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Melbourne must still be cheating the cap


First Grade
Corrupt NRL? The Storm were punished for going 2 million over the salary cap you dolt. How is that corrupt?

Of course the NRL is corrupt..

Listen to Bears fans... It was all a ploy to kick them out despite the fact they were insolvent, and Melbourne supporters believe they are corrupt because.... Well apparently because the Storm cheated that News Ltd was responsible.


First Grade
A precedent had already been set by the NRL with the Bulldogs and the ARL with the Raiders as to how to deal with salary cap "cheats". Both teams were allowed to keep the players that they brought to the club by cheating the cap (an offence much worse than breaking the cap to keep players that Melbourne had brought up through their systems) and Canberra were even allowed to keep their premiership.

No other team was subjected to a complete audit of salary payments when Melbourne were found to be "cheating". You'd think the NRL would be concerned that maybe other teams might be "cheating" when they had no idea Melbourne were "cheating" until someone literally handed them proof.

During 06-09 the NRL made constant rule changes to effectively try to hamper the success of Melbourne.

etc etc.

Corruption leads to gain. What does the NRL have to gain from this?



A precedent had already been set by the NRL with the Bulldogs and the ARL with the Raiders as to how to deal with salary cap "cheats". Both teams were allowed to keep the players that they brought to the club by cheating the cap (an offence much worse than breaking the cap to keep players that Melbourne had brought up through their systems) and Canberra were even allowed to keep their premiership.

No other team was subjected to a complete audit of salary payments when Melbourne were found to be "cheating". You'd think the NRL would be concerned that maybe other teams might be "cheating" when they had no idea Melbourne were "cheating" until someone literally handed them proof.

During 06-09 the NRL made constant rule changes to effectively try to hamper the success of Melbourne.

etc etc.

Bullshit Butters.
the storm got away with wrestlemania week in, week out.
the game slowed from an attacking spectacle in 2005 to a comparative snails pace in 2006 and beyond.

I'd hardly call what had come before a precedent, a precedent being part of law and based on previous cases in the legal system, most notably to do with contractual frustrations and other areas.
The NRL are not a court of law and can change their minds whenever they damn well see fit, as is evidenced by what is not a penalty one week being a penalty the next.
They may have decided, in retrospect, that allowing the dogs to keep what was essentially an illegally assembled squad was not a good look.
Canberra's breach was hardly of the same level as either dogs or storm and if memory serves me correctly had more to do with rep payments etc.

As for players melbourne had brought up through "their system", please - ingli$ was always going to succeed in spite of who he played for and he was a star at junior level long before he was flown up to QLD for a few games in seniors (although if anyone are going to test this theory it is souths)



Melbourne continue to show the NRL that they are the greatest team to ever put on the boots. Even after having the guts of the side ripped from them by the corrupt and hatefilled NRL, they still continue to dominate the competition.

Deal with it

:lol::lol::lol::lol: You are such an embarrassment


Staff member
A precedent had already been set by the NRL with the Bulldogs and the ARL with the Raiders as to how to deal with salary cap "cheats". Both teams were allowed to keep the players that they brought to the club by cheating the cap (an offence much worse than breaking the cap to keep players that Melbourne had brought up through their systems) and Canberra were even allowed to keep their premiership.

No other team was subjected to a complete audit of salary payments when Melbourne were found to be "cheating". You'd think the NRL would be concerned that maybe other teams might be "cheating" when they had no idea Melbourne were "cheating" until someone literally handed them proof.

During 06-09 the NRL made constant rule changes to effectively try to hamper the success of Melbourne.

etc etc.

I love the smell of paranoia in the morning.

Cop it sweet - do the crime, do the time.

Melbourne made an art of winning ugly. If it was allowed to continue, we should just call it Union and be done with it.

Your admin was doing the wrong thing - you paid for it, and are still doing well! Enjoy it - don"t be a sour merkin!


First Grade
It appeases the dinosaurs in the NSWRL and ARL. They don't have to "gain" anything from it.

So they have nothing to 'gain' but it appeases the NSWRL and ARL? Take off your tinfoil hat.

Did Melbourne cheat the cap?
Was it the NRL's fault that they did?
Do you think it is fair to make a side so far over the cap as Melbourne keep all of their players?


So they have nothing to 'gain' but it appeases the NSWRL and ARL? Take off your tinfoil hat.

Did Melbourne cheat the cap?
Was it the NRL's fault that they did?
Do you think it is fair to make a side so far over the cap as Melbourne keep all of their players?

Yes - The salary cap artificially caps how much players can be paid. Melbourne were simply paying the players what they deserved.
Yes - It was fair enough for the Bulldogs when they were allowed to keep all the players that joined their club by breaking the cap to recruit them.


Poor ol' Budders, still counting premierships that aren't there any more, and now counting one as secured whilst it's still June.
Reckons salary cap cheating is ok.
Reckons the Cheats 'developed' their own.
Lala land.


Poor ol' Budders, still counting premierships that aren't there any more, and now counting one as secured whilst it's still June.
Reckons salary cap cheating is ok.
Reckons the Cheats 'developed' their own.
Lala land.

It's always hilarious to see ex and current Melbourne players with their "premiership" tattoos :lol:


Another week, another win for Melbourne, another week they're on top of the table.

Is the rest of the comp even trying? I mean come on! The NRL gutted this team completely last year and they're still stomping all comers? :lol:


Deal with it :cool:


First Grade

You admitted they cheated. End of story.

Yes - The salary cap artificially caps how much players can be paid. Melbourne were simply paying the players what they deserved.

Note to all drug cheats - it is not your fault you cheated. It is the governing body simply capping how much a person could achieve.

Yes - It was fair enough for the Bulldogs when they were allowed to keep all the players that joined their club by breaking the cap to recruit them.

The NRL learnt the mistake that had happened by allowing players to take pay cuts.

It would not have been fair for this to happen again.

You need to deal with it. No one has ever said Melbourne were not a good club or didn't have good coaches. But they did have an unfair advantage over the other clubs by cheating the rules of the competition.

End of story, now get over it you sad little man.

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