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How many have come over.


I went on the Parra one, its alright but its not attractive to look at (unlike myself) and is too strict (unlike myself too).

I like these forums but if i had one problem with it is that sometimes your post gets overlooked because theres so many people or there are alot of stupid posts because of some many people too but then again in a smaller forum there arent alot of new posts and opinions everytime you go on.


crusader-eel said:
I never registered at the official site but I used to read it. I really enjoyed some of the songs that were posted there - very funny some of them. I still cannot hear My Sharona without think of My Timana. :)

Hahaha me neither! I sing the new vesion subconsciously!

goboggo said:
I really don't know what to make of that.
You're the internet's most famous pain in the butt;-)

Junior, I am so pleased that you had such a good time in Sydney!!! Everytime I hear anything about Dean, he sounds more and more impressive.


Parra R 4 Me said:
Hello Lissa,
Yes Sean and I did get down to Parra and watch the Parra/Souths game and Sean got to meet Dean Widders.
We had a great time, because we had to wait so long for Dean after the game he made sure we didn't miss out on meeting some of the Eels players that were still at the stadium. So Sean also got to meet both Hindy's, Inu, Cordaba and a few others. Sean was in his elements, and must admit I was too.
We just loved the stadium, we were only 7 rows back from the fence, and I said to Sean if Jarryd comes near the fence you better hold me back as I will grab him and take him home, but playing fullback he wasn't near us much :(:(:(.
When we got back to Brisbane I said to hubby we all will be driving down next year and all going to the Stadium.
Hellsy contacted me to catch up but unfortunely we missed each other, we did chat on the phone for a short time while we were waiting for Dean in the official area and she had to go. So when we come down next year I hope I can catch up with quite a few fellow supporters back at the Leagues club for a drink.
Also YES Sean did win his baseball grand final 17-3

and before I go a BIG HELLO TO EVERYONE WHO HAVE COME OVER and Hippy why don't you post something I'm sure everyone will appreciate your sparkles signs.

Oh well!!
We will catch up again Im sure!


goboggo said:

I really don't know what to make of that.
:lol: Just stirring and didn't mean a thing, just remember your name from lurking at the official board. Was going to say the same thing to Bourbon who posted after me, but the time has passed.

You're right it's taken them longer than I thought to install new software and migrate. But as long as people feel welcome here too whenever they want or need, that's all that matters.

Parra Guru

eels_fan_01 said:
I went on the Parra one, its alright but its not attractive to look at (unlike myself) and is too strict (unlike myself too).

I like these forums but if i had one problem with it is that sometimes your post gets overlooked because theres so many people or there are alot of stupid posts because of some many people too but then again in a smaller forum there arent alot of new posts and opinions everytime you go on.

yeah it sometimes is hard like that, because there is a lot more interaction between certain members. You've just gotta remember that people go into threads looking for different things/different purposes. I do find it better because it's not as hard to keep up to date with threads and new posts than the official site, which was hard because your new topics would sometimes end up on page 2 by the time they were posted by the mod.

Bourbon Man

Twizzle said:
no you can't, thats why both sites have moderators to police the rules and its also why some sites get shot down due to lack of moderating
Is it just me or does it seem somewhat incongruous that a 'moderator' of a forum that, via it's members, champions it's freedom from the tyranny of moderation, says in one breath, that moderation is requisite to 'police the rules', then sanctimoniously quotes one Evelyn Beatrice Hall via his signature (likely believing flaciously that it was Voltaire), that he 'defends to death' the right of free speech!!


P.S. I made a remark on the filthy_spammers site a few days ago that *could* be described by a sensitive judiciary as 'defamatory'. I note the site hasn't been 'shot down' (excepting for the routine technical problems).

P.P.S. I'm trying to behave! Honest!! :oops:


Staff member
There is a difference between expressing an opinion within the rules of the forum and exercising your freedom of speech, which can cause litigation against the site.

For example, its the difference between expressing your opinion as your opinion, rather than stating your opinion as fact.

If there is anything you don't understand, feel free to ask or discuss the matter further.


I'd like to know exactly what it was about my comments re: the official board that were deemed "not to be spoken about".


Sorry to crash the party everyone but since Lissa outed me, I would like to say hello!

It's true... I have been lurking. I have missed all my friends from the Official Forum too. I actually found you on the Sydney FC Forum Goboggo - I miss reading stuff from you and Bourby and Red and Lissa and Snowy and JayJay and everyone else too. My love of Tim has not had a hammering in a while now!

Eels_R_No_1 it is nice to read from you again too! I thought of you at the Rabbits game and hope you had a wonderful time. Unfortunately I didnt make it to that game as I was elsewhere but had I been there I would of definitely come and said hello and shown you my signs!!! :) I have two now!!!

Even though I am not a Mod, I think you will find that the Operators of the Board don't want to get into "Board Wars" where someone bags out another board on this one.

Some such things have happened before and ended badly. So as I think it stands, if you have a problem about the official message board, send them an email about it as posting here wont help.


ok, I understand the reasoning, but I think the mods should wait to see how the conversation pans out. That's really their job, not cutting off all comment in case it gets nasty. It's all been pretty civil, don't you think?

It's a thread about who has come over, I made some comparisons. It's hardly looked like turning into a slanging match.

Hi Hippy!!
We had the same thing happen this year with people running tipping comps that weren't affiliated with the site. But I don't think the posts are removed more that people like Twizzle, who is not only a mod but a Parramatta fan, and complete post whore :D will just gently point out that this could go in that direction, so lets make sure we steer it away from it. Which I think you will find his comments have done.

I think you can make comparisons with this board, the SydneyFC board and the Official Board in how they work and all but then saying one is better then they other starts to get iffy.

Also it is like the Coaches comments,

You can't say the Ref is a Blind Cheat, but can say " We didn't get the rub of the green today".

So you can say,
I like this feature or that feature I dislike, but can't say. This feature is better over that feature.


Staff member
goboggo said:
I'd like to know exactly what it was about my comments re: the official board that were deemed "not to be spoken about".

not sure what you said, but in general we don't use this site to dis other sites no matter which ones they are,

basically what has happened in the past is that people get banned form other sites and use this place to air their grevences and thats not what this place is about, we prefer to talk footy

if you didn't bag the official site we may not have been referring to your coments

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