Really? I thought Glenn threw a couple in that initial fraccas.
Oh well, not hard to see Blair's defence at the judiciary:
Blair: Sirs, I was running off towards Glen Stewart.
Counsel: Why did you stop?
Blair: Because I had some trash to talk and hoped to get another crack at him.
Counsel: What happened then?
Blair: I said let's get it on and made sure I was all up in his face. He tried to keep me at bay and put his hands on me.
Counsel: Then what happened.
Blair: I push him away.
Counsel: And then?
Blair: He threw a punch at me sir.
Counsel: And how did you respond?
Blair: Well, I defended myself sir.
Counsel: Why did you do that, and not elect to try and negotiate with Mr Stewart for a peaceful outcome?
Blair: I'm not sure, sir. But I'd encourage you to stand in front of 20,000 screaming Manly fans, and have one of their players try and punch you in the head, and not try to protect yourself. It all happened so fast - I doubt any other player in any other situation would have reacted any differently.
Seems a straight forward case to me.
What a load of shit. Edited for truth.