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Knocking Up the Knights>Dave's Rant


Spiltmilk said:
Could we please cut out the personal insults and stick to bagging each other no matter how silly some people think it is.
This means people from both sides of the fence
roger dodger boss. 8-[

Dave Q

Spilt has pulled out his badge on us!

Run lads, run for your lives!

The Newcastle blokes, they can go first -as they have by far the worst criminal records!

And if they get done, they'll do the most time!

Still I suppose there are fewer tough sentances in life than supporting the knights!

Thats hard time for mine!


Spiltmilk said:
Thats more like it loser:sarcasm:
hehehe oh oh oh! hey mr. kettle, you're black!! ;-)
Dave Q said:
Spilt has pulled out his badge on us!

Run lads, run for your lives!

The Newcastle blokes, they can go first -as they have by far the worst criminal records!

And if they get done, they'll do the most time!

Still I suppose there are fewer tough sentances in life than supporting the knights!

Thats hard time for mine!
come now dave.. i expected a bit more from you than that.. why not reply with at least some of the vigour that your bunny batting buddies have?

Dave Q

perverse said:
hehehe oh oh oh! hey mr. kettle, you're black!! ;-)

come now dave.. i expected a bit more from you than that.. why not reply with at least some of the vigour that your bunny batting buddies have?

What the fug would you know?



Ziggy the God

First Grade
perverse said:
thats nothing, spend 5 minutes with the crowd that likes to loiter around waterloo IGA without smelling, seeing or hearing something rancid and i'll give you a medal. no really, i'm getting one made up as i type this. and the pub on the corner down the road is 10 times worse... i think you can count the number of teeth in that pub on 1 hand.

fancy quoting me and spending 10 minutes thinking of what to type... lost for words mate?

Lets not start about the lovely 'people' of Stockton.

Well done Dave, love your work. :lol:

Dave Q

As the lads know, the Rant will go into Lockdown sometime tomorrow as we take a moment to consider the football!

Hats off to the participating trolls as without their "contribution" none of this would be possible.

After the match, I think I'd better start to issue points for the best three troll fuggers. But only if we win of course, otherwise we dont want to know them! All of the souths lads are invited to vote or comment for their favourite troll for each round. They can be the rudest, the most stupid, the most polite or funny it doesnt matter. Its whatever we reckon.

Cheers lads.


Gene Krupa said:
Aww maybe wike Johnny Sattler does?

(I know you are but what am I? :roll: )

Are you kidding me? Your comparing John Sattler to CAT Harrigan? you are truly clueless..... :lol: :lol:

Dave Q

Spiltmilk said:
Dont give em any credit Dave

No Spilt, its not for me to give them any credit. Its for the individual lad (or ladess) to make their own mind up about an individual troll and the troll's meaning to them.

I appreciate that youre taking the official authoratitve moderators position.

I heard from a retired mod over at another forum that at moderator college they teach youse uniform lads to be cool and calm under pressure.

Several weeks training, you get a badge and a gun and they cut you loose on the world.

I know that on other forums, some mods are having quiet chats on corners of the forum and cyber-paper bags are passed about. I even seen that with my own eyes!

But yonder over here, forum life is sweet. There aint no untoward associations Ive seen.

And hell, I know that It gives some of the lads here some peace of mind to know that Sgt Spilt is a walking up and down the forum keeping the peace and keeping the 'hood clean of ugly troll filth wanting to get personal and make bad trouble!

And yes, I would expect that your first reaction to some of the stupid trolls that have attended the forum and caused trouble, its to reach for your gun and fire off a few rounds (save the questions for later in the ambulance). Thats part of the training.

And they come down here to the 'hood lookin for some trouble and we want to send them back a little worse for wear. Teach them some fugging respect and discipline! Just a reflection of whats going on with our club and team in that strange world called reality.

I like the one who was boasting about 2 premierships. Fugging 2. Over at Souths, We got so many titles, theres a few in the backyard no-one has sighted for a few years. The trophy cabinet is too chockers to hold so many. I saw the dog with one in his mouth the other day. I said "stop slobbering over that grand final against Saints" and he put it down.

And our team gets going, it re-emerges and the other clubs get paranoid because the sleeping giant is stirring. They want to tie us down.

The greastest club in the history of league has come back to own them all.

And they will have to fugging wear it, as they have to wear the lads when they come down here and shoot off their gobs.

We aint here to be liked, but we are here anyway and whether they like it or not, they are going to have to deal with us.

And they are going to have to deal with South Sydney.


Hey Dave, I need your help. There is something seriously wrong with my donkey maybe you can take a look at it, you seem to be an expert after all.

Oh wait it's alright I found the problem there was a rabbit shoved up its rectum.

Sorry to bother.

Dave Q

KniGhTs BaTTLeR said:
Hey Dave, I need your help. There is something seriously wrong with my donkey maybe you can take a look at it, you seem to be an expert after all.

Oh wait it's alright I found the problem there was a rabbit shoved up its rectum.

Sorry to bother.

I'm sorry you bothered as well you useless fugger!

Anyway, the first thing you have to do is pull your head out of the donkeys ass. That way the rabbit and your lips, as prised on to its fluffy tail will be liberated.

Put said rabbit down and then insert your head back into the donkey's behind where it came from. Wella!

Note that you will have to hold your breath after extraction and before re-immersion into your natural environment.

Never say we arent kind and helpful around here.

Now go back and vomit all over your own useless forum, donkey-sqelching fiend.

And lads,

I say FUG them and their team of intellectually challenged boneheads!

I am sniffing the kills of kills for tomorrow.

My understanding is that tickets are just about sold out.

Seems the newcastle knights fans bought an entire stand for their donkeys to watch the match.

"Errol is like a member of the family ma, he should watch the game too"

" Now Alvin if you want Errol to see the match, you are just going to have to work it off with daily 5km trips to the village well for a week"

"geez thanks ma" shortly thereafter, "there ya go Errol, youre in!"

"Ewarrk! Waark!"


Dave Q said:
No Spilt, its not for me to give them any credit. Its for the individual lad (or ladess) to make their own mind up about an individual troll and the troll's meaning to them.

I appreciate that youre taking the official authoratitve moderators position.

I heard from a retired mod over at another forum that at moderator college they teach youse uniform lads to be cool and calm under pressure.

Several weeks training, you get a badge and a gun and they cut you loose on the world.

I know that on other forums, some mods are having quiet chats on corners of the forum and cyber-paper bags are passed about. I even seen that with my own eyes!

But yonder over here, forum life is sweet. There aint no untoward associations Ive seen.

And hell, I know that It gives some of the lads here some peace of mind to know that Sgt Spilt is a walking up and down the forum keeping the peace and keeping the 'hood clean of ugly troll filth wanting to get personal and make bad trouble!

And yes, I would expect that your first reaction to some of the stupid trolls that have attended the forum and caused trouble, its to reach for your gun and fire off a few rounds (save the questions for later in the ambulance). Thats part of the training.

What training ;-)
Only a guest with the big boys and i am expecting to have my badge and pistol removed at any time.
The banter was cruising along the knights have out done the other rivals to date but when it got to personal i had to pull out the badge for the first time.
Now peace has been restored please resume the troll bashing:lol: