According to the constitution of the Rugby League European Federation (RLEF) there are two categories of Membership: Full and Affiliate.
In addition to these categories the RLEF also ranks Observers, as an entry level category.
A Member of the RLEF is the organisation recognised by the Rugby League International Federation (RLIF) as the body responsible for the regulation and/or control of the game of Rugby League in that country.
There may only be one National Governing Body (NGB). An Observer is recognised by the RLEF.
A recognised country will need to demonstrate the following criteria:
The country is a territory distinguished by its people, culture and geography
The country will be able to demonstrate that it has its own flag and government and that it has complete autonomy over sport within its defined area
The country is recognised by the United Nations (UN) or is recognized as a country within a country which is a member of the UN
The Board of the RLEF is satisfied that the applicant will be of benefit to the RLEF and its Membership
To achieve this status a Member should:
Have a current approved constitution lodged with the RLEF which shows detailed evidence of governance, membership, elections, meetings and arrangements for dissolution
Complete and submit to the RLEF annual accounts for at least 12 months prior to application
Publish and lodge with the RLEF annual reports for at least two years prior to approval
Be able to demonstrate the financial stability of the organisation
Operate with a bank account in the name of the Federation with at least two signatories on the account. The two signatories must be drawn from the currently elected Board (EG Chair, Treasurer, Vice Chair)
Operationally, conduct regular Rugby League Competitions within the country Competition is defined as a league competition played under International Laws of Rugby League over a minimum of a 10 week period. In addition:
(a) Minimum 8 senior teams
(b) Minimum 4 reserve/U21/Student grade teams
(c) At least 500 registered participants (players, coaches and match officials)
(d) A registered office and admin
(e) At least a 6 team Junior RL and/or School (Under 18) competition
(f) Coach Education Scheme approved by the RLEF
(g) Referees Accreditation Scheme approved by the RLEF
(h) Approved international programme at various levels which must include full international and may in addition include A International, Student International, Junior (Under 18) International. All at male or female
Members may be able to source revenue from the above activity by way of fees.
This can be extended to include registration fees, sponsorship, government grants, gate and canteen receipts and RLEF grants where applicable.
An approved Development Plan, correctly resourced with annual reports lodged with the RLEF
Have a current approved constitution lodged with the RLEF which shows detailed evidence of governance, membership, elections, meetings and arrangements for dissolution.
Complete and submit to the RLEF audited annual accounts for at least 12 months prior to application, where possible.
Operate with a bank account in the name of the Federation with at least two signatories on the account.
Conduct regular Rugby League competitions with:
a) Minimum four senior teams
b) At least 250 registered participants
c) Evidence that a youth or junior development programme is in place
c) A registered office and administration
d) Have an approved international programme at any eligible level
g) Access to coach and match official education via an RLEF approved scheme
The Board of the RLEF may at its discretion admit a country to Observer status based upon a completed application which will include the following:
Constitution correctly signed and approved
Bank account with at least two signatories drawn from the Board of the applicant
A list of the interested parties together with contact details, position within the organisation and a brief biography of the Board Members
A Development Plan for the following 12 month period
Membership / Observer status is subject to annual review.
Members may be put on 6 months notice of suspension or reduction in status if the RLEF feels that the criteria are not being maintained.
Notice will be in writing and will clearly state the areas for improvement. In order to assist the monitoring process all members are required to lodge their annual audited accounts and notes from their Annual General Meeting with the RLEF.