David Simmons should come out and have another sook. That way he'll get 20 weeks. Rothfield can run articles that Mothers don't want their kids playing League. A Current Affair will run with it and Frank Pritchard will be de-registered from the NRL.
Its not his go
Nil suspension
An Origin spot and a case of Crownies from Sticky if he can repeat the dose in SOO
....does he have an prior offenses?
Rub out for life, worst dog act I have ever, I meant ever seen. Anything else and I will give it away.
How ironic.Look I think the fact that thurston moved his body late in the piece before being hit will help prior
You guys are going too high
The Cowboys kicked off and Prior had his foot on the line when he picked it up, giving the scrum to the Cows 10 out. He reacted angrily and tried to start a scuffle with a couple of Cowboys.
In the following set, Thurston threw the ball and as he was releasing it Prior raised his elbow (in what can only be described as a deliberate act) and took out Thurston with a fair bit of contact.
I stand by what I said earlier, there has been no worse act in the NRL in recent years, it was disgraceful.
LOL, the only way Seggy will have to go to the judiciary for anything will be so that they can give him high-fives all round for his great hit and his bitchin haircut.