite level. You have to have a very high pain threshold too. Most of us who took a solid first grade tackle would be unlikely to be able to move for several minutes. These boys just get up and keep playing. Our bodies are simply not designed to take such impacts and our minds, for the most part, are not made to withstand the terrible pressure of first grade and all of the responsibility and obligation that entails.
A players lot is not as easy as people may think.
Now I dont pretend to know how to fix this problem, except to say that coaches like Bennett do. We all saw how strong the Bronco's were playing late in the season. Bennett himself has quite a crew of coacing staff, all working in perfect syncronicity towards the ultimate prize. Amazing.
News this week at Souths that the bunnies have set up their own "High Performance Unit" especially designed to condition players physically. Staff include those snitched from the Rugby Union (another gold star for league!). Theres several staff in this unit too.
Souths are first NRL club to appoint a full time IT officer and are setting up "SI"-yes, Souths Interactive.
As I said earlier, theres a compelling case to consult these experts (and I add before day one or close thereto) and utilize their fine and expert skills to bring about the right mind-set for sustained effort over the entire season.
The Panthers have gone through significant structural change but they must keep up with the pack on these modern methods and technologies.
So no more screaming at players, thats soo 20th Century!
Anyway, thats my take on it.
Cheers everyone