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LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I agree relationships are farked up. I just don't think it's right that horrible and nasty people get in relationships and find some sort of happiness while genuinely nice people (I'd like to think I'm one of them tbh) end up wallowing in loneliness. I think it will be a travesty if I die without knowing what 'real love', but aside from that... I just don't know. I'm sure my life will work out exactly how it's supposed to.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
It is. And apart from my love life, I'm very much enjoying my life! :crazy:


Alba said:
Yeah well sometimes it's a hell of a lot easier to type and post what is wrong with you to a bunch of people you don't know personally then to actually talk to someone you know about it. Weird but true.

I agree with you 100% there. About a month ago I made this compilation tape called 'The Bad day tape'- it's a tape with songs about rejection, being let down, lonlieness, regret, suicide etc. If things are ever going crap I play the tape, dim the lights in my room and (sometimes) get smashed and unwind, until the last song I put on the tape (intentionally) comes on, which is Crowded House 'Everything is good for you (if it doesn't kill you)' and then I realise that it's not so bad anymore and that I will almost certainly be around tomorrow.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Hey, I have my music categorised in iTunes, not in Genres but in moods really I suppose. I listen to a playlist I've called "The Bounce" which is basically any song with the capacity to make me smile, dance or laugh, or even totally rock out. Then there's "The Lounge", which is the equivalent of your Bad Day Tape, but with more songs and an even mix of positive and depressing mellowed tunes. There's some inspirational stuff in both playlists. Love my music, couldn't live without it.


Buried deep as you can
Dig inside yourself,
And covered with
A perfect shell,
Such a charming
Beautiful exterior.
Laced with a briliant smile
And shining eyes
Perfect posture
But you're barely scraping by
You're barely scraping by

This is one time
That you can't fake
It hard enough to please
Everyone or anyone at all.
And the grave that
You refuse to leave
The refuge that
You've built to flee
The places that
You have come to fear the most.

Buried deep as you can
Dig inside yourself,
And hidden in the public eye.
Such a stellar
Monument to loneliness.
Laced with brilliant smiles
And shining eyes
And perfect makeup
But you're barely scraping by


Timmah said:
Hey, I have my music categorised in iTunes, not in Genres but in moods really I suppose. I listen to a playlist I've called "The Bounce" which is basically any song with the capacity to make me smile, dance or laugh, or even totally rock out. Then there's "The Lounge", which is the equivalent of your Bad Day Tape, but with more songs and an even mix of positive and depressing mellowed tunes. There's some inspirational stuff in both playlists. Love my music, couldn't live without it.

That's why I put that Crowded House song last (well, the last song on side B anyway :LOL:). It's a great song with a great message, and like I said it always reminds me that as bad as things may seem, I'll come back fighting, and I always have.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Dani said:
Buried deep as you can
Dig inside yourself,
And covered with
A perfect shell,
Such a charming
Beautiful exterior.
Laced with a briliant smile
And shining eyes
Perfect posture
But you're barely scraping by
You're barely scraping by

This is one time
That you can't fake
It hard enough to please
Everyone or anyone at all.
And the grave that
You refuse to leave
The refuge that
You've built to flee
The places that
You have come to fear the most.

Buried deep as you can
Dig inside yourself,
And hidden in the public eye.
Such a stellar
Monument to loneliness.
Laced with brilliant smiles
And shining eyes
And perfect makeup
But you're barely scraping by

:ls: Dashboard. They're in The Lounge.


Alba said:
I'm getting it. I have an appointment on Friday with a Psychologist which for me is a MASSIVE step but i have to try something. Because what i'm doing just isn't working. I want to go back to being who I was before.

I can understand trying to get help, but just make sure that after all the advice people give you, you make up your own mind and don't just do things because people suggest them to you. Some people suggested that I take anti-depressants, but I was just going through a stage in my life where things sort of just sucked and I needed to work my way through it. Anti-depressants have all sorts of side effects and I think that would've been a worse result for me at the end of the day.

I understand where you're coming from anyway, and sometimes you don't know what to do to make it better. And what works for one person might not work for someone else. Hopefully you'll work it out.

For me it was a matter of figuring out what I wanted to do with my life, then do it for myself and not worry about anyone else. At one stage I felt like nothing and let what other people thought of me mean too much. I remember at school in year 10, I got 97% in maths and came second in the year, and I went home and told my dad and he was like "next time you should do better!", and I just felt really awful, and didn't want to try anymore. I stopped for ages right up until before the HSC when my marks had gotten so bad I was barely passing/failing, and then I realised that working isn't for anyone else but me (i mean, duh!). I still didn't do that well in the end, but I tried, and I learnt a lesson! If I've done well at something I don't need approval from anyone, I can just be pleased to myself and happy on the inside! And, that's how I feel about everything :)

Plus I have some places I go when I don't feel so great and want to be alone that make me happy and want to make an effort with my life! It's not perfect but it's possible to be happy without a perfect life!

Ok I wrote lots!!!!


Post Whore
Personally, I don't believe in the whole "everything happens for a reason". It means you're not in control of your own being, and excuses for everything become easier.

I'm single - meant to be.

I'm a junky - meant to be.

I died at age 25 - meant to be.

Nah. Doesn't wash with me. I find if you take that attitude, you enable yourself to relinquish everything and accept failure. And I believe that failure is just not acceptable.

But that's me.


I'm with Eele on that one.

Two of my favourite quotes:
"It is your self-doubt and laziness that define and limit who you are"

"Success is self-created, so is failure"

God-King Dean

The reason people become angry at their love life is because they expect the other to bring them hapiness.

Good lukc to those who think that way, no-one else can make you happy, never.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Eelementary said:
Personally, I don't believe in the whole "everything happens for a reason". It means you're not in control of your own being, and excuses for everything become easier.

I'm single - meant to be.

I'm a junky - meant to be.

I died at age 25 - meant to be.

Nah. Doesn't wash with me. I find if you take that attitude, you enable yourself to relinquish everything and accept failure. And I believe that failure is just not acceptable.

But that's me.

Not at all... you're spot on there... it doesn't mean excuses are easier though, it's more that life goes on.... if something's happened it's happened. You can't change it now. More of a reflecting on the past remark rather than making excuses for the future.


Immortal said:
The reason people become angry at their love life is because they expect the other to bring them hapiness.

Good lukc to those who think that way, no-one else can make you happy, never.

And i thought i was bitter.
May not make you completely happy, but it's someone to be with and share your happiness with.

God-King Dean

Dani said:
And i thought i was bitter.
May not make you completely happy, but it's someone to be with and share your happiness with.

Explain to me how I'm bitter. You trying to tell me it ain't true ?

Perhaps. But I think you'll find most pussy-whipped men look to women as goddesses (they won't admit, but they do without relizing it), & spend more time thinking about the best way to get girls rather than pursuing their dreams & doing what they love etc.

I know. I was one of them.


You don't think that having someone special in your life wont make you happy?
And why isn't there enough room in someones life for love and to persue their dreams and goals?

God-King Dean

Dani said:
You don't think that having someone special in your life wont make you happy?
And why isn't there enough room in someones life for love and to persue their dreams and goals?

You missed the point completely. I said 'placing your hapiness in people', as in your boy/girlfriend. After you get the girl/boy... then what ? Are you anymore happier ?

There is room for both. I encourage people to fall in love... but not at the sake of the dreams.

Dreams first, girls later.