Seriously? Are you typing this with a straight face? So by your logic anything awful any high profile person does should be kept from the public incase they become ashamed and kill themselves? Suicide is a terrible thing but it can't be the measure by which we decide when to let the public know things and when not to.
By that logic the Storm scandal should have been kept private because the people involved might have killed themselves from the shame. Same thing with every other scandal in the game?
How are they a disgrace? If they lied about it, if they photoshopped it and passed it off as the real thing, then they would be a disgrace. The fact is they did none of those things, and they did us all a service.
If Monaghan feels bad about himself as a result of this, it's the least he deserves.
1) I didn't say anywhere it shouldn't have seen the light of day in case he committed suicide. You read incorrectly between whatever lines were there. I simply said it could turn from this story into a suicide, which would be tragic. Again, I don't condone what he did but I don't want him to take his own life because of the enormity of what he is now in. I just hope he has a support system around him that ensures he doesn't.
2) They are a disgrace. They're an accomplice to this, just like you can be an accomplice to murder or whatever. They obviously thought it was funny to probably encourage it at the time, then post it. I, and you, both know they didn't post it to bring justice to the world. And you think it does us a service that they posted it? Please. Can you honestly say if a friend had a photo like this (don't say they wouldn't, Joel's friends would've said the same previously) that you'd circulate it so justice was served? Rubbish. You'd do the right thing, which would be to tell him he's f*cking lucky this time and cut back on the drinking, then delete it so it never saw the light of day.
Or nah, maybe you wouldn't. You're a crusader for morality and all that is just and righteous in the world.