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Post Whore
Any chance you'd be interested in buying a signed Brett Lee Sixers jersey/shirt for charity?

I mean, you've got plenty of spare cash, man, considering you get paid ridiculously well for your plum govt. job :)

OK, Ill bite...

38, live in the Blue Mountains. I like it because it is (mostly) quiet and far away from large populations. Not that I don't like socialising, but I also greatly appreciate my quiet time. I have no problem riding my bike into the city for a night out with my mates.

I have a strong liking for heavy metal. Real heavy metal - 90s Death, Black and Doom mostly, although I'm a massive fan of Katatonia's new stuff. Having said that, I love a lot of pop. Michael Jackson, Kylie Minogue, Maroon 5 and George Michael have all produced great music.

Work as a manager for Asia-Pacific's largest private supply chain company. The site I work on employs ~100 people with the contract being for a product that a great many people enjoy. Really enjoying the demands of the job as I require being regularly tested and pushed in my work. I mean, I spend a minimum 40 hours a week there so the "it just pays the bills" kind of thing seems like a big waste of time to me. If I'm going to do something then it needs to be a challenge.

Currently working on my first novel. Will be (hopefully) the first in a fantasy series. I am realistic about the chances of getting published, which are essentially nil, but once again I like the challenge and the opportunity to be productive (and creative). Currently a bit more than 1 chapter and an epilogue from finishing the first draft. Sitting just over 200,000 words atm.

As I've mentioned a couple of times, I like being challenged. So a true intellectual debate (extremely hard to find these days) or a complicated puzzle is right up my alley.

Don't really drink because I ride my motorbike. Smoker and coffee "enthusiast" (read: addict). Don't do drugs (except caffeine and nicotine) and love a good (controlled and budgeted) gamble on the footy.

Long hair, beard since I was 17 (although one of the two times I have ever clean shaved it was after the 2001 Grand Final loss).

Generally I'm a ridiculously intelligent, devilishly handsome, irresistibly charismatic and dangerously hilarious bloke. As you can imagine, my parents are quite proud of me.

Good luck with the book, mate!


Post Whore
Oh, and I'm also a huge metal fan. I like it all, except I don't really enjoy black metal.

Bands I like include Lamb Of God, Riverside, Amorphis, Opeth (though their new stuff is average), Allageon, Soilwork, Kataklysm, Slayer...list goes on.

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
Hey, Casper, when I was at Parramatta East Primary School we use to play footy against Rydalmere Central (I think it was). Was that your school? I'm almost two years older than you, so I doubt I would have played against you. Also, I remember when decimal currency first came in a mate and I used to get two cent pieces and bash them down with a hammer til they were roughly the same size as a shilling. Then we'd put them in a coke machine at the local garage in Parramatta and get a bottle of coke (which I think was about 8 cents). So we'd get two cents change, drink the coke and then get a 3 cent refund on the bottle. Didn't gamble the proceeds, though. Also, when I was in high school we used to go to Murray Brothers and Grace Brothers and try pairs of Amco and Leisuremaster jeans on in the change rooms. We'd take two pairs in with us, put one pair on under the pants we already had on, and then put the other pair back and walk out with two pairs of pants on. Then we'd sell them at school.
Pretty unsavoury, eh? Also, thanks for sharing your sexual abuse background and good on you for making such a success of your life afterwards. Must have been very tough at times. I've never been sexually abused. I came from a pretty horrendous domestic violence background which - although nowhere near as impacting as sexual abuse - has a similar kind of dynamic to it in some ways.
Also, do you remember all the bands that used to play at the family hotel in the 70's/80's? I used to go there a lot.

We moved during 1969 to Bronte/Waverley. Was too young and not allowed to go to pubs to watch bands back then. Mum was very strict which in the long-term probably saved my life.

Children should not be experiencing trauma, be it from domestic violence or sexual abuse or whatever. We've worked hard to protect our daughters from trauma while making sure they are not over protected and can clearly see the reality of hell out there" for what it really is... "war zones". So far they all do very well when up against adversity, etc. They don't go into a shell and shut down, they rise to the occasion and will confront to change whatever is going on if that's what they feel they need to do.

Up to 1969, when allowed which was sparing, only played team cricket. Might have played a bit of Green Shield at one stage when 10/11 (can't remember - lots of sadness going on back then with mum and dad fighting/arguing heaps). Could have done well with cricket. Have always had very good hand eye coordination.

Outside of school never played rugby league as a team sport. Played many RL games back then for the school (don't remember if we were called Rydalmere Central or not???) - can't remember loosing any games either. By 10-11 years of age I became a consistent long distance goal kicker which I continued doing well with years later when playing Union for Waverley College. Also played some league for Bondi United too.


Eelementary you come across as a good person. Sincerely it may sound silly seeing we have never met but you consistently make me smile. Don't let the black dog get you down. Stay positive, brother.'


Post Whore
Eelementary you come across as a good person. Sincerely it may sound silly seeing we have never met but you consistently make me smile. Don't let the black dog get you down. Stay positive, brother.'
Well said mate, Eele is champ. Hope all is well buddie :)

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
Thanks Casper. A good read. Such a full and interesting life. Would be great to have a natter and beer with you. Not sure id like vegetable beer though.
I loved the old Sports Ground. I was there the day Ken Thornett retired the first time and those bloody refs disallowed him a try for a bounced ball. I recall heaps of Parra supporters waiting outside the dressing sheds to see their hero one last time. Great memories.
Good on ya and thanks for sharing.

Looked up to Ken as my "God". LOLLLLLLLL

During the 60's saw the Eels play semi final footy against St George and Souths at the SCG. Lost both games.

Was at the Sports Ground when Dick Thornett kicked a field goal from around halfway and from close to the sideline. That drop kick blew me away. Still does.


OK here goes:

My dad was awarded a scholarship at Sydney University in the early 60’s. Before he came over, he begged his dad for the plane ticket and that was all. He worked 3 jobs everyday on top of his studies to get by.

After completing his studies he went back to Hong Kong and got married and had us kids. He thought that Australia would provide a better life for us kids and decided to migrated to Australia in ‘74.

Life was hard for new migrants. He became a teacher but struggled to support 4 kids and a wife, who’s English was not very good and struggled to find work.

He bought his first house in Strathfield after years of renting. Cost $55k. Mum and dad still live there today. They said one of the hardest times was when interest rates went to 18%.

Anyway, about me. I went to Homebush Primary and then Homebush High. In primary school there were only 2 other chinese family in the whole school. Funny enough, I was never really picked on besides being called names which never affected me. First girl I liked was Rebecca Kennedy and then Dana McDonald.

Followed the Tigers just because I thought Tigers were cool. I remember buying all the footy cards with my pocket money and chewing that pink gum. In 1977, I was watching the Grand Final with my uncle. He was a mad St George supporter and so I went for the Eels.

Have been following them ever since.

At Homebush High, I was in the same class as Tim Brasher. He was all tough and shit but was actually a nice guy.
I am pretty sporty, good at any sport that I attempted at but never really took it seriously as being chinese, parents encouraged us more to study.

Then came the big Asian migration to Oz. Lots of Hong Kongers and Vietnamese people. However, the aussie kids would always pick on them but never me. They treated me like an Aussie. I remember the fights between the Aussie kids and the Vietnamese kids. The Vietnamese kids always carried a blade to school. There used to be rumbles on the footy field at 3:30pm.

My parents then went into business and opened a coffee lounge in the city next to Village cinemas. Spent most of my teen years living around George St and Pitt St. Hanging around arcade stores and snooker joints. My friends were all in their 20’s. A few were doing drugs. We would walk up some stairs and they would pull out a spoon, a lighter and white powder. They would liquefy the powder and then put in a syringe and into their arms. Surprisingly enough, I never tried it and they never tried to get me hooked on it.

We (brother and I) used to spend ours playing arcades in Timezone, etc. We would be so focussed on the game that we used to push off dirty old men rubbing their thingy behind us. We never knew what they were doing just kicked on kicking out at them and yelling at them whilst we were still playing the arcades. Only when I was older, I realized what they were doing.

Went to Sydney Uni and studied Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. After working in the summer as an electrical engineering trainee, I could not see myself doing it for the rest of my life. I much prefered Software. I graduated in Computer Science and left my EE degree behind and found a job in a bank working in IT.

Sports that I mainly played were indoor cricket (our team was called Legion of Doom), tennis, squash and touch footy.

Moved out of home and lived in the East. Learned scuba diving and used to dive every weekend driving up and down the coast from Jervis Bay to Forster which had great Grey Nurse shark dives.

Got married and my wife was offered a job in Hong Kong. So we moved there where we went through many ups and downs. Went scuba diving in more awesome places like Barrier reef, Sipidan and the Maldives. Diving in Hong Kong was crap and it was difficult to lug all your gear whilst on holidays so wife and I picked up horse back riding. I used to compete in 1 day events which comprises of Show Jumping, Cross Country and Dressage.

Have travelled to many countries in Europe and Asia, and visited the States and South Africa. South Africa was the best holiday that I have been on. We went horse back riding on Safari and that was amazing.

Watched the Eels play over the internet.

Finally came back to Oz to settle down as well as to spend more time with my parents. Brought our 2 horses and 4 cats back from Hong Kong to Oz. Couldn’t stand leaving them there and giving them away.

Have bought and sold many properties in Hong Kong and Oz borrowing in USD and converting it back and forth depending on the exchange rates. E.g. bought a place in Coogee and borrowed in USD at 60c. When the Aussie went to 85c, I switched my loan back to AUD essentially reducing my debt significantly. I have always worked for financial institutions from banks, brokers to fund managers. In my last job in HK, I was working on the trading floor in Global Markets for an investment bank. This got me interested in trading buying stocks, warrants, fx. It was fun trading Chinese penny stocks as well as chinese stocks which are now huge.

Work part time now from home living on acreage with 5 horses, 3 cats, 3 dogs, 3 chooks and 2 alpacas. I day trade on the side, mainly FX and CFDs. Bloody hard at first but now that I have been doing it for 10 years, I have a sort of system and get approximately 80% of my trades correct. Have been robbed many times by the broker and now know their tricks. Trading also keeps my brain sharp.

Don’t attend many games as I live too far. But religiously follow them on Foxtel. Getting a little used to losing and so a loss doesn’t affect me so much anymore. It used to ruin my weekends after a loss. Since there are so few parra players in SOO and Test matches, I have sort of lost interest in SOO and test matches, however, I still watch SOO.

Not really into music. I prefer talkback on the radio. Not religious although my parents are Roman Catholics. I am interested in it but there are too many contradictions or unexplained questions for me to believe.

Definitely believe there are aliens and love sci fi.

I am never really serious and like to make jokes at things. However, if need be, I can be very serious. But my attitude to life is Don’t worry, be happy as life as we know it is too short to stress over.

I used to be very materialistic (Hong Kong does that to you.) I used to have a maid, loved bands and ate out frequently in hotel restaurants. However, now I enjoy the simpler things in life. Friends, family, animals, watching footy are now far more enjoyable to me.
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I'm 33 and was born in Westmead hospital. Spent my first 5 or so years in Epping before doing most of my growing up in North Rocks. Also lived in Kellyville and Beecroft but have spent the last 10 years on the northern beaches - which I will never leave.

I went to school at Oakhill College.

In my younger days I played league and basketball. Nowadays I surf a lot. And my holidays revolve around surf trips around the world. I also play touch footy back out at Kellyville. I have gone for the Eels since I could hold a footy and use to idolize Sterlo. I also enjoy cricket and still play a bit of basketball.

I'm a school teacher at quite a strong rugby league school where I also coach league and touch footy.

Musically, I like 90s grunge and different kinds of punk rock. I am the worst guitar player you have ever seen.
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Hindy111, I've got a few questions for you ..

If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?
What if there were no hypothetical questions?
If a deaf person swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap?
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
Is there another word for synonym?
Where do national park rangers go to ?get away from it all??
What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?
If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?
Would a fly without wings be called a walk?
Why do they lock petrol station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them?
If a turtle doesn?t have a shell, is he homeless or naked?
Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?
If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
How do they get kangaroo to cross the road only at those yellow road signs?
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
One nice thing about egotists: they don?t talk about other people.
Does the little mermaid wear an algebra?
How is it possible to have a civil war?
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?
If you ate both pasta and antipasto, would you still be hungry?
If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
Whose cruel idea was it for the word ?lisp? to have ?s? n it?
Why are hemorrhoids called ?hemorrhoids? instead of ?assteroids??
Why is it called tourist season if we can?t shoot at them?
Why is there an expiration date on sour cream?
If you spin an oriental man in a circle three times does he become disoriented?
Can an atheist get insurance against acts of god?

And why is abbreviation such a long word ?


Post Whore
Hey mate you must have gone to school with my daughter Heidi. Small world. Cheers

Heidi is your daughter?

She was such a nice girl! I'm sure she still is - my best mate kept in touch with her for years after school and said she was the same nice girl she was in school.

He moved interstate and lost touch.

I have always been a bit socially awkward lol.


Hey, Casper, when I was at Parramatta East Primary School we use to play footy against Rydalmere Central (I think it was). Was that your school? I'm almost two years older than you, so I doubt I would have played against you. Also, I remember when decimal currency first came in a mate and I used to get two cent pieces and bash them down with a hammer til they were roughly the same size as a shilling. Then we'd put them in a coke machine at the local garage in Parramatta and get a bottle of coke (which I think was about 8 cents). So we'd get two cents change, drink the coke and then get a 3 cent refund on the bottle. Didn't gamble the proceeds, though. Also, when I was in high school we used to go to Murray Brothers and Grace Brothers and try pairs of Amco and Leisuremaster jeans on in the change rooms. We'd take two pairs in with us, put one pair on under the pants we already had on, and then put the other pair back and walk out with two pairs of pants on. Then we'd sell them at school.
Pretty unsavoury, eh? Also, thanks for sharing your sexual abuse background and good on you for making such a success of your life afterwards. Must have been very tough at times. I've never been sexually abused. I came from a pretty horrendous domestic violence background which - although nowhere near as impacting as sexual abuse - has a similar kind of dynamic to it in some ways.
Also, do you remember all the bands that used to play at the family hotel in the 70's/80's? I used to go there a lot.

My wife is a teacher at Parramatta East. Known to the Kindy kids as Mrs Crocodile. They have trouble saying the surname.

Myself and a few lads were thrown out of the Family Inn about 30 years ago. Work just around the corner now and call in for lunch sometimes. It is my board room now for legitimate board meetings with my customers. I noticed that my photo and those of all the other recividist reprobates has been removed.


I had a pretty normal childhood. Lived close to the bush so spent a lot of time exploring and grew a love of the outdoors from there.
Married at 21 and have three great kids. My son goes pretty good a RL, won a few awards, he's much better than I ever was. My oldest daughter is going great guns at Uni and my middle daughter is going well at TAFE.
I started work as a tradie but moved into law enforcement about 17 years ago and have been with it ever since. Have been involved in some pretty big matters that some of you would have seen on the TV.
In 2008 I was involved in a terrible tragedy and it knocked me about for a long time. I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and severe depression, still suffer from it today. Its a battle sometimes. I can now understand I will never be the same as I was before, and that there is nothing I can do about that. Thats another step forward for me.
I have since re married to a lovely women who holds a job close to the highest office in the land, so I'm very proud of her.
I enjoy hiking, going to the gym, bootcamp, coaching my sons RL team, holidaying and reading a good book when I have the time.
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