Online sites are very well regulated by the players. The instances in which a couple of dodgy sites - (namely AP and UB) were caught out was because players recognised some anomalies in the win rates of their opponents.
If similar things happened on Stars or Tilt the players would have been onto it in a flash. You need to put do some research into odds so that you can understand that bad beats are going to happen with a certain regularity.
Regulated by the players?
Like whom?
Lederer, Ferguson and Co?
Full tilt?
FFS, why don't you go have a game there now, if it's such a responsible site...
Crooked merkins the lot of them. All online poker is crooked to a degree becaue it bears no resemblance to live poker whatsoever. The only players that should be respected are ones who have no ties to any site and don't mouth off about their "achievments" like Ferguson and that fat skank Obrestad.
In 4 or 5 days of watching the main event live on Foxtel it strengthened my opinion. There was no hand after hand of monsters. There was no hand after hand of flopped sets being rivered, flopped flushes being rivered or flopped straights being rivered. I see that sort of shit every single day on Stars and not just occassionally, in EVERY tournament, on every table I'm at.
Yet it was a rare occurence in the Main Event.
I've played 11,000 tourneys on Stars by the way so my opinion wasn't made overnight.
Having said that, I'll repeat what I said earlier, Stars is the best of a very bad bunch.