True Eel, mate... you really need to lose the chip off your shoulder, and not take things personally.
I happen to agree with some of your concerns about Smith, the club's direction etc, and have said as much in many threads pre-dating your arrival. But I can't get revved up to contribute in support of those same ideas in your threads/posts when they're prefaced with or presented alongside your "everyone hates me, I may as well go and eat worms" attitude.
If you look back beyond your starting date of 4 July 2004 you'll see that I along with many others (including the people you think are rallying against everything you say :roll: ) have discussed and debated these same club issues extensively. This may surprise you, but people that you think are against you have previously shown they have open minds and even changed their minds (which is their right) on these same issues. It's called a forum for that very reason!
if you lose the attitude, the snide self-references and the personal insults, and you'll find you'll have some good discussions on here!! Whether everyone agrees with your point of view or not is irrelevent, the chance to (calmly) put yours forward and (calmly) read and (calmly) respond to alternate points of view is why we're all here - it's all in the delivery mate..