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I have had a gutful!!!

Ali's Choice

f**k off n00b. who gave you permission to post in this thread

an nrl player walks the dog its front page news, a wallaby is charged for burglary and its barely mentioned. nrl players are on the end of receiving a sh*thouse deal from the media while wallabys and afl players can do some of the stuff nrl players do and its swept under the carpet. i dont mind personally, all these stories just get more fans to our great game of rugby league imo

Who are you calling a n00b?

And who gave you permission to address me personally on this thread?

You can blame the media all you like. Personally, I think alcohol, and to a lesser extent the misogynist cultures of a few NRL clubs, are much more to blame for the stream of off-field incidents than the media. Remember, the NRL gets the vast majority of its revenue from the media. You must take the good with the bad. If Rugby League were a lower profile sport nobody in the media would care when an NRL player misbehaved. Would you prefer that scenario?


Who are you calling a n00b?
You, you yawnionite

And who gave you permission to address me personally on this thread?
I don't ask for permission, I hand out permission

You can blame the media all you like. Personally, I think alcohol, and to a lesser extent the misogynist cultures of a few NRL clubs, are much more to blame for the stream of off-field incidents than the media. Remember, the NRL gets the vast majority of its revenue from the media. You must take the good with the bad. If Rugby League were a lower profile sport nobody in the media would care when an NRL player misbehaved. Would you prefer that scenario?

Proven liar. I have manshamed you and you keep coming back, begging for more. NZ rugby culture is no different to Australia league culture.

Bulldog Force


Why is this rugby league's f**king problem?

Danny Wicks is a f**king idiot who ALL league fans I know will now be disgusted with. He will be dealt with as a criminal, not a rugby league player, and the Knights have stood him down.

How the f**k is this league's problem or responsibility? Why should they have to baby f**king idiots like this Wicks dope? Why? They already do so much in education and community work, there will always be the ones that act out, and you deal with them as they happen.

F**k sake.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry Timmah. Something about that post made me LOL. Not in the bad way though. Just the patriotic colours in you coming out there was really strong :D

We need more posts like the FTW!!!

Ali's Choice

You, you yawnionite

I don't ask for permission, I hand out permission

Proven liar. I have manshamed you and you keep coming back, begging for more. NZ rugby culture is no different to Australia league culture.

I'm not sure what you're trying to do. I am interested in on-topic discussion about Rugby League. I have zero interest in chatting about Rugby's off field issues or making this a Rugby v Rugby League s**t fight.

"manshamed"...does that vulgar sounding term date back to the John Hopoate era?

Dogs Of War

I'm not sure what you're trying to do. I am interested in on-topic discussion about Rugby League. I have zero interest in chatting about Rugby's off field issues or making this a Rugby v Rugby League s**t fight.

"manshamed"...does that vulgar sounding term date back to the John Hopoate era?

Get real you are. You left Planet Puntmonkey just to put sh*t on League. And as a Union supporter, why shouldn't you stick up for your guys. If your man enough to dish it out, then why can't you take it?

Ali's Choice

Get real you are. You left Planet Puntmonkey just to put sh*t on League. And as a Union supporter, why shouldn't you stick up for your guys. If your man enough to dish it out, then why can't you take it?

Do you mind keeping your remarks on-topic?

I have no problem with chatting about Rugby, given an appropriate thread. However, I refuse to threadjack this thread. Feel free to create a thread discussing Rugby's Off Field incidents and I will be more than happy to engage in chat.

Rockin Ronny


Let's drop the bleeding heart stuff and face facts:

A media company owsn this game and has appointed its ex-lawyer to look after the game with News Limited's interests the No 1 priority. The game was sold off in the 90's in order to promote the sale of PayTV (Foxtel) in Australia.

This same media company benefits from the drunk/rape/assault/urination stories - this is their bread and butter.

News Limited looks for every reason to spend less on rugby league and to pay less for owning distribution rights i.e. TV rights deals. With their own man in charge, this is why money that should be going to juniors, grassroots etc is held back AND why the game;s biggest asset (TV rights) has been undersold so badly before and will continue to do so.

The real owner of the game quite likes the bad stories and makes money out of it. The non-money elements of the game mean nothing to them.

Rugby league has changed - and lost its greatest strengths. Tribalism, history, establishment clubs, expansion, future of the game, juniors, fan loyalty, grassroots - all the mainstays of rugby league have been junked because News Limited (and the ARL/CRL dinosaurs) simply bleed the game for all it's worth.

Yet - despite all this, you expect the players to uphold some magic moral code. And, if they don't, you expect News Limited to protect the game as if they give a sh*t about rugby league.

Fair dinkum - get real. The time for this sort of outrage was 10 years ago when Souths and Norths were targetted for extinction.
holy sh*t , hell just froze over, i actually agree with ronnie.........well said

.......hang on, that might be an imposter.....there was no reference to manly scum......only jokin,

well said ronnie and, oh so true


First Grade

Let's drop the bleeding heart stuff and face facts:

A media company owsn this game and has appointed its ex-lawyer to look after the game with News Limited's interests the No 1 priority. The game was sold off in the 90's in order to promote the sale of PayTV (Foxtel) in Australia.

This same media company benefits from the drunk/rape/assault/urination stories - this is their bread and butter.

News Limited looks for every reason to spend less on rugby league and to pay less for owning distribution rights i.e. TV rights deals. With their own man in charge, this is why money that should be going to juniors, grassroots etc is held back AND why the game;s biggest asset (TV rights) has been undersold so badly before and will continue to do so.

The real owner of the game quite likes the bad stories and makes money out of it. The non-money elements of the game mean nothing to them.

Rugby league has changed - and lost its greatest strengths. Tribalism, history, establishment clubs, expansion, future of the game, juniors, fan loyalty, grassroots - all the mainstays of rugby league have been junked because News Limited (and the ARL/CRL dinosaurs) simply bleed the game for all it's worth.

Yet - despite all this, you expect the players to uphold some magic moral code. And, if they don't, you expect News Limited to protect the game as if they give a sh*t about rugby league.

Fair dinkum - get real. The time for this sort of outrage was 10 years ago when Souths and Norths were targetted for extinction.

Well said, people need to be alot more cynical about News, Gallop etc.

Also I would have added this is why every other code is expanding yet we aren't............oh I wonder why????:sarcasm:

Also why Gallop and his cronies have NO plan, nothing. We have no idea where this game will be in 5, 10, 15 years.
No No No No No

Hmmm....thats what I said.

You see I did not write that post. Some admin wrote it for me. Seems I cannot edit it either. It was met with indifference on a personal level, and just now am I pointing it out that its not mine from a practical stand point to you all, because I dont want to be associated with some fools impostor-post. Seems I ruffle some feathers, and some people need to seriously relax because they are going on like teenage girls.

Originally Posted by $$Poor Boy Blues$$
I agree.

The game has become a massive pile of crap.

And I totally agree with phil gould. Gee I hope he gets on the commission.



I don't go around using gay 50's words like "Gee"....who wrote that? Get a dose of Masculine, boy!

Gould is making some good points about the ARL right now. I call Gould, Gould. And I like to use capitol letters with his name out of respect.....

and about respect, some of you people dont respect other people.

I dont like the word massive.. I dont use the phrase "pile of crap".

These are obviously the notions of some younger person, possibly someone who hasn't had sex yet. The immaturity of it all reeks. And apart from being inane and boring, its misrepresenting myself..

So pointing it out. If it sounds immature and gay and even disrespectful to Phil Gould, its not me.

And the hypocrisy!! Some people dont like Gould having an opinion, but the moment you try and stop them having an opinion - watch out.

So a lot of growing up is needed there. I hope you can overcome your failings and man up.

I've had a gutful of people having a gutful. Cry me a river. You dont pull the strings, so shut the hell up about it. You dont call the shots, so dont bitch and moan when they dont stick a club on your doorstep just because you want it.

Theres a reason why you dont call the shots - its because you're not f**king good enough! Get it? So go do something else with your life if you can't hack the real world....you bunch of pussy little whingers!

Thats how I talk - I say it how it is....and no, gaybo, I dont use words like "gee" and "massive", like some stupid teenage "it" word. Suck a lemon, grow some nuts, and man up. The world will mess you up if you dont have nerves of steel and some tolerance and respect, and ability to withstand all the bullsh*t life throws in your way.

And I dont go around inciting trouble at specific people just because I can't accept an opinion. You respect each other, or I will tear you down, and I dont give a stuff if you ban me, because guess what, pal? This forum is not a necessity of life - its something to do on my time off.....if I dont have it, I dont give a stuff....but what I don't like is morons pretending to be me as if to prove a point.

To the numbskull who wrote the imposter post. Here's a teenage "it" word for you, "lameass".....really lame. And kind of chickish...what are you going to pull my hair next? androtop

You got nothing to scare me with, tosser. I got nothing to lose around these parts. But through this ass ripping....hopefully you guys can grow a little and bloody offer a little more than just whining and complaining and be able to contribute a little bit more.

Enjoy league, or f**k off!
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LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member

Can't even take ownership of his own account, and then blames admin.

Pissweak PBB, just like all 1,171 posts before it.


Hmmm....thats what I said.

You see I did not write that post. Some admin wrote it for me. Seems I cannot edit it either. It was met with indifference on a personal level, and just now am I pointing it out that its not mine from a practical stand point to you all, because I dont want to be associated with some fools impostor-post. Seems I ruffle some feathers, and some people need to seriously relax because they are going on like teenage girls.

Originally Posted by $$Poor Boy Blues$$
I agree.

The game has become a massive pile of crap.

And I totally agree with phil gould. Gee I hope he gets on the commission.



I don't go around using gay 50's words like "Gee"....who wrote that? Get a dose of Masculine, boy!

Gould is making some good points about the ARL right now. I call Gould, Gould. And I like to use capitol letters with his name out of respect.....

and about respect, some of you people dont respect other people.

I dont like the word massive.. I dont use the phrase "pile of crap".

These are obviously the notions of some younger person, possibly someone who hasn't had sex yet. The immaturity of it all reeks. And apart from being inane and boring, its misrepresenting myself..

So pointing it out. If it sounds immature and gay and even disrespectful to Phil Gould, its not me.

And the hypocrisy!! Some people dont like Gould having an opinion, but the moment you try and stop them having an opinion - watch out.

So a lot of growing up is needed there. I hope you can overcome your failings and man up.

I've had a gutful of people having a gutful. Cry me a river. You dont pull the strings, so shut the hell up about it. You dont call the shots, so dont bitch and moan when they dont stick a club on your doorstep just because you want it.

Theres a reason why you dont call the shots - its because you're not f**king good enough! Get it? So go do something else with your life if you can't hack the real world....you bunch of pussy little whingers!

Thats how I talk - I say it how it is....and no, gaybo, I dont use words like "gee" and "massive", like some stupid teenage "it" word. Suck a lemon, grow some nuts, and man up. The world will mess you up if you dont have nerves of steel and some tolerance and respect, and ability to withstand all the bullsh*t life throws in your way.

And I dont go around inciting trouble at specific people just because I can't accept an opinion. You respect each other, or I will tear you down, and I dont give a stuff if you ban me, because guess what, pal? This forum is not a necessity of life - its something to do on my time off.....if I dont have it, I dont give a stuff....but what I don't like is morons pretending to be me as if to prove a point.

To the numbskull who wrote the imposter post. Here's a teenage "it" word for you, "lameass".....really lame. And kind of chickish...what are you going to pull my hair next? androtop

You got nothing to scare me with, tosser. I got nothing to lose around these parts. But through this ass ripping....hopefully you guys can grow a little and bloody offer a little more than just whining and complaining and be able to contribute a little bit more.

Enjoy league, or f**k off!


Super Ghey.

Kurt Angle

First Grade
I'm not sure what that has to do with this thread. I thought this was a Rugby League thread?

Well you are a supporter of dumb man's rugby, akin to a special needs student, Russ should be a bit embarressed he didn't cater for your needs.

The sample of the general populace isn't testosterone fueled males in their 20's with a sh*tload of money and a lot of free time. Thus the temptations of free alcohol and women thowing thmselves at them is not something many males can relate to, nor compare similar reactions to.

A more accurate comparison however is to another similar group of young men who have a fair degree of money, public celebrity, women throwing themslves at them and access to a lot of alcohol, the All Blacks.

The figure of 2.5% of NRL players in trouble is overstated, the population sample was from 1998, yet the incidents commenced in 1990. I'd suggest another 1,000 players were involved in the ARL/NRL between 1990 and 1998, bringing the percentage down to around 1.9%.

This now brings us to the All Blacks comparsion that a feeble minded clown like you was so quick to dismiss.

5 All Blacks have been charged with felonies since 2004, I think 83 players have become all blacks in that same time.

That brings up over 6% of all blacks being alcohol fueled, mysogonistic scum. Instead of toeing the planet punt monkey line and parroting the silver spoon rah-rah mantra of blaming RL for everything, resulting in you getting man-shamed on this forum, instead you should ask us "NZ rugby culture is 3 times worse than yours, can you please assist the NZRU clean up their culture?"

Here endeth the lesson, you can slink off back to planet-of-the-apes.com now.
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Ali's Choice

Well you are a supporter of dumb man's rugby, akin to a special needs student, Russ should be a bit embarressed he didn't cater for your needs.

The sample of the general populace isn't testosterone fueled males in their 20's with a sh*tload of money and a lot of free time. Thus the temptations of free alcohol and women thowing thmselves at them is not something many males can relate to, nor compare similar reactions to.

A more accurate comparison however is to another similar group of young men who have a fair degree of money, public celebrity, women throwing themslves at them and access to a lot of alcohol, the All Blacks.

The figure of 2.5% of NRL players in trouble is overstated, the population sample was from 1998, yet the incidents commenced in 1990. I'd suggest another 1,000 players were involved in the ARL/NRL between 1990 and 1998, bringing the percentage down to around 1.9%.

This now brings us to the All Blacks comparsion that a feeble minded clown like you was so quick to dismiss.

5 All Blacks have been charged with felonies since 2004, I think 83 players have become all blacks in that same time.

That brings up over 6% of all blacks being alcohol fueled, mysogonistic scum. Instead of toeing the planet punt monkey line and parroting the silver spoon rah-rah mantra of blaming RL for everything, resulting in you getting man-shamed on this forum, instead you should ask us "NZ rugby culture is 3 times worse than yours, can you please assist the NZRU clean up their culture?"

Here endeth the lesson, you can slink off back to planet-of-the-apes.com now.

Thanks for that detailed post Kurt Angle. Not sure what I have done on this forum to deserve such spite, but there you go. Also, what does Rugby and/or the All Blacks have to do with this thread? Please keep on topic.

I didn't start this thread, I simply agree with one of the earlier posters who suggested that alcohol is the main reason why NRL player's seem to be getting into trouble. You obviously don't believe there is anything wrong with the behaviour of some NRL players. I'm sure David Gallop wishes that were the case.

Green Machine

First Grade
I worry when the All Blacks lose a match. Drunken All black fans are going to come home and belt the living bejesus out of the Mrs and kuds,

Kurt Angle

First Grade
Thanks for that detailed post Kurt Angle. Not sure what I have done on this forum to deserve such spite, but there you go. Also, what does Rugby and/or the All Blacks have to do with this thread? Please keep on topic.

It is on topic, your special needs must be really special when it was spelt out for you. Perhaps you should get your carer to play it out with some finger puppets.

The premise has been misbehaving players and your contribution has been a list of 62 players amongst 3,200+. "2.5%" has been your contribution, and you've asserted this figure is way too high.

To some, it may be considered high. My father was a hotel manager and I lived in pubs until I was 13, I consider 2.5% a reasonable figure so I am not perturbed by this figure.

But back to you Ali's Chimp.

2.5% may be high, it would definately be considered high compared to the residents of a monastery.

But as shown, amongst a peer sample of young, male full-time athletes such as the utter scum play for the all blacks where only a mere 93% can avoid being charged for their crimes, I feel the NRL is run-of-the-mill organisation.

Room for improvement sure, but we can definately hold ourselves above the NZ degenerates playing cowards rugby and choking at every world cup.

You have no place to offer advice for improvement, you should be asking us how to clean up the culture of your game be be as decent as ours.

I didn't start this thread, I simply agree with one of the earlier posters who suggested that alcohol is the main reason why NRL player's seem to be getting into trouble. You obviously don't believe there is anything wrong with the behaviour of some NRL players. I'm sure David Gallop wishes that were the case.[/QUOTE]

Ali's Choice

2.5% may be high, it would definately be considered high compared to the residents of a monastery.

But as shown, amongst a peer sample of young, male full-time athletes such as the utter scum play for the all blacks where only a mere 93% can avoid being charged for their crimes, I feel the NRL is run-of-the-mill organisation.

Fair enough. You are entitled to your oppinion.

Just to be clear, you don't believe, per capita, that NRL players get into any more off-field trouble than employees from any similarly sized Australian organisation?