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Thank you Dani that is really sweet but you are such an awesome chick I can't see why you would wanna be what I am! lol .. u know how headf***ed I am! haha .. na but seriously, Immortal (btw good game last night), I don't think I am unattractive, it has nothing to do with that.. I've been thinking about it and I know where it turned like this.. It was when I was with my ex.. because before him and even in the beginning of our relationship I had total trust and if girls called him (even when his ex called him and cried to him about how she wanted him back) I never thought twice and I certainly never felt jealousy or insecurity .. That trust has been abused one too many times I think and now i'm just scared if i trust someone they will f*** me over and honestly I just don't think I could take it again. But with this guy I was "seeing" (it was really really new we had only determined we were more than friends, never actually put a label on it), I just was always thinking he attracts a different type of girl to me and I was convinced that that type of girl was his type, and I wasn't, and sooner or later he would realise that .. no excuse for what I did though.

btw RJ i miss talkin to you why aren't you ever on MSN?!


Post Whore
You know what really is attractive? Confidence. Seriously.

Every time I go out, I see Jessica Alba look-alikes - but they're such dirty ho-bags or so unsure about themselves that you think, "Why should I bother?"

And then on the other hand you have a Julia Roberts look-alike who exudes confidence - and you think, "Damn - I have to have her."

Word up.

Seriously, though.


Eelementary yeah I know that .. Trust me I never show how I feel, that's why I think alot of people are a little shocked when they find out I actually feel this way .. It's not that I don't think I have anything I just get insecure that better things are out there I guess .. I'm workin on it ..


Post Whore
I didn't mean it to sound personal. I know you're a top person, as is everyone else on here.

I'm just trying to do my good bit for the community and hope to help.

I mean, there's me as inspiration! lol

An ordinary-looking guy who has had moderate success in life. And it's all down to me being me.

I don't want to preach - I know nothing about everything lol. I just hope that people can say, "Hey - if that ugly-ass dude can be happy, why can't I?"

Because, quite frankly, apart from a few members here and there, you're all great people from what I can tell. And that means something.


Timmah said:
Men and women suck. I'm turning a-sexual.

He er Tim.. ah Timmah I mean.. er um... i like know some... sheep... I could maybe er.. i dunno... introduce you to some if you want :sarcasm:


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
Martli said:
He er Tim.. ah Timmah I mean.. er um... i like know some... sheep... I could maybe er.. i dunno... introduce you to some if you want :sarcasm:

Oi! Moit! :fist: Fug Ov!


Knightmare said:
I get kind of jealous of people who are hot (guys and girls). I think how cool it must be to be able to get pretty much whatever (and whoever) you want and have doors opened up for you, just because you were born with the right DNA. It wouldn't bother me so much if in today's world, people gave a s**t about anything else other than looking good.

Same here... I kinda get intimidated/scared of really pretty people,like beautiful people. There's this girl at my school she's SO beautiful that i'm scared of her..I ain't leso or n e anything but yeh.


Elia said:
There's this girl at my school she's SO beautiful that i'm scared of her..I ain't leso or n e anything but yeh.

confront your fears, punch her in the face


Post Whore
Elia said:
Same here... I kinda get intimidated/scared of really pretty people,like beautiful people. There's this girl at my school she's SO beautiful that i'm scared of her..I ain't leso or n e anything but yeh.


No need to be scared of "beautiful people". With rare exceptions, the "beautiful" people rarely have anything but physical beauty anyway.

And as Phillips suggested - break her nose. Then she won't be no pretty no more. :fist:

sportive cupid

ALba I have been reading this thread and agree with your concerns about Jealousy.If you are finding that your insecurities are leading you to act in an aggressive way(and aggressive language and threats are a form of aggression which is disturbing) then you are right to seek help.
Eelementry has something in what he says about insecurities and lack of confidence can lead you to think in a jealous way.Nevertheless when these feeling are not dealt with they can lead to the more insideous stalking behaviour that noone thinks they are capable of until it happens.
Please seek help and don't ignore how you feel or underplay the sugnificance of it.
you can get through it


Phillips said:
confront your fears, punch her in the face

Lol yeh I should aye, but i'd feel bad , cause apparently she's really nice aswell, so that makes it all the more intimidating... Ohwell.
Thanx Eelmentary .. I'll keep that in mind.


sportive cupid said:
ALba I have been reading this thread and agree with your concerns about Jealousy.If you are finding that your insecurities are leading you to act in an aggressive way(and aggressive language and threats are a form of aggression which is disturbing) then you are right to seek help.
Eelementry has something in what he says about insecurities and lack of confidence can lead you to think in a jealous way.Nevertheless when these feeling are not dealt with they can lead to the more insideous stalking behaviour that noone thinks they are capable of until it happens.
Please seek help and don't ignore how you feel or underplay the sugnificance of it.
you can get through it

Thank you. I know I do need help and trust me, on the stalker front I think i've already started! But in all seriousness I am making a conscious effort to fix this because it's just a bad emotion. It's an ugly ugly trait.

wittyz chick

Knightmare said:
I get kind of jealous of people who are hot (guys and girls). I think how cool it must be to be able to get pretty much whatever (and whoever) you want and have doors opened up for you, just because you were born with the right DNA. It wouldn't bother me so much if in today's world, people gave a s**t about anything else other than looking good.

Same here ... There is this one chick at school in my grade ... I swear I cannot wait for the end on year 12 ... I'm just gonna punch her in the nose so she can know what it's like to not be beautiful/perfect.

But she's actually a really nice person I just hate how pretty she is :crazy:

wittyz chick

well at the middle of the year I was very tempted to do it ... but she's become really nice lately ...

but the one who you thought it was may cop a punch ... or few!

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