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I love Pokerstars


Into Pokerstars myself, it's basically all I use.

I only play play money atm, but hopefully I'll move into real money soon.
One from yesterday.

Into Pokerstars myself, it's basically all I use.

I only play play money atm, but hopefully I'll move into real money soon.

There are ways to get money without dipping into your pocket, but you have to start with small stuff.

There's an Aussie freeroll on at 7.30 each night which is pretty easy to cash in, but the cash starts at 15 cents. (Get to 8k or so and you can coast into the dough).

It's under;

Tourneys - Regional

There's also an ANZ poker League freeroll in the same area at 7.15, it's free to enter but you can re-buy. It is harder to cash in than the Aussie freeroll.

The Astronomer freerolls are another way, but more convoluted. You win a ticket to a second round (there are two per week)which is at awful hours. 1am Sunday and 6am Monday.

I have 74 tickets but I can only really play on long weekends.

If you do it that way I recommend you learn how to play Badugi. 1/2 of my tickets have come from Badugi freerolls.

If you can get $1 or so up through the Aussie etc, there are really weak 10 cent 360's you can play. But you need luck in them because those pricks will call with anything.
Well, back to the old sh*t of getting beat by anything any idiot wants to call with.

Just finished one, AA twice within 10 hards of each other, beaten both times by the same f**king nong, first with J/8 and then with J/9.

I'd like to say that sort of thing isn't typical, but I can't. It's normal at the moment and has been for the past week. Flopped sets beaten by any draw, including more than a couple of gutshots, AA and KK beaten by anything. I've had more 3 and 4 outers hit me this week than I've had hot dinners.

What it's called, variance?

It should be called bullsh*t.


There are ways to get money without dipping into your pocket, but you have to start with small stuff.

There's an Aussie freeroll on at 7.30 each night which is pretty easy to cash in, but the cash starts at 15 cents. (Get to 8k or so and you can coast into the dough).

It's under;

Tourneys - Regional

There's also an ANZ poker League freeroll in the same area at 7.15, it's free to enter but you can re-buy. It is harder to cash in than the Aussie freeroll.

The Astronomer freerolls are another way, but more convoluted. You win a ticket to a second round (there are two per week)which is at awful hours. 1am Sunday and 6am Monday.

I have 74 tickets but I can only really play on long weekends.

If you do it that way I recommend you learn how to play Badugi. 1/2 of my tickets have come from Badugi freerolls.

If you can get $1 or so up through the Aussie etc, there are really weak 10 cent 360's you can play. But you need luck in them because those pricks will call with anything.

That's pretty much what I've been doing lately. Really just playing for fun, about a month ago I'd never played a single hand of online poker, only every now and then at friends houses. Still don't know most of the finer points of strategy and odds and whatnot, but I'm a newbie so I can accept that I'll make plenty of donk calls for now. Have never deposited cash.

Anyway, registered for the nightly giveaway, finished 20th and won $0.51. Invested $0.02 into a 990 player multi-table SNG, finished in the money again and won $0.10.

Having a bad night last night (had pocket aces about 20 times and didn't win a single hand with them - got called by a 7-2 offsuit only for the prick to get a full house on the river as an example) but decided to be adventurous and blow a whole $0.10 on one of the 360's, had a bad start and was almost out but got saved by some lucky flops when all-in, ended up finishing second and pocketing $6.00 - probably chump change to most of you guys, but I only play for fun and really don't care about the money aspect at all, so for my account to be currently sitting at $6.49 without investing a cent is something I'm ridiculously happy about.

Now if only I could learn how to be a better heads-up player... I should have easily won the tournament, was up $360,000 to $90,000 when it went to head-up but somehow managed to lose it all.
I started with $5 won in a freeroll, I'm now at $140. Been down to $50 and up as high as $200 though. I started with the 10 cent 360's, used to play 5 at a time. Slowly built the roll up then moved to 25 cent 90's.

I found that being patient and not trying for that one big hit got me past a few barriers.

I play the giveaway and the ANZ poker league div 2 every night.
The thing I really hate, and it's way too frequent on stars and tilt, is what I call set up hands. Hands designed to trim the field by giving hands out that you just simply can't get away from.

Example from today.

Big stack on the table raises pre-flop 6 times the BB, I push it to 18 times the BB (about 2/3 my stack), he calls.

My hand; AC,AH.

Flop AD, 9S, 6C.

He instantly goes all in, I call.

His cards; AS, KS.

Turn; JS

River; 8S.

Happens regulary.
Yeah, that word again.

It's a word used to explain a phenomenon that makes little sense.

Play the same way, against the same type of players for weeks on end with a decent ITM% and a decent ROI, then all of a sudden it all falls into a hole and you can't win no matter what you're holding.

I'm in the middle of it right now.

I'm getting my chips in with the best hand but losing to whatever the other bloke has. I am able to pick the river card so often now I think I may be the only real clairvoyant on the planet.

Another example, and I'll admit I could have played it differently, i.e. fold, even though I had AA. Early in a 90 sng.

AA in the BB.

Cutoff puts in a sizeable raise, button pops all his chips in, I call, as does the cut off.

Cut off Q/10 suited
Button Q/9 suited



turn/river 6/8
Very next tourney, my last hand.

Loose aggressive raises out of position, I re-raise him, he pushes so that I'm all in, I call. He had about 12k, I had 4k. Blinds 150/300.

Me: A/K

Him: A/9

He hits the 9 on the turn.

Of course.


I'm with ya mate. At the moment, no matter what hand I have I just can't get a win.

I'm still learning, so I expect bad runs from time to time but this is ridiculous. It's shattered my confidence to the point where I'm unwilling to even call the BB unless I have KK or AA, and then I lose every time I actually have those hands.

It's just unbelievably strange. A week ago I was winning constantly.

I know what you mean about the hands meant to trim the field too. I saw one once where 4 people had pocket pairs that you just had to play. AA, KK, QQ and JJ were all dealt on the same hand. I had the AA of course, and of course we all went all in.

Flop was AJQ, turn K, river J

Of course. I doubt I would ever see a hand like that at a real game. I know it's possible, but it's pretty damn ridiculous.
So it's not just me? lol

This sh*t must only happen at the lower end. Anyone up higher always says "Variance".

Just had a bloke in a tourney going off about it. He was beaten in a hand with A/K v QQ and K/9. The winner was... K/9, rivered the third 9. Ranted and raved about it being rigged, hackers winning etc.

The hand after his rant, I was dealt 8/6 unsuited in the BB. I had about 10k (it's a $1 tourney 5,700 punters).

The two idiots he was ranting about both limped in and I checked. Flop came 9/7/5 rainbow and I instantly went all in with my 10k stack. Idiot #1 (30k) called with A/8, Idiot #2 called with, Q/7.

Turn A, river 3. Now I have 30k..
Just a tip Skeepe, it's much worse at full tilt. I actually deposited there (only 100), biggest waste of 100 bucks in my life.

The worst I can remember was when I just started playing for dough at full tilt.

I had A/K. Flop came AAK. I check, player before me pushes all in and I call.

He had 9/9.

Turn 9, river 9.


First Grade

Pokerstars has now joint up with The Ultimate Poker Tour

Another of my pet hates about Stars is the amount of times someone at the table will have a big pair, JJ, QQ, KK and there will be an A on the table.

I find myself limping with them permanently because of it.

Tommy Smith

You're not the only one, EA.

It happens to me all the time on pokerstars.

I'll deposit about $50, build it into a few hundred. Not through luck, but by my hands actually holding as often as they should when im in front.

And then all of a sudden, BOOM. I go on these ridiculous runs where i simply cannot win a race. No matter how far ahead i am pre flop.

Variance my arse. More back door action goes on during these runs than in a gay porno. Runner runner flush will crush me. Runner runner straight. Two pairs toppling AA and KK. Not every now and then. But literally relentlessly until the money is gone and pokerstars wins again when i have to deposit more money.

Whilst i wont use the word rigged, im convinced that there are complex algorithms at work designed to f**k you over.
Yeah, it's a bit of a f**king joke to be honest.

Same again today, my last hand in 3 of the four tourneys I played was a dominant hand. The one just finished the room idiot pushes again with A/Q, I pull the trigger with Queens and some jackass comes along with A/J.

Ace on the river.

Second one was KK v 99, 9 on the river.

3rd one was JJ v 88, 8 on the river.

Dominating hands beaten by a rivered two outer over and over again.

Every day is Groundhog day at Pokerstars.


Bah. Ridiculous.

Went all in with AA, called by the fish with J 10. Flop comes QKA. f**king ridiculous.
Standard fare unfortunately.

You want those morons to call but the amount of times they get paid off is staggering. I see it in every tournament I play. A lot of it is obviously the quality of player at the levels I play but in my few forays into higher levels, I haven't seen anything different.

I won my way into a $20 buy-in tourney a while back (I knew I should have just unregistered and put it in my bankroll but I wanted to see if it was any better) and it was the same.

From memory I went out in two straight hands against the room idiot. AK v A6 which doubled him up then AA v K/9 which knocked me out.