I'm a firm believer that providing you are still of sound mind and not being manipulated or coerced in some way that Voluntary Euthanasia should be readily available for those suffering from incurable and degenerative conditions. This whole "it must be terminal to be approved" is utter bullshit.
I wrote in this thread a couple of weeks back about my father who is suffering from the increasing effects of parkinsons, on top of the degenerative impacts of being in a helicopter crash during the Vietnam War that almost killed him back then.
For a man that could do anything with his hands from servicing cars (and helicopters) to building house extensions - no longer being able to lift one of his arms beyond 90 degrees, and rapidly losing the ability to grip or grasp with his one good arm has left him utterly depressed and feeling worthless. He is 80 this year, and they believe his "good" arm will soon lose function too and is inoperable. I also forgot to mention he has been living with a paralysed diaphragm for 10 years after a surgeon damaged a nerve when operating on his neck - meaning he cant lie down without using a c-pap machine to force him to breathe. If he has a fall and cannot get up from a horizontal position, he would literally suffocate to death.
When i was down with him last week, he brought up euthanasia. It was the first time he had mentioned it, but he meant it when he said if he loses ability to utilise his right arm, that he wants to go. Who am i to argue? As sad as it is, he wont be able to do anything. He already requires assistance to put on a shirt, do up a button on a collar - for a proud man that is emasculating for him. He deserves dignity and respect with what is left in his life.
Of course the rules in NSW would mean he would never be approved for it, as the condition isn't terminal, and doesn't generally cause physical pain - but the emotional toll cant be measured. Which is why many in his circumstance take matters into their own hands. I'd much rather him do things on his terms, with family around and in support than to get a call one day to say he had taken his own life - something i fear will become a reality one day.