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Matthew Elliott

Raiders 2004 said:
We shouldn't be blaming anyone. Full stop. Stop TRYING TO BLAME PEOPLE.

I have to kinda disagree. This club has a great history of success, it's only natural that we hate losing. I know I wouldn't be happy if this sub-standard form continues for a long time to come... and well, I'm not really happy it's setting in now.


First Grade
Raiders 2004 said:
We shouldn't be blaming anyone. Full stop. Stop TRYING TO BLAME PEOPLE.

get your head out of the sand R04
support the club not the man

The sooner people in the organisation with similar views to you are weeded out the sooner this club will return to the glory days.


First Grade
This club has had a massively successful winning culture. What we now have is a St George/Parramatta culture. It stinks. I want our Raiders culture back.

Raider Ultra

Let's put this is perspective. If a business is not performing, then ultimately the blame is laid at the feet of the CEO or whatever. Simply saying 'We're going sh*t, but we'll be right' is crap. Someone has to accept responsibility, or the underlying problems aren't addressed. Back to the Raiders, someone has to take the blame, for what has been quite simply, an appalling season. Currently we are one of the worst teams in the comp. Even if we do somehow beat the Roosters on Sunday, my view won't be changed. In my opinion, Elliott can no longer motivate the players, for various reasons. If we were a Sydney club, I'm in no doubt we would have seen the media run the same sort of campaign that was directed at Brian Smith earlier in the year.


First Grade
The players clearly don't have belief in anything the coach is saying. Positivism isn't working. I don't think it is just the coach. The players aren't in form. Management has stuffed up repeatedly with its management of the retention/recruitment strategy. On balance, we have less talent in the club next year than this.

But the bottom line is that we can't have a player led recovery.

We have to get management and coaching back in order. If that requires changes in personnel, the club must do it. The club has to be bigger than any individuals.

The lack of performance this season cannot simply be accepted. That would be the Parramatta/St George reaction. Those clubs have not won anything in near on 20 and 25 years....... I don't want our club to turn out like that.


First Grade
greeneyed said:
Those clubs have not won anything in near on 20 and 25 years....... I don't want our club to turn out like that.

We are half way there already.


First Grade
Bay56 said:
greeneyed said:
Bay56 said:
greeneyed said:
The players clearly don't have belief in anything the coach is saying.

Quite the contrary ... I think they do.


self explantory ... they do believe in what he is saying, and there lies the problem.

No, I don't think they have any confidence in what he is doing, or who he is selecting and the positions they are being put in.


First Grade
Raiders 2004 said:
Wow, thats great, what YOU think.

Have you spoken to any of the players and asked them what they think of Elliott?

Dont need to ... the evidence is on the field.


haha man 2 way street

In all honesty would the players talk openly to a fan about something that could cause so much controversy within the club? Dont think so.

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
Why would I ask a player what they think of their coach?

I'm saying you can't judge what another person is thinking based on what you see.


First Grade
No 1.... you think the players tell you what they really think during the post match function? It has been proven before this season that the things the players tell the fans who post here are not necessarily true.

My view is based on seeing the interviews on WIN News this week. The tone of what the captain has said. Have a look at what McLinden said today, in a seperate post. They have been revealing in my view.


First Grade
Raiders 2004 said:
so you can read minds?

Quite frankly R04 I dont give a rats arsehole what they think of the coach ... some, like yourself, obviously think he's (note not his) a great guy while others probably think he smells ... who cares, good guy, bad guy, indifferent guy, arrogant guy, good with the media guy .... at the end of the day its all about results.


Raiders 2004 said:
I'm saying you can't judge what another person is thinking based on what you see.

How else are we meant to judge? you are doing the exact same thing. everyone does. just people take it all in differently

Witty Matt Elliot comment after 60 point thumping

YOU: Concerned, dont need to state the obvious. Will deal with players later
ME: Confused, lost and scared. Doesnt know whats wrong or how to fix it. This will shut the reporters up.

Im just trying to say really you have no problem disagreeing with our opinion even tho you dont see things the way we do and vice versa.

Steven Gerrard

First Grade
Greeneyed read my last post. I never asked the players about their coach....

I have spoken to a certain player, and he has told me information that no one else knows about the club....especially by the way he was treated.
So don't tell me I don't know what the truth is or not, I have been told, I have seen it for myself and I know what is going on. I don't give a rats arsehole what you think about Matthew Elliott, but I will continue to support him because he is a great coach who puts his heart and soul into our team. I'm sure you all think you can do a better job, but start being realistic and relize that Matthew Elliott is a respected by alot of people. You all forgotten when he was in the running of Coach of The Year, fixing our abysmal away record, and not letting us drop out of the Top 4 all year? Just cause this year, alot of things have happened which aren't under Elliott's control, doesn't mean he should shoulder any blame. Live With it!!!


despite what some may think, i'm not for sacking elliott. this is because:
a) there's no-one of note to take his place
b) he hasn't yet proven to me (although he's getting very close) that he's a poor coach. I'd give him the whole of 2005 to prove himself.

as i've said on another thread, the main bone to pick i have with elliott is the boring style of play which he coaches. it's tolerable to be boring when you're winning, but when we're boring and losing, well i just find that extremely hard to bear. there's also a lot of things which elliott says in the media which i find very frustrating, especially his refusal to admit that we're underachieving.
We shouldn't be blaming anyone. Full stop. Stop TRYING TO BLAME PEOPLE.
i couldn't disagree more here. blaming has gotten a bad reputation recently with all these self-help gurus preaching that we should refrain from "blaming others for our problems". it's not even a matter of blaming for me, it's a matter of finding the cause of our failure, because i do consider this year to be a failure, without a doubt. all the high expectations after last year :( . after our relative success in 2003, i started to think that the 5 year plan maybe did have some merit after all. a lot of critics thought last year was a fluke, and i vehemently disagreed with them. they just didn't understand elliott's long term vision. now im beginning to think they were right...