eelavation said:True EEL said:Its Zappias call and he is pretty cluey about these things. Smith isnt our recruitment officer and if our recruitment team dont think his worth the money than let it be.
Smith isn't our recruitment officer???????????
if you believe that then you are gullible.......haven't you hear DF using his get out of jail free card all the time for the last 2 years saying....
"all the recruitment and retention starts and ends with BS....he has sole authority over it".....he may not be assigned the position, but he has the major and final say in it
that may well be the case!!!
but it could mean, and I stress could mean that Zap is looking after the signing of junior players while Brian is looking after first grade and premier league/part time players.
I'm clutching at straws here! i don't know the finer points of their responsabilities and i dare say not many here do.
respectfully.......i think you are clutching at straws.....Zappia may be the front man, but BS makes the calls...