Nice try Mr Saab, trying to put all the pressure on Manly and fly under the radar. I'm not fooled by your trickery, you still believe Brisbane can win and rightly so.
Lockyer is a massive loss (if he is actually out, I'll believe it when they run out on the field), however Brisbane are far from a one man team. They have a list of international and state players. Plus they have more momentum than anyone at the moment. This game will be tough and close whether he plays or not. Not to mention the 'lets do it for Locky' motivation, I've got no doubt they will all aim up more than they have all year.
Also, everyone seems to down play the loss of Glenn Stewart for us. He has been our best all year, and if it wasn't for suspension would have been every chance to take the Dally M this year. On top of That we are missing Jason King, (his replacement) Darcy Lussick, and David Williams.