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God-King Dean

Alba said:
You do feel better. Because writing it all down and listening to an outside view and looking at it all in writing kinda puts things into perspective in your mind and you can start to figure things out for yourself. That's what I think anyway.

We charge $30 an hour :badgrin:

wittyz chick

I don't know if this fits under the category of jealousy or stupidity. But I used to spend my days at school or out with my footy group or my friends trying to keep everyone happy and if one person wasn't happy I'd feel like I'd let myself down. Although when I finally got everyone happy I felt like sh*t because I put so much effort into making them happy I forgot to make myself happy ... well I've just gotten out of the habit of doing this and now if I don't make you happy or if I p*ss you off that's not my problem anymore!

But I still get jealous of people whose lives seem perfect, but then I just remember that at least I have a family to go home to [I don't mean to sound bitchy]. Oh and the looks things still makes me jealous [the beautiful people thing] but I actually think I'm getting better with that as well ... this thread really helps as well ... Thanks Alba!


Post Whore
Don't worry about pleasing everyone else - the only thing that matters is your own happiness. Why? I shall propose the following example:

If you cannot be happy yourself, and you convince yourself to please others above of yourself, one of the following (if not all) is severly likely:

(1) Poor self-esteem;

(2) Doormat attitude, whereby people ignore/ run over the top of you;

(3) People not being truly happy.

I wish to address the third point in particular.

Now, if you can't make yourself truly happy...How do you really know you're really making others happy? It's psychologically intangible.

But basically, my point is - I love youse all.


Post Whore
wittyz chick said:
I don't know if this fits under the category of jealousy or stupidity. But I used to spend my days at school or out with my footy group or my friends trying to keep everyone happy and if one person wasn't happy I'd feel like I'd let myself down. Although when I finally got everyone happy I felt like sh*t because I put so much effort into making them happy I forgot to make myself happy ... well I've just gotten out of the habit of doing this and now if I don't make you happy or if I p*ss you off that's not my problem anymore!

But I still get jealous of people whose lives seem perfect, but then I just remember that at least I have a family to go home to [I don't mean to sound bitchy]. Oh and the looks things still makes me jealous [the beautiful people thing] but I actually think I'm getting better with that as well ... this thread really helps as well ... Thanks Alba!

And something else for you all: my own personal jealousy.

I'm jealous because, at 21 years of age, I'm a university drop-out with ideas of going back (but no idea on what to actually study), a casual job-to-be - and all around me, classmates who graduated from high school with me are completing their degrees and going off into the workforce, while my life becomes seemingly insignificant in comparison.

But, you know - just have to cop it and keep doing what I can.


Post Whore
KrypnotiK said:
well i hope u r feeling better and continue to do so...

...for those who have ever opend up their problems to somebody, does that sh*t work? i sorta did once, but i didnt feel any better so ive kept alllllllll my sh*t inside, just exploring options....

better that way, believe me, opening yourself up to people can make things a whole lot worse
if you can work through your sh*t on your own, then do that.
I do, its just easier for all concerned

White Poiner

I let people hear things.. then i cannot use them ot my advantage then they can use them against me.

To work it out yourself makes you tougher as well..

God-King Dean

Gotta garee with the whole not telling people thing. Can't depend on others to get things done for you, & fall into the trap of feeling sorry for yourself. This is the way I've always delt with problems.

But in saying that, wehn you reach your breaking point & it's a genuine porblem, then seek help.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Eelementary said:
And something else for you all: my own personal jealousy.

I'm jealous because, at 21 years of age, I'm a university drop-out with ideas of going back (but no idea on what to actually study), a casual job-to-be - and all around me, classmates who graduated from high school with me are completing their degrees and going off into the workforce, while my life becomes seemingly insignificant in comparison.

But, you know - just have to cop it and keep doing what I can.

On the flip side, I'm an emotionally barren 20 year old with a college diploma under my belt and I've been working fulltime for almost a year. I feel quite lost and empty and like I'm struggling to make people happy. Many of those close to me don't realise it's a sh*tty facade I put up (which I'm surprised people don't see right through). Having the Uni and the job down-pact isn't always going to make you happy... and sure, while I have moments where I'm quite stoked with what I've achieved, it still doesn't feel full without someone there to share my joy. That probably contradicts my previous posts in this thread but it's how I feel now.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
RE: keeping things inside, I find in most cases it causes more trouble than it's worth, but in the end, the more people that know, the easier and quicker it blows over, depending of course on the issue. If you're going to open up, as superficial as it might sound... choose carefully. I know there's people I can't trust now but yeah... just choose carefully.


wittyz chick said:
I don't know if this fits under the category of jealousy or stupidity. But I used to spend my days at school or out with my footy group or my friends trying to keep everyone happy and if one person wasn't happy I'd feel like I'd let myself down. Although when I finally got everyone happy I felt like sh*t because I put so much effort into making them happy I forgot to make myself happy ... well I've just gotten out of the habit of doing this and now if I don't make you happy or if I p*ss you off that's not my problem anymore

I did that for years until i fell into a pretty deep depression and you knwo what, when it was my turn needing help, there was no one there.
These days i rarely give a f**k about anyone. Makes me a pretty bad person, i don't care.


Immortal said:
Gotta garee with the whole not telling people thing. Can't depend on others to get things done for you, & fall into the trap of feeling sorry for yourself. This is the way I've always delt with problems.

Ditto. For years and years i kept things in but now that things are getting better i find it hard to trust anyone or let anyone in. In hindsight i wish had spoken about some stuff, but i made my bed, so i must lie in it.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I'm not laughing at anyone. I'm making a lighthearted joke regarding a single line which can be taken in a different way by a farkwit like me with a sick mind.

Further to that though... we're all people who know each other by aliases and the odd random chat on the FFB or MSN. How much can you really trust anyone?


Eelementary said:
And something else for you all: my own personal jealousy.

I'm jealous because, at 21 years of age, I'm a university drop-out with ideas of going back (but no idea on what to actually study), a casual job-to-be - and all around me, classmates who graduated from high school with me are completing their degrees and going off into the workforce, while my life becomes seemingly insignificant in comparison.

But, you know - just have to cop it and keep doing what I can.

I get kind of jealous when I see hot chicks in magazines or out and about who are 18-19 but look f**king hot and like they're in their mid-20's. I'm 21 and if I dress casually enough I could pass for a 16 or 17 year old. The only saving grace is that I'm tall. My one remaining hope is that this means I'll age really well, like George Clooney or Shaun Micalleff. Maybe when I'm 45 and all my mates look like Sterlo I'll still have 30 year old women wanting to date me? :D