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Karate Kid Remake! Don't do it please!

St. Brett

I don't know if you guys heard or not.....but.....they're remaking The Karate Kid, 2000 style!
You f*cking bastards!
This is destined to be a f*ck up!
I wouldn't be surprised if one of the members from Destiny's Child was in it too or some DMX, The Game or Lil Kim wrapper as well!
We all heard what wrap music did to Bananaramma's Karate Kid main song!
They butchered it!


Todays times cannot produce any originality! I repeat CANNOT!

Nothing's safe no more!

They ruined Star Wars, Hulk, Charlies Angels, Bionic Woman, Miami Vice, Battle Star Galactica Cat in the Hat, Herbie and the list goes on!

What's worse about this whole new Karate Kid project is that they've cast Will Smiths son to play Daniel Son.
My resistence and temptations to use the F word are on high alert right now!

We saw the recent attempt at a new 90210 flop on its arse by trying to be.....how do you say it...bilingual?

First Tony Dungy wins a super bowl then O'Bama becomes president now they think they can be Karate Kids?

Seriously, todays times are devaluing history! They're short changing yesterday!

How would this new film fare if it was released under the title Karate Chop, Tai Kwon Doe Kid or Brown Belt Jones? Why does it have to have the safe backing of yesterdays title The Karate Kid?

Here's another example of lazy producers who just canvas somebody elses work and go over it with a fresh coat of paint!
The chassis has already been built, the foundation laid and they just come along (2000 style) and destroy it with a fresh paint can coating!
It'll be a typical High School Musical 3 feel-good lolly pop adventure ''todays style'' and will come complete with a Lindsey Lohan Miley Cyrus touch!
Give me strength!

I knew this'd happen!
You can bet your arse they'll target Captain America or The A-Team next!

Do these entertainment execs and producers sit around their table going, "what could we steal from yesteryear?" ''What will we bite from yesterday that hasn't been done today?"

And can't the kids of today watch, or appreciate, the original Karate Kid?
Can't they relate to it or does it have to be sugar coated in some fake society? Guess its the sign of the times eh?

They stabbed at my heart when they royally f*cked up Halloween ''Rob Zombie'' style now they're pushing the dagger deeper by tinkering with another personal favourite of mine, the Karate Kid!

What next ''Stallone's'' Over The Top?
If that David Mendenhall wasn't annoying enough in that film then I'm sure they could find someone much worse today with all these little bastards suffering from that ADD ADHD crystal clear DVD high definition AHDHD bullsh*t!

I can tell that they're aching to get their hands on a new Back to the Future as well.
They'll go with the original plan and cast a girl in it - a la The Next Karate Kid style.
Did Hilary Swank f*ck up Karate Kid 4, or what? She may have been good in that boxing movie but f*ck me dead she killed TKK4.

Close Encounters and Jaws better watch out too!
Nothing's safe with these lazy artists/producers today.
They're pandering to a different audience using f*cked actors and scripts from yesterday.
What has been memorable about any movie in 2000?

What ever happen to power acting Michael Douglas style Kathy Bates, Jodie Foster or Holly Hunter style?

I condemn this new Karate Kid project to hell!
They'll never replicate Kreese, Mike Barns even Mr. Silver!
Barns and Mr. Silver were my personal favourites.
"Did you come here to teach or to be teached?"
"Don't do that! Why you being so stubborn!"
"No no, nothing's for free! You're getting in that ring!"
"The quick silver methods...you like that?"
"Let's try it on our friend over here!"

Even Snake was classical in part 3
"Oh, you know it!"
"Get off the mat, Snake! Snake get off the mat!"

Points or no points, you're dead meat....deat meat!

I like how Bobby pandered to Daniel Son after he swept his leg too.
"Daniel I'm sorry I'm sorry.''
I cry and get goose bumps when I watch The Karate Kid.

This has been Brett Gaddes get knotted!


You can't improve on perfection so why remake it?
What they did to Halloween made me ill.
Make this ''Will Smiths son'' remake film under the title blackbelt jones and see how it fares!
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umm ... captain america is already scheduled for 2010 ... you don't know about the whole avengers movie? ... iron man 2 comes out, then captain american then the avengers

but yeah ... that sucks if they go through with it

they're also remaking a nightmare on elm street and friday the 13th ... not a new movie but actually remaking the originals ... sucks arse

they should never have made that karate kid movie with the girl ...


Not Just Karate Kid, They have their hands on remaking Robocop:

Leading the 'can you believe it? No I cannot, but it is great news anyway', category for the week, Darren Aronofsky has confirmed that he will be directing the remake of quintessential 80's classic, Robocop.

And this is hot on the heels of his lates film, The Wrestler, that is already stirring up Oscar buzz for its leading man, Mickey Rourke.

Empire UK spoke to the director of The Fountain and Pi (woohoo!) when he visited London to preview The Wrestler.

“It's a real reinvention,” he told Empire, responding to those rumours that the movie would somehow follow on or be a direct sequel to Paul Verhoeven's 1987 original.

“Me and David Self are working on the screenplay. He's a great, great writer and we're trying to do something new and fresh. We'll see what happens when the screenplay comes.”

He wouldn't be drawn, though, on which elements would be carried over from the cyberpunk classic, or if room would be made for the original Murphy – Peter Weller – to make a cameo.

“There'll be...” he started to say, before Prime Directive 4 (“classified”) kicked in and moved him onto safer, vaguer ground. “I'm a big fan of the original. It still holds up as an amazing film, and I think it's more just looking at that same type of material in the 21st century and seeing where it leads us.”

Let's hope he "stays out of trouble" and doesn't run into any ED 209's in the production process.
Please god know I love the karate kids and can almost say it line by line, deadset..... This is going to be tragic, I forgave them for Karate Kid 4 as they still had Muagi(however the f**k u spell it) but grrrrrr.


St. Brett

Tonearm Terrorwrist....tell me you're joking, right? I didn't bother watching that Iron Man film with Downy Junior.
It looked dumb and his face looks like that Rolling Stones artist.
I think he spoilt The Zodiac too. He mummbled all the way through it.

I'm not down with any of that Fantastic Four sh*t either.

I don't watch todays movies.

Wanna know what I've been watching these past 4 months and year?
I'll list them.
Tarantulas:The Deadly Cargo. The Burning. Bloody Birthday. Halloween 3. Bionic Woman and Six million dollar Man versus Barefoot. Trapped (about 3 dogs and a man locked in a mall.) Rockford Files movies and TV series. Grizzly Adams. Ode to Billyjoe. Dark night of the Scarecrow. Death Hunt and Hellnight. Even Kingswood Country.
For f*cks sake at least they could act and not rely on computer.
I'm watching stuff that had proper actors and original scripts.

I did buy this cheap nonsense for only ten bucks a few weeks back called Rest Stop! It was dumb with unecessary over-use of the F word!

Even Bold and the Beautiful story lines are outdated today.
Here was a girl the other day looking and talking to a dead guy in the ocean and Ridge is still f*cking 2 different sheila's while having contests on the cat walk to save Forester Industries...they've been pitching this same sh*t for yonks! Everything's f*cked today.

I'm trying to get my hands on Session 9 and Space Cowboys today.
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St. Brett

Did you guys know that Mr. Miyagi died only about 2 years ago? It got this small snippet in the paper about half an inch big.

I remember Robocop. That melted guy in the toxic sh*t being smashed by the car.

Part 2 had that dumb story line about the small kid being top dog.

Anyone remember Mr. Miyagi in that comedy how he went to prison and they're all talking about rooting girls and he confesses to rooting sheep and they all get uppity? "They made me do it 6 times...I didn't enjoy it but pretended to.''

I've got both book and soundtrack to Karate Kid.
Think the book was written by the same author as The Outsiders?

Where'd I hear Elisabeth Shue turned 45 the other week? She's in some soccer movie recently about a true story.
What's the name of one of her films where she has to baby sit all these kids and gets lost in NY swinging from roof rafters and says don't f*ck with the baby sitter?
She was also in that disgusting pedafile movie with the baseball coach who liked kids fists up his arse.

Do you think Daniel son got to bed Ally with an eye?
The part where Daniel son has to go and eat cake his mom bought, instead, he went and picked up Alley with an eye at the water slide and let her ride his new car, where did they go after that?
She dumped him eh? At the start of part 2? So she embraced the accolades of his Karate victory yet took off with an NFL jock in part 2? Didn't last long.
Daniel was a real jerk to her in KK.

Remember William Zabker? Mr. Lawrence? He was in this other Karate movie and he goes up to 4 vato's who are harassing this chick and they go, "you got a problem pal?" and he goes, ''no but you have" and beats the sh*t out of the lot of them just like Whingey kicked the sh*t out of two dogs up at Miller shopping centre two days ago as well.

I saw Best of the Best in the video shop for sale the other day.
Why on Earth did they pick that fat Penn brother in the team for?
And the pitiful ending with his brothers killer embracing him in victory.
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DID YOU KNOW pat morita actually had an american accent and had to fake a japanese one?

nah it is true about captain america ... my mistake it's coming out in 2011 ... i don't think it's a remake just a movie about captain america to prelude the avengers movie but i've never seen the 1990 version so i won't know


iron man was good though ... downey jr was good but i'm an iron man fan so i liked it

i never bothered with the zodiac ... no need to go past dirty harry really

there's also a terminator 4 coming out ... not quite in the same category but definately in the "you're destroying a f**king classic legacy here" category

all these remakes just suck like no other ... i didn't bother with get smart i couldn't imagine it without don adams

i am particularly pissed off about the nightmare on elm street remake in the works and won't be watching it

i really don't understand why they remake movies ... do your own movie

St. Brett

I heard the american psycho actor is going to be the new Arnie for T 4?
Did Patrick Bateman ruin Batman Returns or what? I couldn't understand him in Batman Returns.
Ledger actually stole that movie. He was good as the Joker but I couldn't understand what Batman was saying.

Yer, I've got the 3 Karate Kid movies at home and have watched the bonus material on them and heard Pat Morita talk with a pure yanky accent. He was in Happy days and love boat as well right?
I thought the bonus material was poor that came with the karate kid.

Did you know that Ralph Macchio was actually 35 when he made KK? It's like Micheal J Fox was also 30-ish when he made back to the future portraying 18 year old characters.

By the way...on the back cover of my novel of the karate kid (even in the book) Johnny confronts Daniel in the cafeteria and they start a brawl in there as well over a plate of mash potatoes.
It comes after the beach fight. So they cut that cafeteria sceen out of the movie apparently. The pictures on the back of the book but not in the actual film.

We fell in love with the Karate Kid.....watched it around 86? or 85? Loved it! What a great film with proper acting.
Apparently today the school in the film is delapitated and half standing.

and why was cruel summer left out of the original soundtrack as well as Addicted to love by Robert Palmer missing from The Wraith sound track as well?
The over the top soundtrack is a cracker if you ever get hold of it.
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First Grade
Forget about TKK, we should all be up in arms about the Footloose remake.


I remember Robocop. That melted guy in the toxic sh*t being smashed by the car.

Part 2 had that dumb story line about the small kid being top dog.

The film was was close to getting a X rating for extreme violence, Verhoven had to edit some parts of the Movie for it get a R rating release.
The DVD was released with the 2 versions.

St. Brett

I can't believe that after I've just bagged the sh*t out of Hilary Swank and the next karate Kid I went and bought it an hour later.
Ten bucks.
Why did I purhcase it for?

A remake of Footloose?

Kevin Bacon was good in Tremors.

Will this new Footloose be like step to the street or how she move? How she move or how does she move?
They've gone over-board with these happy feel good dance film.
Hate 'em.

That fat Penn brother was in footloose eh?
I saw Kenny Loggin's the other night singing in that feed the world collaboration bullsh*t.

I'll ask again, what movie has been memorable this day and age?
In the year 2000 what has been memorable?

St. Brett

Can someone help me name a film please?


The actor Michael Biehn made a TV movie back in the day where he was married to this lady and he kept terrorising her every now and then.
He'd put spiders in her bed.
He'd jump on her at 2 in the morning and scream and he put her in a lagoon with a crocodile.
Then she left him but he kept bobbing up unshaven and harassing her.

St. Brett


I heard that Jason versus Freddy 2 was due for release soon.
I didn't hear about no remake of the original Friday the 13th's or Nightmare on elm street.
(Doesn't that John Saxon make a good movie villan?)

I was very dissapointed in that freddy Vs Jason movie.
The portrayal of Freddy by R. Englund was lazy and tired.
Remember how he goes, 'Hey, asshole!' It just wasn't Freddy.
And if Jason's biggest nightmare was a fear of water then why did he jump into the water at the end of part 6?

I didn't bother with Get Smart either.

In saying that todays times are killing yesterdays movies....it can work in reverse though as well...what I mean is....have you ever watched a film today, from yesteryear, and it didn't quite live up to how you watched it when you were younger? Take Bloodsport for example...I watched that not long ago and it was f*cking sh*t!
I'd like to pose the question sometime if DVD killed the feel of VHS video.
I even watched the directors cut of Lethal Weapon not long ago and it wasn't quite the same as VHS.

Besides...I think it was Shwartnegger, Stallone, Willis, Lundgren and Van Damme that killed movie! Them and Demi Moore and the like for demanding 20 mill a movie in the early 90's when they were making sh*t films.

I look back at them Running Man, Cyborg, Kickboxer, Commando type films and they're stupid really.
The acting was terrible.
It took me all these years to realise that Van Damm was a sh*t actor!

In saying that I like Universal Soldier and Dark Angel (Lundgren) Predator I'll stand by. And a few of Stallone's.

I was the first person to stand in line when Universal Soldier came out. It was a Thursday night at Hoyts in SYD.
That was the night we nearly ran up the coit of this idle car at high speed.

I even tried watching that T2 the other night on 10 and it's kind of silly really.
No wonder they edited certain sceens out of it and that Eddie Furlong's acting left a lot to be desired.
The way he said, 'the other kids were playing Nintendo,' and 'I'm this great big military leader' were stupid!
Arnold's part where he zeroes in on a kid smiling was funny with his teeth though.

I haven't watched the original Terminator in onks, man.
Terminator was the first ever movie we had on VHS video, it was an Opus VHS.

But with todays movies it's almost like they've opened the flood gates for ametuers, singers and reality actors.

To this day I cannot believe that Daniel son put that Cobra Kai's 'gi' on in part 3! You f*cking traitor!
Do you think the girl in part 3 was kind of a wasted character?
Her role was kind of thin and they didn't work together.
I'm going after the novel today of part 3 it's only $8 quid.

P.S. due to my original websites closing down (for some reason) I can't produce that photo of Daniel and Johnny in the messhall with the fight over the potatoes. I did have it online but my original site crashed for some reason.

P.P.S. if you go here http://www.fast-rewind.com/kkid/ there's the Vanished Scenes section in the bottom left hand corner (written in blue) where you can see a dodgey photo of the potatoe sceen fight not very clear though.
It even said there was a library scene edited from the film! cool beans. There's about 20 edited scenes!
I might write these guys and ask about if they'll ever release a deluxe edition DVD of all these edited sceens.
Did you read the part that was edited out of the movie where Daniel says to Ali with an eye, "you're so full of sh*t your eyes are turning brown?" :lol:
The film locations option is a good read too.
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Staff member
I can't believe they're already remaking movies that originally came out in my lifetime. I'm only 27, so this sh*t should not be happening until I'm at least 50 in my opinion.

I'm not a movie-watching person these days. There's been a couple of years in the past 6 or 7 where I didn't go to the cinemas even once during that year. I've been twice this year (within 8 days of eachother), and I will see another one (the new Bond movie) soon, but that'd be enough for me.

El Diablo

Post Whore
these merkins piss me off

i first remember them ruining class of 1984 with class of 1999

now they wanna f**k Robocop too?

f**k that sh*t!


Brett, try the movie "Never Back Down". It doesn't have the karate kid heart, but then again no movie does.
It is pretty good.