I have pretty much grown up watching Lockyer as I started watching league around about the time his career started (or a couple of years before that but I can't remember the early years that well). Anyway I have enjoyed his career, he has been a great player, has achieved some great milestones and deserves a good send-off.
That said, let's get a bit of perspective here. Locky has basically been in cruise control mode for about the last 3-4 years. Players like Marshall and Thurston do things on almost a weekly basis that amaze me that Lockyer, bar a couple of clutch plays in GP and the like, hasn't really done since about 2006. The effect guys like the two above have on a game compared to Lockyer is huge IMO. To me suggesting we won't see another player like him for some time is a bit OTT. We have already seen them. IMHO Thurston, Smith, and maybe a couple of others (eg. Marshall) will finish their careers as better players than Lockyer and them retiring is only about 5 years away.
As I said, don't get me wrong, Lockyer has achieved some great things in his career, but let's not confuse longevity and milestones with overall greatness. You could probably even argue that at no point in Lockyer's career has he been the best in the game except maybe 2006. IMO Johns had the mantle from the late 90's until the middle of last decade, and then Thurston and Smith have probably shared the title since around 06/07. How can you be considered the greatest of your era/generation/all-time when there have been guys playing at the same time who are better than you?