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I love Pokerstars

The 18th Man

Ditto this one, three hands after being donked by this idiot. AA v K4 and the obligatory river trip 4's, this happens.

PokerStars Game #58296287399: Tournament #368950561, $0.25+$0.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (75/150) - 2011/02/26 17:50:30 AEST [2011/02/26 1:50:30 ET]
Table '368950561 3' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
Seat 1: grc02 (4435 in chips)
Seat 2: nahalyga (11525 in chips)
Seat 3: krolligen (12925 in chips)
Seat 4: coopster_001 (1700 in chips)
Seat 5: mariidj (12285 in chips)
Seat 7: diadia247 (155 in chips) is sitting out
Seat 8: lennoncruz (3780 in chips)
Seat 9: greatbigkid (2570 in chips)
grc02: posts the ante 20
nahalyga: posts the ante 20
krolligen: posts the ante 20
coopster_001: posts the ante 20
mariidj: posts the ante 20
diadia247: posts the ante 20
lennoncruz: posts the ante 20
greatbigkid: posts the ante 20
greatbigkid: posts small blind 75
grc02: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to coopster_001 [Qd Ac]
nahalyga: folds
krolligen: folds
coopster_001: calls 150
mariidj has timed out
mariidj: folds
diadia247: folds
mariidj is sitting out
lennoncruz: folds
greatbigkid: calls 75
grc02: checks
*** FLOP *** [4c Kd Ad]
greatbigkid: checks
grc02: bets 1050
mariidj has returned
coopster_001: raises 480 to 1530 and is all-in
greatbigkid: folds
grc02: calls 480
*** TURN *** [4c Kd Ad] [2s]
*** RIVER *** [4c Kd Ad 2s] [3s]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
grc02: shows [5d As] (a straight, Ace to Five)
coopster_001: shows [Qd Ac] (a pair of Aces)
grc02 collected 3670 from pot
coopster_001 finished the tournament in 22nd place
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3670 | Rake 0
Board [4c Kd Ad 2s 3s]
Seat 1: grc02 (big blind) showed [5d As] and won (3670) with a straight, Ace to Five
Seat 2: nahalyga folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: krolligen folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: coopster_001 showed [Qd Ac] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 5: mariidj folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 7: diadia247 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 8: lennoncruz (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 9: greatbigkid (small blind) folded on the Flop

If your not willing to raise pre, don't complain when you lose here.


Chips put in while ahead - 150

Chips put in while behind - 1530

Oh and its a 25c tourny. Can hardly expect to be playing against decent players in them.
If your not willing to raise pre, don't complain when you lose here.

It's a 25 cent tournament, pushing pre-flop with A/Q whilst holding a stack that is 10% of 3 players and 1/2 that of 3 more will get you more callers than you want because A/Q is hardly a monster. Best to see a flop and try to isolate one if you hit the Ace, and preferably that player.

Post flop he was 12%. The flush was covered and his only hope was either 5/5 or runner/runner for the straight.

And you're suggesting I played it badly?

I'd take that every hand if I could.

If I had raised pre-flop the end result would have been exactly the same.

Also, did you not notice the previous hand I mentioned? He had spent the whole tournament raising post-flop any time he hit anything on the flop. The hand after the K4 v AA, he lost half his chips after going all in with 2nd pair and a 8 kicker.


Just got 7th in a 3.30 1R+1 add on for $146.

33 on the button running into AA :p

Was down to 6 BB when we were numbering in the 20s at one stage so very happy. Although was sitting in 4th when busted.
Nice finish dude.

I don't play rebuys, they give me the shits.

Been on a bit of a run at Stars of late, cashing stats are great for the last 120 days. 40% in 45 man SnG's, 31% in 90 man SnG's and 33% in MTT's over 180 starters. Profit sitting at about 20% in that time. Up to $190 after getting down to $50 a while back.

Must be because the Yanks have been pissed off. It seems everyone from Eastern Europe or South America is geniused.


First Grade

Depends where you are to what leagues are available

Like i play ultimate poker tour or APL but dont have NPL
I will one day, when work isn't so time demanding. I know Wests have tourneys and so do Ingleburn RSL, which are my closest clubs.

I'm currently on the Final table of the 50 cent tourney, 7 left. $12.60 minimum...


First Grade
nice work EA

should go and play live games at pubs and stuff (granted theres donkeys Etc) but bigger money for not much investment


It's a 25 cent tournament, pushing pre-flop with A/Q whilst holding a stack that is 10% of 3 players and 1/2 that of 3 more will get you more callers than you want because A/Q is hardly a monster. Best to see a flop and try to isolate one if you hit the Ace, and preferably that player.

Post flop he was 12%. The flush was covered and his only hope was either 5/5 or runner/runner for the straight.

And you're suggesting I played it badly?

I'd take that every hand if I could.

If I had raised pre-flop the end result would have been exactly the same.

Also, did you not notice the previous hand I mentioned? He had spent the whole tournament raising post-flop any time he hit anything on the flop. The hand after the K4 v AA, he lost half his chips after going all in with 2nd pair and a 8 kicker.

Your reasoning is way off - and you're too results oriented.

Raising here is a must. In-fact, you should almost never, ever limp.

Anyway, yes - you played it badly.
Your reasoning is way off - and you're too results oriented.

Raising here is a must. In-fact, you should almost never, ever limp.

Anyway, yes - you played it badly.

errr, how can you be "too results oriented" in micro Poker? Cashing isn't the first priority?

When you have a small roll like I do, it most certainly is.

Do you think he wouldn't have called a raise there?

What would the result have been?

Exactly the same.

Three hands prior I pushed pre-flop with Aces, then again post-flop and he called for all his chips with K/4 when he hit a 4 on the turn. He rivered another 4 to double up.


That's results-oriented thinking. The only thing that matters is the process.

Beats will happen but provided you are continually making correct decisions you will be ahead in the long run. This is one of the reasons you should be raising all of your premium hands (and any hand you want to open the pot with, for that matter).

Whenever you are first to enter a pot, raise. Never limp. If some moron decides to come along for the ride with K-4, that's good for you. And guess what? Sometimes he'll even get there, but you can't control that.

By the way, some food for thought - King-4 will beat Aces more than 1 in every 10 times. 5-6 suited will beat Aces better than 1 in 5 times. That's reasonably often.
In micros, the chances of you being put all-in are magnified.

Spend a few weeks playing 10 cent 360 sng's and 25 cent 45's and 90's and you'll find it very different to higher level stuff. Raise with what you call a premium hand and you'll be deciding whether to call for all your chips more often than not. There's a reason why 1/2 the field is gone in 10 minutes in them.
A message to Pokerstars;

There are supposed to be only 4 Aces in a deck of cards.

And stop this shit of making it almost impossible for the table low-stacks, with a dominant hand, to beat the table big stacks.
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Haven't won a coin flip in a week. How the f**k do you do anything without being able to win a reasonable amount of coin flips? It's getting to the stage that the only time I feel comfortable raising into a pot is when I have the absolute nuts.

Getting very frustrating, it's like they changed to Full Tilt's software.