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Matthew Johns sex scandal in 2002


Exactly! And what is it with these players that seems to have them thinking, if the woman has consented to sex with player x, then she's consented to the rest of his team, also?

I'm always sceptical about the team's claims that everything was consensual. Of course they're going to stick together and say that. Chances are that the boundaries of consent vs non-consent are crossed somewhere in all these cases. When the facts are grey, clouded by alcohol and drugs, and its her word vs x number of players, banding together, its no wonder the police decide that charges will never stick.

And what is it with the attitudes in this forum? Some of you are doing nothing to dispel the impression that rugby league is a bogan sport played by bogans and supported by bogans - kind of self-limiting the market for it. (and the way Channel 9 promotes it, broadcasts it and carries on with crap like the Footy Show certainly makes it clear they are catering to the yobbo/bogan market).

But you are just talking hypothetical. You don't know what happened and i am sure you cannot give any evidence so why do you question the decision. Do you know about the evidence presented so you can make an informed decision or are you just guessing?


First Grade
Really think we should wait and see what she has to say before we all judge her. Nobody here knows what really went on and there are so many legal grey areas with sexual assault.

Regardless of all that, I do feel it bizarre that Four Corners have chosen to bring up something that happened seven years ago. Gotta wonder at the agenda.

Mr Saab

Wow, consensual sex is now a crime? This is nowhere near as bad as what Thaiday, Boyd and Hunt did at the end of last year.

About on par, but neither of the three mentioned were married with kids. What a low life to do such a thing and to bring shame to his family.


Post Whore

only focusing on league

i wonder if they've done a deal with the AFL?

4 Corners are trash

look they have done the AFL before as has been mentioned in this post previously.

Before the report has gone to air you have already dismissed it. Perhaps you should watch it and make up your own mind before call it and the program trash. Just because it deals with a subject that you and others here pretend doesn't exist doesn't make it wrong to explore the allegations.


Post Whore
and i'll be watching Monday night football, not trashy ABC

So you won't watch the show and actually see what the girl in question and the show have to say yet are quite happy to proclaim that it is all a media conspiricy. :crazy:

Let me ask you this then, if it was about AFl would it still be a giant media conspiricy or an accurate depiction of the facts ?

El Diablo

Post Whore
So you won't watch the show and actually see what the girl in question and the show have to say yet are quite happy to proclaim that it is all a media conspiricy. :crazy:

Let me ask you this then, if it was about AFl would it still be a giant media conspiricy or an accurate depiction of the facts ?

why would i watch some garbage on the ABC focusing on only one sport in an obvious witch hunt when there's footy on :?


Post Whore
why would i watch some garbage on the ABC focusing on only one sport in an obvious witch hunt when there's footy on :?

Perhaps because you are afraid of what they might say ?

Why is it obviously a witch hunt ? What evidence do you have to back up that claim ?
But you are just talking hypothetical. You don't know what happened and i am sure you cannot give any evidence so why do you question the decision. Do you know about the evidence presented so you can make an informed decision or are you just guessing?

Just hypothetical - wasn't even really meaning the Cronulla/Johns thing specifically. Just saying that the players have an enormous advantage in these cases because they have each other to back up each others stories, whereas the woman is on her own.
Wow, consensual sex is now a crime? This is nowhere near as bad as what Thaiday, Boyd and Hunt did at the end of last year.

You're choosing to believe the players' version which was that it was consensual. The woman may think differently. The police when given x players vs one woman decided there was no way it was going to stand up in court. Still doesn't necessarily make it consensual (nor necessarily non-consensual).
Have you ever watched four corners Baron ?

Perhaps you should watch the program before judging it although something tells me you have already. I am sure that they will have given M Johns a chance to comment but something tells me that he didn't take up the offer. Why would he when he has channel 9 and several posters here to defend his good name.

LOL Butch, probably because he'd be breaching a deal with channel 9 for $100,000's.

I know I certainly wouldnt risk it against some cheap third rate tabloid show.


it was probably news because for once a woman was gang-humped instead of a sheep.

she's unlucky it wasn't the current toothless gummmies. they'd struggle to find the gap, let alone penetrate it.


Post Whore
LOL Butch, probably because he'd be breaching a deal with channel 9 for $100,000's.

I know I certainly wouldnt risk it against some cheap third rate tabloid show.

Third rate tabloid show ?

Have you got any idea of the awards the show has won ? Have you ever watched an episode ? Just because you don't like the subject matter doesn't mean the show is crap or it is a vendetta. At least watch the program before you condem it.

As for Johns not breaching his contract my point was and still is that Johns and indeed the entire team would have had a right of reply and could have put their side accross in an interview by the program. Perhaps they have, we will have to wait intil Monday night.