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Manly/Storm fight


anyone who thinks Blair instigated the 2nd one has their eyes painted on.
Blair is running to the shed, Stewart slows down, looks back twice and starts jawing off and then they both change direction to get along side each other, Blair slows down and starts to return serve verbally, there is some shoulder rubbing and pushing and shoving, they are both in each others faces and Stewart throws one, then hand bags at 12 paces, and Brett Stewart races in 100 miles an hour and attempts to dog shot Blair, i only watched the replay on NRL.com. The youtube clip gives a better view of it

B. Stewart should get a big lay off for that
Sounds a pretty rational non biased view imo...spot on.

I enjoyed all that last night immensely...great stuff.

Top 4 teams losing key players left right and centre....boooyaaahhhh!


How the f**k did AFL become a part of this discussion?
It wreaks of a pathetic final shot after realising that they are f**king blind and missed key points in what happened last night.


Looking through the amount of posts and the time spent there, gee you must be very insecure about the rival codes.


Post Whore

Corrected my post
Blair is running to the shed, Stewart slows down, then Blair slows down along with him
How you want to blame Blair soley is beyond me given Stewart slows down his own gait, starts jawing off and also throws the first punch.

Im not absolving blair for his part in thing, he should have keep running and not engaged in it, he did and he'll sit on the sidelines for a good stint himself for the stupidity of his actions
Glenn and Brett should be joining him for long stints

What i will say is having seen a better replay, i dont think any other manly player should be cited. The guy throwing the punches at blair on the ground was GStewart, Lussack did come in, throw one weak looking air swing but then got up and got uninvolved. And Watmough and Foran seemed only interested in breaking it up

G.Stewart is lucky they came in though, none of them got clean shots in but Stewart was falling and looked like he was throwing them with his eyes closed, had it stayed one on one i suspect blair would have made a mess of Glenn
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f**k he walked probably one inch to his left, are you seriously suggesting that Blair could not of run past Stewart? Stewart maintained the same pace the whole time walking from the field whilst Blair jogged all the way then suddenly stopped alongside Stewart, Stewart wasn't the one who got in Blair's way when he looks back over his shoulder the 2nd time, he doesnt even turn back in his direction when Blair pulls up alongside him.

Blair could of easily walked off at the same pace, but for some reason he needed to catch up to Stewart.
Jesus you tell some whoppers....ONE INCH...he took FOUR steps to the right ,& then when Blair changes direction he takes a step to the left to cut him off again.
Did you even watch the video..


Post Whore
Top 4 teams losing key players left right and centre....boooyaaahhhh!

Id be stoked if i were you too
Tigers coming good at the business end, if i were one of the top 8 teams, the tigers are the side i dont want to play right now. Might have timed their run perfectly.
Looking through the amount of posts and the time spent there, gee you must be very insecure about the rival codes.
No i get a good laugh out of idiots who think their sport is taking over the world when its only big in half of one country..

Where are the posts about AFL that you claimed i posted..


If people truly believe that Stewart stopped Blair and not vice versa, then I give up arguing with the mentally disabled.


If people truly believe that Stewart stopped Blair and not vice versa, then I give up arguing with the mentally disabled.

Your an a grade farktard. No-one stopped the other they both stopped of their own accord and will be suspended accordingly.

Are you really that dumb or just blinded by bias ?

Perth Red

Post Whore
Did Stewart do his knee running all that way to king hit Blair? Total dog, hopefully his knee will see an early retirement of the grub, his brother who had been niggling all game and delibaretly waited for Blair to reach him and kicked it off again as well. I can see where the term Manly scum comes from now!
If people truly believe that Stewart stopped Blair and not vice versa, then I give up arguing with the mentally disabled.
How about adressing some of the questions instead of sidestepping..yes or no will do..
Q.Did GS take four steps to the right(not ONE inch) to get in front of AB as he was running off?
Q.Did he then take a step to the left to again get in front of AB when he changed direction ?
Did Stewart do his knee running all that way to king hit Blair? Total dog, hopefully his knee will see an early retirement of the grub, his brother who had been niggling all game and delibaretly waited for Blair to reach him and kicked it off again as well. I can see where the term Manly scum comes from now!
Yep ..everyone can see it except Manly scum




Did Stewart do his knee running all that way to king hit Blair? Total dog, hopefully his knee will see an early retirement of the grub, his brother who had been niggling all game and delibaretly waited for Blair to reach him and kicked it off again as well. I can see where the term Manly scum comes from now!

Deliberately waited for Blair who was running to reach him :roll:

Perth Red

Post Whore
He had a good 45 seconds head start. What was he doing? And why the glance back before he swung for him?


if a player gets 4 weeks, and his team gets the week off week two of the finals, do they miss the grand final?

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