:lol: You mean where Australia flogged them by 24 points? Please, they were about as dangerous as the Yanks were.
ParraEelsNRL said:
Not as much now if you had bothered to have a look into it in the first place.
I know the game in France is developing but considering they could barely field a team within the past 10 years it certainly makes you wonder why they're worthy of such a status.
ParraEelsNRL said:
Not me, it's you and your called to dump Test playing nations because you feel they are shit, they aren't competitive or don't have any infrastructure.
I've justified my point of view and I didn't say dump, just strip them of test status and consider them an International side until they set themselves up.
ParraEelsNRL said:
Could you let us all know what the difference is?
Tests are recognised within the game's history and are given more respect. There is also an exclusive arrangement between the sides and the players.
Yes, I know a Test side represents a member of the RLIF, which is essentially like the Easter Show where everybody gets a prize, but it's a joke and my argument is these sides aren't ready for this responsibility just yet. Some sides admittedly are more prepared than others and I've made that point.
ParraEelsNRL said:
So just dump them and in 10 years give them another crack and hope for the best eh?
And here you are being melodramatic again. No, have them play more games, keep developing them and when they're ready grant them Test status.