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I hope I'm wrong but....

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Tyler Durden

but what I'm amazed at is that jeremy smith has done nothing to suggest that he should take tim's spot

jeremy has been very capable and solid in prems, but unless people have seen something that i've missed - please let me know

standouts in the prems so far have been zeb, kris inu and jack afamasanga


i havnt said jeremy should replace tim, but i do acknowledge that his game is way down on its best...

i dunno what to do....oh well...im not coach so who cares...haha

parra pete

Tyler Durden said:
how does the avenger get these feelings ?

Probably after reading this post by me

14-04-2006, 08:17 PM
parra pete
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 1,994


Originally Posted by <UPtheEELS>
Honestly Pete, you cannot play footy without a descent set of forwards. Ours are lacking heart and balls and Timmy is doing his best. Remember his only 21 and leading around a set of forwards which should know better. Lighten up.

Mate, in my opinion, he is not up to it this year. I was very disappointed in him in the loss to the Cowboys in the final last year and I don't think he has recovered from that performance. His profile has the coaches targetting himwhich is what I would do if I was an opposition coach.
His off season drama would not have helped him either, although it probably was a 'beat up' by the alleged victim.
I don't like putting sh*t on him, but attack wins games and he hasn't been providing a platform. That is a fact. See his stats v Penrith - 3 hitups for 4 metres. Not good enough.
I WANT HIM to be the star, I WANT HIM to be great, but it is no good saying one thing and meaning another.
If he is not performing he doesn't deserve to be there, irrespective of how much a darling he is to the fans.
He got the sh*ts with EG jnr last game, and his frustration came through. I know he is probably worried about his form. Let him worry about it in Premier League. If he is as good as the wraps suggest he is, he'll bounce back..with plenty of confidence which he seems to be lacking now.
Mate I've seen them come and go..At the moment he is not the answer. Sorry to take a different tack to what the main seems to be in here, but that's how I see it. And my opinion is not always right. Matter of fact it is probably 30-70 the other way. For your sake, and for the sake of the team, I hope I'm wrong again - if he stays in first grade.


Do you want the fowards to kick the ball for him aswell??

Hes playing like hes Andrew Johns at the moment with flick passes, no look pass, CUT THE CRAP! and i cant even see him making a rep team in the future although i think he can make a solid first grader.


Parra Pete perhaps you should look no further than your hero, 'the not re-signed, but definately not sacked' Brian Smith.

All his bickering with coaching staff, his unwillingness to do anything more than he has to this year, and his proven inability to coach halfbacks....are really holding Timmy back. The young guy, (and not just Tim there are others in the team too) isn't fully confident in his ability and needs alot of guidence at this stage of his career. The fact these guys have Smith acting like a complete knob "from what i've been told" can't be helping anyone.

It's ordinary of you to bag Tim in every 2nd post yet comment on how professional Brian is and how he won't let 2006 go to waste- well guess what Pete....Brian obviously isn't professional enough cause from what i've heard he don't wanna be here and can't wait to fulfill the dream with Widders at Newcastle. What took you so long to call Ken? I've been waiting by the phone- knob!


Post Whore
PIG said:
Parra Pete perhaps you should look no further than your hero, 'the not re-signed, but definately not sacked' Brian Smith.

All his bickering with coaching staff, his unwillingness to do anything more than he has to this year, and his proven inability to coach halfbacks....are really holding Timmy back. The young guy, (and not just Tim there are others in the team too) isn't fully confident in his ability and needs alot of guidence at this stage of his career. The fact these guys have Smith acting like a complete knob "from what i've been told" can't be helping anyone.

It's ordinary of you to bag Tim in every 2nd post yet comment on how professional Brian is and how he won't let 2006 go to waste- well guess what Pete....Brian obviously isn't professional enough cause from what i've heard he don't wanna be here and can't wait to fulfill the dream with Widders at Newcastle. What took you so long to call Ken? I've been waiting by the phone- knob!

You can't say that! Brian is untouchable!


I agree with everything you said. And the spat he had with Hayden Knowles just shows how 'professional' he must be. What, because Knowles decides not to go with him, all of a sudden he's the enemy? I really don't understand his attitude this year...

El Diablo

Post Whore
i get the feeling Brian Smith is trying to leave the joint in the worst shape he possibly can

imo Brian Smith does not deserve a premiership EVER


i borrowed mick vellas phone and looked through the text messages hes received from coach smithy this year. they aint near as positive as the ones from last season.


With PJ, Riddell, Benny, Possibly Delaney all out, I don't think a new halfback will be the answer for the tiges game.


First Grade
El Diablo said:
i get the feeling Brian Smith is trying to leave the joint in the worst shape he possibly can

imo Brian Smith does not deserve a premiership EVER

'Smells like newtown' :lol:
eels_fan_01 said:
Naa hes playing pretty bad.
In all the games this year theres been a 10 min period where he doesnt touch the ball you dont even know if hes on the field and halfs cant do that.

That would be about the same time that Grothe and Tahu went missing (supposedly) in the 2nd half. Well I can tell you where all 3 were, they were on the short blind with a 1 man overlap in attack, waiting for the ball. For some reason the dummy half though the open side was the go about 3 or 4 times in fact. Tim finally got his hands on the ball when he tried to intercept and attack on that wing.

PIG said:
Parra Pete perhaps you should look no further than your hero, 'the not re-signed, but definately not sacked' Brian Smith.

All his bickering with coaching staff, his unwillingness to do anything more than he has to this year, and his proven inability to coach halfbacks....are really holding Timmy back. The young guy, (and not just Tim there are others in the team too) isn't fully confident in his ability and needs alot of guidence at this stage of his career. The fact these guys have Smith acting like a complete knob "from what i've been told" can't be helping anyone.

It's ordinary of you to bag Tim in every 2nd post yet comment on how professional Brian is and how he won't let 2006 go to waste- well guess what Pete....Brian obviously isn't professional enough cause from what i've heard he don't wanna be here and can't wait to fulfill the dream with Widders at Newcastle. What took you so long to call Ken? I've been waiting by the phone- knob!

Do you have one shred of proof on that one Piggy? There are plenty of reports in the media. The same sort of reports that were in the media round 5 last year, which a number of people on here have highlighted as fiction, so once again do you have any proof on that or just &#8220;what you are hearing?

Avenger said:
I have a feeling that Tim Smith will get dropped this week. Especially with all the talk about Jeremy Smith playing for NZ from PL.

I hope I'm wrong, but if it does happen and the nutty professor keeps John Morris in the team, I will just about give up.

All this talk about dropping the backs, Apart from Burt and Graham whose defence was poor against the Broncos, the rest of the back line have been going alright at different times or are out injured. There should be no dropping of the back and if the gods are willing no droppings in the forward pack except to make way for returning injured or suspended players.

Either way, all of you get your chins off your chest and get ready for the weeks football. I tell you, if our footy team had the attitude of you lot. We would be perpetual wooden spooners.


Parra's structure has changed a lot this year. Last year Timmy ran the show. He got the ball when he wanted it and touched it about 4 times per set of six. Look at Thurston from the Cowboys, Johns from Newcastle - they control their attack and demand the ball. This is what Parra needs to do. They need to let Tim run the show because that is what he is used to and then you will a much better John Morris who can play off that instead of trying to create so much. Get back to basics - forwards barge the ball up, halfback can dominate from there. We have brilliant players in the backline that have shown over the last few weeks what they can do (Tahu, Grothe & McKinnon) so give them quality ball and see what they can do. Moi Moi I believe could be the missing link as he gave the Eels so much go forward last year. A win against the Tigers will turn our season around. Our players are like everyone else they are lacking confidence and searching for answers. Come on lets get behind them, they are our team.

fish eel

Tim Smith is just a kid.
People need patience.
Look at Thurston this year.
He has been playing for how many years to reach this level?


J. Smith could possibly come in for Morris, Morris to the bench??

this would provide a bit more versatility off the bench in the from of Morris. our bench has not been providing for us this year.


parra pete said:
Okay.. Let nature take it course. :lol:
It is no good producing clever play against the Warriors, Rabbits, Raiders Sharks. You have to do it against the BIG BOYS..and do it EVERY WEEK.

Doing it every week has been a problem this season, I agree, but we're not talking many weeks yet are we?

As for doing it against the big boys, I think we saw possibly the finest passing game of his career to date against the Cowboys.

Stagger eel

Staff member
[/QDo you have one shred of proof on that one Piggy? There are plenty of reports in the media. The same sort of reports that were in the media round 5 last year, which a number of people on here have highlighted as fiction, so once again do you have any proof on that or just &#8220, post: what you are hearing?

People can choose to believe or not to believe, however I for one would never underestimate the source of information that some people have here, personally, I believe there are internal issues that need to be adressed before it's too late,

and it's not the media telling me this either.
Well Eela that is your opinion and your welcome to it. But watching training in Brisbane and then having been in the dressing room for after the Brisbane game, I can say I have not seen any evidence of all this lack of team work and internal problems, which are being hinted at, maybe they are saving it up for when they are in absolute private so it doesn&#8217;t get out . . .

I mean I heard early in the year that this might be Aunty Kay's last year with the club as well but I do not think it is because of all the internal issues.

Stagger eel

Staff member
MarkInTheStands said:
Well Eela that is your opinion and your welcome to it. But watching training in Brisbane and then having been in the dressing room for after the Brisbane game, I can say I have not seen any evidence of all this lack of team work and internal problems, which are being hinted at, maybe they are saving it up for when they are in absolute private so it doesn’t get out . . .

I mean I heard early in the year that this might be Aunty Kay's last year with the club as well but I do not think it is because of all the internal issues.

that's fine and inturn your welcome to have that belief, I'm only suggesting that no one should understimate the sort of information that's out there..

I'm sure Kaye Fitzhenry isn't alone too..


MarkInTheStands said:
Do you have one shred of proof on that one Piggy? There are plenty of reports in the media. The same sort of reports that were in the media round 5 last year, which a number of people on here have highlighted as fiction, so once again do you have any proof on that or just “what you are hearing?

I wouldn't go as far as saying Smithy doesn't want to win this year- because that aint true....but i'd go as far to say if Fitzy said 'heres the payout of the rest of your contract, see you later', he'd be gone in a heartbeat.

Like it or not, that's the perception out there- and no matter how much he wantst o sugar coat things, when the going gets tough that has a negative impact on the team.

Look at the difference between him and Hagan.

Hagan has basically said this is my last year, lets see what we can do and then i'll worry about the Eels in 2007.
Smith has whinged and moaned about it being bad timing, unsettleing etc....not shown up to the season launch- holds a press conference saying coaching Newcastle is a dream etc...etc....

Smith is a coaching veteran but you'd think Hagan was the way he has got on with business as has his team.
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