I take this opportunity to set the record straight on a number of matters at the Sydney Bulls.
Money does buy a lot of things but it doesn’t buy grand finals. Success is achieved through good decision making and by having spirit and culture. At our club we have an abundance of spirit that some clubs like Cabra only dream about. Success at our club is like a disease and we are all poisoned by it.
Lets talk about Warren Beaumont. A nicer more loyal and genuine bloke you will never meet. For whatever reasons he left Cabra, and I can assure you there are no hangovers, he’s over them now but it seems a few people over there can’t come to terms with the fact that he is at a successful club now. Success that they only dream of. His smile from ear to ear since last Saturday shows how much it means to him. The players and officials at our club are so very happy to have ‘Beauy’ around.
Let’s talk about David Bayssari. This bloke could get a job anywhere else (and 4 grand finals in 4 years is a record not to be looked down on) but he chooses to be at the Bulls. Cabra would take him tomorrow if they could. He like everyone else is so very passionate about the Bulls. He’ll be here for a few years yet.
Success at our club is achieved through hard work. We only sign those that we believe meet our high standards. Those that don’t leave as quickly as they come in. In 2006 we signed a front rower from Queensland whose training ethic was poor and always injured. He realised very quickly that opportunities at our club are to be earned and not just given out. He lasted about 6 weeks before he went to the local ‘A’ grade comp. If you don’t believe me, ask Ram Man.
Those that sit behind a user name on an internet chat page claiming our club officials act disgracefully should can come down to training on a Tuesday or Thursday night at The Crest and see just how harmonious and happy our club is. They can also see how happy people like Paul Winterstein is to play at our club and why he turned down an offer to play at Cabra – for more money I might add. Why people like Adam Tippet came back ‘home’ from playing at Cabra. It’s called success and as I stated at the outset success at our club is like a disease and we are all poisoned by it.
I dont deny this at all mastermind.
It is a tough club and very cut throat which is what successful clubs are.
I have never said anything in here to dispute that fact.
And assuming I am right, I think I know who you are and my criticism of the club was on a personal level and not of the success or how the club became to be successful.
There were differing opinions and things were said in the heat of the moment and I left for the sake of my own sanity and to not bring my negative attitude I had at the time into the team because I genuinely liked the guys I played along side.
I admitt openly that at that time in my career, I was a terrible trainer and my attitude was poor not to mention a rather serious injury sustained in trials.
I have mentioned on here that arguments can happen at clubs like the Bulls and the reason for saying this is because of the high demand for success and the pressure that players,coaches and team managment are under for success. This is not a bad thing at all, but it just comes with the nature of such a competitive club atmosphere. It was not meant as a piss take or a stab at anyone in particular at all.
Some people perceive these arguments as trouble.
I disagree.
If there is that much passion there that you have arguments that can be seen by the general public, then it shows to will to succeed.
Nothing I have said on here is meant to be disrespecful at the club, or officials at all. It is just my opinion on how I see your club. I am entitled to my opinion as a rugby league follower and player and have commented on what other people have reported to have heard.
I have never or will never start any rumours or here-say about an opposing club in the JBC because it would bring the good name of the Belrose club down with it.
As I said to numerous players at the club after our last game with them, I wish them all the best in the finals (not that they need it) and hope that I get the chance to play against them next year because a win against the Bulls is such a rare thing.