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I love Pokerstars

I'd love to but with work commitments, I don't get much of a chance.

It must be much harder to call an all-in with J/7 unsuited when you have to look the bloke you're trying to donk in the eye....


First Grade

LOL i dont usally play a all in move with say J/7 off suite unless your lucky to hit a set off the flop

most of the time i will limp to see a flop unless i have pockets or A/K or A/Q or A/J and A/10 these ones i will call all in with even if there off suited .....

but if there is no raise i will lead a raise usually 5 x the big blind level.

bit of advice if your under the gun unless your prepared to call a raise never limp.

LOL i dont usally play a all in move with say J/7 off suite unless your lucky to hit a set off the flop

most of the time i will limp to see a flop unless i have pockets or A/K or A/Q or A/J and A/10 these ones i will call all in with even if there off suited .....

but if there is no raise i will lead a raise usually 5 x the big blind level.

bit of advice if your under the gun unless your prepared to call a raise never limp.

I'm pretty tight. Not a fan of the UTG limp and only a fan of the UTG raise if I'm holding a monster...

At the levels I play, the idea is to isolate one player if you can. The problem is that most people at my levels are geniused. You can push with AA UTG and end up with 5 callers... makes it tough..


First Grade
Its pretty hard to play online to guess players

i guess i can ask do you play cash games or free games online if its free games then they will always call anything. if its cash games depends how much like is its $1 or $2 games no one cares as well like if it was a $50 game they tend to play tighter the more investment there is.
Cash games, SnG's and tourneys. I have a small roll that I've built from $0. I stick to $2 buy ins max but play mostly 25 cent stuff. Them merkins are all mad.


PokerStars is where it's at. And btw, you guys playing small tables need to live a little. BM hits up the $3.50 and $7 sng's, on Monday I put in $15, atm I got $35, including 3 wins.
To be honest, stars is f**king rubbish, but it's the best of a bad bunch.

This garbage been the norm since I first joined the site.

And stop this shit of making it almost impossible for the table low-stacks, with a dominant hand, to beat the table big stacks.

Last day or two only.

AK v A6.

Rivered 6.

AA v Q7

Flopped set of 7's.

QQ v A/3

Flopped A.

AQ v A/4

Rivered 4.

I only played 4 tourneys and that's how they ended. The amount of times I've come from behind to win a hand in the 4 years or so I've played there you could count on the fingers one of bunniesboy's hands.... i.e. 6.

The other thing that shits me is coming back from a break and finding a monster, only to have it beaten by crap. Regular occurence.


whats ya fav hand BM also im sure your like us and hate the donks also do u play many live events
Working shiftwork I don't get the time to play much live. And yeah, the donks are frustrating as hell but as long as you make the right moves you'll be ahead more often than not.


One of my three wins this week was coming from behind in heads up.

I'm sure it's just badluck, I can't see why they'd put the bias in their software, how would it benefit pokerstars?
One of my three wins this week was coming from behind in heads up.

I'm sure it's just badluck, I can't see why they'd put the bias in their software, how would it benefit pokerstars?

Quicker tournaments makes more money.

Also, if their software is set to pay off morons in certain circumstances a higher percentage of the time than it should, the aforementioned morons think they can can play and keep putting money in. Europe and South America are full of them.

The common link for me is that the larger stack will come from behind in a hand much more often than the smaller stack.
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Online sites are very well regulated by the players. The instances in which a couple of dodgy sites - (namely AP and UB) were caught out was because players recognised some anomalies in the win rates of their opponents.

If similar things happened on Stars or Tilt the players would have been onto it in a flash. You need to put do some research into odds so that you can understand that bad beats are going to happen with a certain regularity.


First Grade
i had a live play bad beat last night

QQ v A3

flop come 5,9,2
turn come 3
river A

Excuse was that it was suited FFS

Online sites are very well regulated by the players. The instances in which a couple of dodgy sites - (namely AP and UB) were caught out was because players recognised some anomalies in the win rates of their opponents.

If similar things happened on Stars or Tilt the players would have been onto it in a flash. You need to put do some research into odds so that you can understand that bad beats are going to happen with a certain regularity.

Regulated by the players?

Like whom?

Lederer, Ferguson and Co?

Full tilt?

FFS, why don't you go have a game there now, if it's such a responsible site...

Crooked merkins the lot of them. All online poker is crooked to a degree becaue it bears no resemblance to live poker whatsoever. The only players that should be respected are ones who have no ties to any site and don't mouth off about their "achievments" like Ferguson and that fat skank Obrestad.

In 4 or 5 days of watching the main event live on Foxtel it strengthened my opinion. There was no hand after hand of monsters. There was no hand after hand of flopped sets being rivered, flopped flushes being rivered or flopped straights being rivered. I see that sort of shit every single day on Stars and not just occassionally, in EVERY tournament, on every table I'm at.

Yet it was a rare occurence in the Main Event.

I've played 11,000 tourneys on Stars by the way so my opinion wasn't made overnight.

Having said that, I'll repeat what I said earlier, Stars is the best of a very bad bunch.