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Post Whore
Punkess said:
I reckon some of those old guys are pretty good at picking up actually - what is it with younger guys just yelling out at you or wolf whistling. I mean how is that meant to attract a girl - i mean if you do a drive by and yell at them how the hell are they going to respond? Not that they'd want to but I mean... duh!

Yeah, that's idiotic.

I always use my favourite line:

"Hey - I'm Mike. You know, my mates over there bet me 20 bucks that I wouldn't come talk to you. So - what will you buy me with their money?"

Works a treat to break the ice.
Eelementary said:
There's a line between "self-confidence" and "self-worth". I believe many people lack self-confidence (which is natural), but it can be fixed. The ones who are in real trouble are those who lack self-worth. They believe they aren't good enough. But in most cases they are.

It's not an easy issue, is it? It's complex. But I agree - I always take the approach of talking to a girl I have my eye on, and if she rejects me...Who cares? Move on.

But it's harder than that for a lot of people.

And Punkess, who says' I'm not 40+? :p

theres a fine line between both, and u make good points.

the issue that sh*ts me is when people are attention whores and say 'im not beautiful' until someone says they are, like one of my ex's, atention whore, cut herself and say 'im worthless, not worth me living' until we're like no no ur sexy every guy wants u im so lucky to have u, then shes smiling until the next day when she starts the charade all over again, really put a strain on me untill i snapped and told if she was for real about suicide then f**king get it over with - she still alive today and thankfuly not my girl

if only i was better with chicks, if i talk to a chick and she says 'where u work' and i tell them my job at a chocolate factory they love me, then i sit there like mmmmm now what? aint THAT a bitch :(


Post Whore
KrypnotiK said:
theres a fine line between both, and u make good points.

the issue that sh*ts me is when people are attention whores and say 'im not beautiful' until someone says they are, like one of my ex's, atention whore, cut herself and say 'im worthless, not worth me living' until we're like no no ur sexy every guy wants u im so lucky to have u, then shes smiling until the next day when she starts the charade all over again, really put a strain on me untill i snapped and told if she was for real about suicide then f**king get it over with - she still alive today and thankfuly not my girl

if only i was better with chicks, if i talk to a chick and she says 'where u work' and i tell them my job at a chocolate factory they love me, then i sit there like mmmmm now what? aint THAT a bitch :(

I know what you mean, mate. And I really agree with you.

And talking to women isn't as clear-cut as it may seem. They tend to lose interest quickly (I find anyway lol). But it's a practice thing - more practice you get, the better you get at it.

If worse comes to worse, compliment her hair - she'll love you forever! :lol:


Yum chocolate!!! I said I wasn't going to eat the whole packet of tim tams today but I couldn't help myself :?


KrypnotiK, you just gotta get out there and keep trying! So what if someone doesn't like you, you only need to find one good one!!

I also hate people who are heaps attention seeking like putting themselves down all the time! I can understand the occassional doubt but constantly saying stuff, just to hear you contradict is pretty annoying...


Eelementary said:
There's a line between "self-confidence" and "self-worth". I believe many people lack self-confidence (which is natural), but it can be fixed. The ones who are in real trouble are those who lack self-worth. They believe they aren't good enough. But in most cases they are.

It's not an easy issue, is it? It's complex. But I agree - I always take the approach of talking to a girl I have my eye on, and if she rejects me...Who cares? Move on.

But it's harder than that for a lot of people.

I have neither.

And what you say about complimenting hair is 100% correct.


Post Whore
Well, in my opinion, you're a great person. Footy fan, smart and have a great sense of humour (as evidenced by some of your comebacks :lol:).

But I only ever compliment women if I'm genuine. Despite what I said earlier lol.


Why thankyou :D

I was weak and walked all over for many years until i recently decided to stand up for myself. I got sick of being who i was. I'm much better than what i used to be, it takes a lot of hard work to break the cycle.


Post Whore
It does. I know it, too.

After I nearly broke my neck and my gf dumped me, for nearly a full year I got stuck in a cycle of near-depression and felt that I had nothing to offer. I slowly got over it. It wasn't easy, but it was important to do.
Punkess said:
KrypnotiK, you just gotta get out there and keep trying! So what if someone doesn't like you, you only need to find one good one!!

I also hate people who are heaps attention seeking like putting themselves down all the time! I can understand the occassional doubt but constantly saying stuff, just to hear you contradict is pretty annoying...

if someone doesnt like me, their loss not mine :cool:

i hate deliberate attention seeking wrist sliting and all that, especially wen its ur girlfriend, thats the worst, u get to a point where u dont care and it affects u, not cool to go thru, why cant we all get pissed and have fun and enjoy a throbbing hangover together


I was depressed for ages - stopped talking to anyone and had some bad experiences, but I'm through it now!! Just gotta move on and learn from the past...

Also, I'm going to crush those bastards...


Post Whore

I always say, "Hey - you reckon YOUR life sucks? Are you in prison? Are you a junkie? Are you dying? Does everyone hate you? Are you stuck in the middle of a war, famine, depression, flood, tornado, tsunami or other natural disaster? No? What's that? You live in Australia as a middle-class citizen, make decent money and have lots of friends and family? Then none of your problems can be THAT bad. Let's go out - I'll you a few beers, kick your arse at pool, we'll talk to come girls and everything will be OK."

It's true, too.


Thats the mentality i have always used.
When people find out some of the things i have been through they are sad and offer pity. But i always say that there are billions of people worse off than what i had it.
Eelementary said:

I always say, "Hey - you reckon YOUR life sucks? Are you in prison? Are you a junkie? Are you dying? Does everyone hate you? Are you stuck in the middle of a war, famine, depression, flood, tornado, tsunami or other natural disaster? No? What's that? You live in Australia as a middle-class citizen, make decent money and have lots of friends and family? Then none of your problems can be THAT bad. Let's go out - I'll you a few beers, kick your arse at pool, we'll talk to come girls and everything will be OK."

It's true, too.

just about everything i said to my ex - except the beer part hehe, sort of went in the other direction and possibly more aggressive than u wrote it :sarcasm:


Post Whore
KrypnotiK said:
just about everything i said to my ex - except the beer part hehe, sort of went in the other direction and possibly more aggressive than u wrote it :sarcasm:

Well, when I've said it to my mates, there may or may not have been some pushes involved...:sarcasm:


Honestly though when I was depressed I couldn't really have given a crap about the people that were worse off than me! Still I get what you're saying... it's just hard to care about other people when you don't even care about yourself.

I know why I was depressed but rather than letting all that become a bad thing, I've realised that deep down I never really care what people think a whole bunch, cause being different and me is great! So I'm happy enough with that!