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madunit's jibberish thread


Super Moderator
Staff member
Observation #1: Guide Posts
I feel that they are not very good guides. I asked one yesterday where the closest public toilets were, and it just stood there staring at me with its big red eye. It didn't so much as even point me in the general direction.

As far as I'm concerned guide posts are liars. :x


Super Moderator
Staff member
Observation #2: The empty bottle saga
Why is it that whoever drinks the last mouthful of a bottle of drink, that person is accused of 'drinking it all'?

I conducted several studies and my research revealed that on a vast majority of cases, the person to drink the last mouthful out of a bottle of drink, did not actually consume all of the contents.

So don't be caught out people, if you're accused of drinking 'all' of a drink, when you had was one gulp, stand up and fight! :x


Super Moderator
Staff member
Observation #3: The Men's Toilet
For those ladies out there, the mens toilet contains a 'trough'
This has got to be the most unhygienic invention ever made that encourages laziness in males. When you think about it, its basically urinating on a wall. The only reason why its valid is because its not called the wall, its called a trough.

This is the reason why men also urinate on car tyres and trees.

Whch leads me to;
Observation #4: The Urologist
Men are scared witless of showing a doctor their penis, yet they will happily flop it out in a public toilet, or in the general public to urinate on a tree or a car tyre.

Whats up with that?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Observation #5: Disturbing the peace
Why is there a law for disturbing the peace, when every weekend without fail, I hear a police car travelling around with the siren blaring? There's no other traffic around and its night, surely flashing the lights is enough?

But no, they have to wake everyone up in their bid to serve the public and uphold the laws. :x

PJ Marshal

hmmm all vaild points mate, perhaps you should take all these observations further and start some action against them


Interesting madunit. And the thing about urologists is funny cause guys are willing to flop it out in most public arenas when alcohol is involved, yet they are too scared for medical reasons.
I like it Unit. These posts delve into your psyche and we get a look into your mind like never before.

It's basically scary.


Sandy obviously wants to bounce up and down on you.....

You're in there. :|


Everlovin' Antichrist said:

Sandy obviously wants to bounce up and down on you.....

You're in there. :|
omg if i actually read the thread maybe i'd know what your on about but your a sick old man! there are far more things i'd rather bounce up and down on than madunit, such as a big mr blobby style bouncy castle 8)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Observation #6: The blank page
In the HSC and School Certificate exams that I participated in, the test papers had a few pages that had nothing written on them except for [BLANK PAGE] in the middle of the page.

Now wouldn't you think that if the page were actually blank, the term [BLANK PAGE] wouldn't be neccessary?
So you say sandy, but it's obvious that you have a thing for Unit.

I guess you being a smelly unwashed Pomgolian could be a bit of a drama but we can get that fixed with a bucket of water and a bottle of Dettol.

Keep 'em coming Unit. lol

That fascinates me. I see it a lot in my workplace and no matter how hard I try to wrap my head around the reasoning behind it, I just can't.


madunit said:
Now wouldn't you think that if the page were actually blank, the term [BLANK PAGE] wouldn't be neccessary?

I lvoe it when in reports and whanot it says 'This page has been purposely left blank'. wtf for? I am yet to find a reason


Super Moderator
Staff member
Observation #7: The supermarket women
We all have dealt with this woman, she is not small, she is old and she has an odour. she walks very slowly up the middle of the aisle and has to buy all the things on the bottom shelf.

Then there are the the two other women, usually with a screaming child each. They park their trolleys side by side in a aisle and proceed to have a conversation. These two women happy to be either
*relatives or
*friends of each other.

They are totally oblivious to their screaming child and the queue of shoppers behing them who impatiently wait to get around their ignorant selves.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Observation #8: Pedestrian Crossing
I'm talking about that button you press that eventually allows you to cross the road. Has it ever occurred to people that this button serves no purpose. You press it, thinking it will actually assist you in crossing the road earlier than if you hadn't pressed it.

Truth is, that button does nothing, press it as much as you want, but its not going to prove anything. I have a feeling it was created for two people:
*obsessive compulsive people (so that they can have something to entertain them while they wait for the lights to change)
*impatient people.

Listen to me, IT DOESN'T WORK! Don;t bother pressing the button. If you want to cross the road more quickly, then jaywalk.

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