Did he raise the issue of being able to chose his legal representaion before or during the hearing?
I have no idea.
He appears to now have an issue because he has been asked to pay some of the legal costs.
Do you have proof that he had no say in who was appointed to represent him ?
Bunnies man
If the circumstances arose & my employer chose a legal representative on my behalf, I'd certainly trust their judgement. Afterall that's why I pay my union fees. GI only seems to take issue with having to pay some of the $$$ owed. If there was an agreement drawn up between melbourne and GI stating who would cover costs, then fine. obviously there isn't one so he has an moral obligation to pay some of the costs. It's a two way street, he needed legal representation and if he did not like the person/company representing him, speak up FFS. He appeared all smiles when the matter was finalised in his favour, he's an adult not a f**king child.
Afterall he could just sell his speedboat.