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How many weeks for GI???


I'll tell you what's funny, the fact that there's a 23 page thread about GI's high shot, and there is no thread in existence about Travis Burns', which was twice as bad and resulted in him being sent from the field.

Just goes to show how bloody obsessed this 'rugby league' forum seems to be with South Sydney and it's players.

There can't simply be a bit of measured, normal discussion about a tackle gone wrong. The usual suspects come crawling out of the woodwork, and have to stir up the hornets nest of vitriol that inevitably envelopes any thread that has anything remotely to do with Souths.

Honestly, I joined this forum because I wanted to be able to discuss rugby league with fans of other teams as well, to get a more balanced viewpoint than the one I get on my team's own forum.

Instead, it's just a bunch of idiots having a 24 hour a day dick measuring contest, spouting a bunch of complete crap. League Unlimited my arse. It's 1% rugby league talk, 99% shit.

Some of you need to get a f**king life.

On the GI incident, it was a poor tackle. No malice, no intent, but it was poorly executed, and when you execute poorly when unleashing a shoulder charge running at the speed Inglis was, it's going to go pretty badly wrong.

He has 7 years+ without an incident, so he gets 25% reduction in points for that, and another 25% for early guilty plea. He'll be deservedly on the sidelines for a couple of weeks, and this is coming from a Bunnies fan.

Woe is me bullshit. You just happened to join the forum at a time when your team is in the midst of amazing run of success (amazing coincidence). Guess what the first sporting issue reported on Sunrise was this morning? The GI incident followed by the Burns one. (its news mate)

These threads are started all the time, see the Cam Smith on the front page also. Burns incident happened more recently than GI's and he is playing for a bottom feeder so its not got the same relevance. (it will still get some chatter dont you worry)

As for the furor about the incident, Union fans clearly finding there game terminally boring at the moment, and want to try to modify League to something resembling there game but far more interesting. Getting rid of the Shoulder Charge doesn't stop an incident like this happening. (see previously mentioned Burns incident for example)

jack coburn

This picture once and for all shows Inglis first contact was not with the head. No case to answer



just le me know 1 thing. Did he knock him out with an elbow to the chest or a shoulder to the head, Cause looking at this picture it is pretty evident his shoulder is about to hit the point of his chin and seeing we are talking about a shoulder charge just because his elbow hits his chest 1st is totaly irrelavent. This just proves what everyones been saying, that his shoulder to the head done the damage.doesnt matter where his elbow went the 1st contact his shoulder made was to the head. Pretty simple for everyone except souths fans. Might have been a accident but thats just how it is.

kurt faulk

just le me know 1 thing. Did he knock him out with an elbow to the chest or a shoulder to the head, Cause looking at this picture it is pretty evident his shoulder is about to hit the point of his chin and seeing we are talking about a shoulder charge just because his elbow hits his chest 1st is totaly irrelavent. This just proves what everyones been saying, that his shoulder to the head done the damage.doesnt matter where his elbow went the 1st contact his shoulder made was to the head. Pretty simple for everyone except souths fans. Might have been a accident but thats just how it is.

good luck trying to make some salient points to these mentally challenged souffs supporters.

they're still living in the 80s and don't understand how careless and reckless tackle charges came about.


Usain Bolt

just le me know 1 thing. Did he knock him out with an elbow to the chest or a shoulder to the head, Cause looking at this picture it is pretty evident his shoulder is about to hit the point of his chin and seeing we are talking about a shoulder charge just because his elbow hits his chest 1st is totaly irrelavent. This just proves what everyones been saying, that his shoulder to the head done the damage.doesnt matter where his elbow went the 1st contact his shoulder made was to the head. Pretty simple for everyone except souths fans. Might have been a accident but thats just how it is.

It's called whiplash! no contact was made with the head, it was the force of the hit rather than where it hit him. The head rocked back which caused him to be concussed due to whiplash, the brain inside the skull moves around and when there is massive impact there is a concussion, has nothing to do with being hit in the head


I would have thought that even the most rabid bunnies fan would be able to see that, intentional or not, it was a reckless shoulder charge and it made massive contact with the head - and not because The tackled player dipped into it or was taken from behind etc. Inglis is a tall guy, if hes going to use a shoulder he needs to be extra careful. He wasnt and he's lucky that, at the pace he was moving, a concussion is all that resulted. These players must be tough. A hit like that would have killed half the posters on this forum and maimed the other half. It was reckless and it was high. It's just inescapable. The issue is only how long he gets based on his record etc.

There's no margin of error in these shoulder charges. Unless the judiciary is prepared to come down hard on them when they go wrong they will end up being banned. I have no issue with legal shoulder charges, a such, the problem is the damage they do when they go wrong, and they do seem to go wrong a little too often.


just le me know 1 thing. Did he knock him out with an elbow to the chest or a shoulder to the head, Cause looking at this picture it is pretty evident his shoulder is about to hit the point of his chin and seeing we are talking about a shoulder charge just because his elbow hits his chest 1st is totaly irrelavent. This just proves what everyones been saying, that his shoulder to the head done the damage.doesnt matter where his elbow went the 1st contact his shoulder made was to the head. Pretty simple for everyone except souths fans. Might have been a accident but thats just how it is.
Yeh that's completely wrong. The judiciary takes into consideration initial point of contact because it goes a long way to determining intent.


It's called whiplash! no contact was made with the head, it was the force of the hit rather than where it hit him. The head rocked back which caused him to be concussed due to whiplash, the brain inside the skull moves around and when there is massive impact there is a concussion, has nothing to do with being hit in the head

No contact was made with the head.


You want to watch the footage again with both eyes open?


Yeh that's completely wrong. The judiciary takes into consideration initial point of contact because it goes a long way to determining intent.

When initial point of contact is an incidental leading ELBOW a nano second before the shoulder smashed into the head I do t think its gonna help him. Initial point of contact I relevant when, for example, an arm slides up from the chest etc. The initial point of contact for the shoulder was the head in this case.


What we need in this debate is more clueless union merkins. That's who we all want to hear from.


More proof that the souths supporter base is a human sewer.

And this thread has been more proof - not that I needed it - that you St Merge skirts sit down to go to the toilet, wax your bikini lines and get f**ked up the a*** by your boyfriends most evenings. Here's a thought, next time you put your dress on and get ready to go to your next sporting event make it a Swans game where your femininity might actually be appreciated. They even wear the same colours so you'll still be able to wear your prettiest red and white skirt and fit in with the rest of the girls.


If you've got nothing to say you can always insult someone. That's a great tactic.
His lifted forearm could be a problem, but the initial contact wasn't with the head.

The initial contact was the chest, talking about the shoulder's initial contact is geniused.

If we start punting players for where different parts of the body first contact in a tackle, each part a separate responsibility for the player, the game ceases to exist today.

Just unfortunate, he'll probably get a week or two from it for the lifted forearm.

I hope Dean Young is ok.


His lifted forearm could be a problem, but the initial contact wasn't with the head.

The initial contact was the chest, talking about the shoulder's initial contact is geniused.

If we start punting players for where different parts of the body first contact in a tackle, each part a separate responsibility for the player, the game ceases to exist today.

Just unfortunate, he'll probably get a week or two from it for the lifted forearm.

I hope Dean Young is ok.

What is a 'lifted' forearm that doesn't come in contact with the head? There's countless examples of hits where the force is transfered through the arm and specifically the forearm and contact is made arm to chest.


And this thread has been more proof - not that I needed it - that you St Merge skirts sit down to go to the toilet, wax your bikini lines and get f**ked up the a*** by your boyfriends most evenings. Here's a thought, next time you put your dress on and get ready to go to your next sporting event make it a Swans game where your femininity might actually be appreciated. They even wear the same colours so you'll still be able to wear your prettiest red and white skirt and fit in with the rest of the girls.

lol :D


The more I watch it the more awesome it gets. Lesson learnt, one does not simply stroll into Souths backfield and carelessly start looking about for support players, lest they get hit by a f**king truck.

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