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im jealous of those crazy asians who own the sh*t out of me at street fighter at galaxy - seriously it f**king sh*ts me, this one crazy mofo annilhated me in 11 seconds, i didnt even more, FIGHT!! and then bam crash kazamabalimawang and KO im gone, that sh*ts me,id love to be street fighter champion and kick some one arse just once - im also envious of my mate whos a mad guitar player and im struggling to knock out Iron Man and he pulls out some crazy jimi hendrix stuff and yeh it makes me cut, i wanna be mad at guitar

jealousy is probably the worst trait to have coz we all have our thing that makes us US, and sh*t, whats hot got to do with it? does a ton of make up make u happy? no, its allllllllll about the company and how they make u feel n sh*t and if they dont but u with them for materialistic reason then u will always be empty



well like I said it's not what the girl looks like that makes me feel this way they could be a glamour or an absolute dog and i'd still feel it
^^if u talkn 2 me, soz i wasnt refering to u, just in general, just sh*ts me how ppl are all about looks n sh*t, relationships are evil anyway


Jealousy is what happens when someone has something that you think you don't or can't have. Be less defeatist and fight for it! It works for me, I usually win. :twisted: :twisted:


Post Whore
You all rock. And I mean it. Dead set.

* Footy fans (and none of this pansy, AFL crappy footy - I mean REAL men's footy)

* Intelligent posters

* I always come here and there are always people who appreciate my unfunny humour.

Physical beauty...Meh. I lack it, but I have other compensating gifts - such as personality, eloquence, intelligence, humour, etc. And here's the thing, elia and WC - those "beautiful and nice" girls....They won't be beautiful and nice forever. Brains et al, however, stick with you forever and will get you more in life.

Ask yourself - do you think Elle Macpherson is TRULY happy? Consider that:

* She's nowhere near as beautiful as she was 15 years ago;

* Nowhere near as famous;

* She has a son, but can't seem to find a steady partner with which to raise this child (and apparently she wants a man to marry her).

On the other hand, take the late and great Steve Irwin - not a great-looking man. Not very rich (I think you'll find that most of his money went back into protecting his wildlife). But he was TRULY happy - a wife, a beautiful baby girl AND he was working for something he REALLY believed in. I doubt very much the great man was jealous.

So you see...

Screw it. I'm just trying to say that if you compare Jessica Alba to Margaret Thatcher...It's not a given that Alba is better and/or happier.




Elia said:
Same here... I kinda get intimidated/scared of really pretty people,like beautiful people. There's this girl at my school she's SO beautiful that i'm scared of her..I ain't leso or n e anything but yeh.

It's not like that for me. To be honest, in the personality stakes I'm dead certain I'm an A+. If 'Shallow Hal' was reality I reckon I'd be getting asked out every day of the week! It just p*sses me off how shallow most of society is. You even watch TV and most stuff is sold on the premise of being "sexy"- even cars FFS! Sometimes I get the impression from most chicks that if a guy isn't rich or hot or famous he might as well just f**k off and go home.


Eelementary said:
You all rock. And I mean it. Dead set.

* Footy fans (and none of this pansy, AFL crappy footy - I mean REAL men's footy)

* Intelligent posters

* I always come here and there are always people who appreciate my unfunny humour.

Physical beauty...Meh. I lack it, but I have other compensating gifts - such as personality, eloquence, intelligence, humour, etc. And here's the thing, elia and WC - those "beautiful and nice" girls....They won't be beautiful and nice forever. Brains et al, however, stick with you forever and will get you more in life.

Ask yourself - do you think Elle Macpherson is TRULY happy? Consider that:

* She's nowhere near as beautiful as she was 15 years ago;

* Nowhere near as famous;

* She has a son, but can't seem to find a steady partner with which to raise this child (and apparently she wants a man to marry her).

On the other hand, take the late and great Steve Irwin - not a great-looking man. Not very rich (I think you'll find that most of his money went back into protecting his wildlife). But he was TRULY happy - a wife, a beautiful baby girl AND he was working for something he REALLY believed in. I doubt very much the great man was jealous.

So you see...

Screw it. I'm just trying to say that if you compare Jessica Alba to Margaret Thatcher...It's not a given that Alba is better and/or happier.



You've hit the nail on the head there, and Kylie Minogue is 38 and still not married. If good looks were all it took to have great relationships, no movie stars would ever divorce. It'd just be nice to have the looks to break the ice in the first place, so then the chicks can see my A+ personality and want me.


I wonder if anyone's gone to a party and literally broken some ice to start a conversation with someone... that would make me laugh!! :lol:

If someone can make me laugh then it's a big plus... I'ts so easy to make me laugh though... I find the stupidest things funny...


Post Whore
Obviously you can't look like Terrence the dead squirrel, or you're unlikely to get anywhere.

But if you have an ounce of confidence and personality, you can get places. And not just romantically. If you have a good personality, you're the perfect salesperson, too.

Happens all the time - hot-ass Kristin Kreuk-lookalike at the bar, wearing skimpy clothes. And next to her you have a perhaps less physically attractive girl, but she's dressed nicely and her body language suggests she's confident.

No prizes for guessing who I go talk to lol.
women r too hard to talk too at parties, pubs, im not a conversation initiater, except wen im pissed then i jibber and have no hope

ahh, wise words elementary, wise words

but, confidence across the board is hard -- im confident in my job, confident wen with my mates, but if a chicks nearby ahhhhhhh cya later in gone freeze up like my sh*tty old computer


Post Whore
KrypnotiK said:
women r too hard to talk too at parties, pubs, im not a conversation initiater, except wen im pissed then i jibber and have no hope

ahh, wise words elementary, wise words

but, confidence across the board is hard -- im confident in my job, confident wen with my mates, but if a chicks nearby ahhhhhhh cya later in gone freeze up like my sh*tty old computer

I know what you mean, mate. I wasn't too confident. When I played footy, I was pretty confident. Then I got injured, my gf dumped me and my confidence took a nosedive.

But recently I worked as a face-to-face salesman on streets, malls and train stations to get people to sign up for charities - and it really taught me how to be confident in myself (seeing as how the only way I'll get paid is if I successfully stop someone random and convince them to sign up). I was successfull, and I find it slightly easier now to approach random women.

It's not an easy task, by any means. But you eventually learn that if you're confident, even if she's not interested (unless she's a REAL bitch)...At the very least, she'll show you respect for going and talking to her.


I think i often confuse jealousy with my extreme lack of self confidence.
Eelementary said:
I know what you mean, mate. I wasn't too confident. When I played footy, I was pretty confident. Then I got injured, my gf dumped me and my confidence took a nosedive.

But recently I worked as a face-to-face salesman on streets, malls and train stations to get people to sign up for charities - and it really taught me how to be confident in myself (seeing as how the only way I'll get paid is if I successfully stop someone random and convince them to sign up). I was successfull, and I find it slightly easier now to approach random women.

It's not an easy task, by any means. But you eventually learn that if you're confident, even if she's not interested (unless she's a REAL bitch)...At the very least, she'll show you respect for going and talking to her.

damn, life sh*ts me how so much drama happens at one time, one, two, three, four things at one time

self confidence, me i have none, but, it doesnt like make me depressed n sh*t or woteva, i just dont care, alot of my mates all care about what a woman thinks but like lifes too short to give a sh*t, especially when u lose someone close to the contradiction of death then u realise f**k what people think


I reckon some of those old guys are pretty good at picking up actually - what is it with younger guys just yelling out at you or wolf whistling. I mean how is that meant to attract a girl - i mean if you do a drive by and yell at them how the hell are they going to respond? Not that they'd want to but I mean... duh!


Post Whore
There's a line between "self-confidence" and "self-worth". I believe many people lack self-confidence (which is natural), but it can be fixed. The ones who are in real trouble are those who lack self-worth. They believe they aren't good enough. But in most cases they are.

It's not an easy issue, is it? It's complex. But I agree - I always take the approach of talking to a girl I have my eye on, and if she rejects me...Who cares? Move on.

But it's harder than that for a lot of people.

And Punkess, who says' I'm not 40+? :p