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moltz staying


First Grade
I love it when fans of other teams bag Benji, when there is not a fan or club on the face of this earth who would not bend over backwards to have him on their roster.

But keep on bagging and keep on trying to pass on the choker's tag.

Teams lose a game and then there is a barrage of dragons fans throwing out the chokers tag.

Plus in 2010 the dragons were unbackable favorites for the premiership and the major semi and we pushed you to the end.

When did I ever bag benji? I have respect for him, but I do loathe the wankfest that goes on along with him.

The chokers tag has not been passed on, its been inherited after 2010. It fell to the tigers and after the warriors semi, its yours for another year. It will remain so until you win the comp again. Unfair? Welcome to the Dragons world, team of superstars and little to show for it


Post Whore
I love when dragons fans try to pass on the poison chalice, but it is theirs to keep forever.

They are the chokers and always will be, it is a curse they will carry with them forever.

But keep trying ladies, it really does amuse us and is a great reminder of what a pathetic bunch you all are.

You choose not to address the points because......?
When did I ever bag benji? I have respect for him, but I do loathe the wankfest that goes on along with him.

The chokers tag has not been passed on, its been inherited after 2010. It fell to the tigers and after the warriors semi, its yours for another year. It will remain so until you win the comp again. Unfair? Welcome to the Dragons world, team of superstars and little to show for it

My comments re Benji were not directed to you, but please read a few of the other posts from dragons fans re him.

Regarding the rest of your comments you are making sense ( as much as I hate to admit it ).

I started a thread many moons ago in the main NRL forum asking whether you would rather your team "choke or be a joke" I would rather be in contention every year than be perennial also rans who finish 9th, 10th and 11th each season. It was really a backhanded slap at Souths fans who had the hide to bag Saints and the Tigers for being knocked out of the semis.


First Grade
I think we can both agree souths are beyond comprehension when it comes to anything. Just smile and wave


First Grade
My comments re Benji were not directed to you, but please read a few of the other posts from dragons fans re him.

Regarding the rest of your comments you are making sense ( as much as I hate to admit it ).

I started a thread many moons ago in the main NRL forum asking whether you would rather your team "choke or be a joke" I would rather be in contention every year than be perennial also rans who finish 9th, 10th and 11th each season. It was really a backhanded slap at Souths fans who had the hide to bag Saints and the Tigers for being knocked out of the semis.

Totally agree to call a team 'chokers' implies that they at least had some actual chance of winning, that there was some expectation there to start with. I would hate to be one of these teams that supporters carry on and celebrate like they have won the comp just because they win one regular season match or 2 or 3 in a row. I can live with Saints being called 'chokers' because it is mainly thrown about by Souths, Sharks fans etc.

I don't think anyone denies Benji's natural talent, I think what turns most people off him is the way the media especially channel 9 carries on about him. All well and good to praise his ability when he is on, but they then conveniently forget to mention the mistakes that also go along with the brilliance. The type of football Benji plays is exactly like the Tigers and the Warriors for that matter it is what makes them exciting to watch, the downside of that for supporters of those clubs it can also cost them the big games.


I don't think anyone denies Benji's natural talent, I think what turns most people off him is the way the media especially channel 9 carries on about him. All well and good to praise his ability when he is on, but they then conveniently forget to mention the mistakes that also go along with the brilliance.

Do what any sensible person does & mute the volume. Not only will you not have to hear Benji being called a genius every few minutes, you will also miss all the random crap about seagulls, Underbelly, pokies etc.

The Rosco

Wow !

You saints fans really are a touch sensitive.

The whole " superior JV club " was a swipe at one of the dum merkins in YOUR forum. This nob was parading about saying saints were the best, that they shouldn't have to bow down to an inferior club, blah blah, rub rub, oops mess, get the kleenex.

As long as you all have now accepted that YOUR CEO has farked up royally on this Moltz affair, we can move on.

Some more facts for you.

WestsTigers are the first JV club to win a premiership. And always will be.

They did it playing an attractive and creative brand of footy. The description of the WestsTigers breakthrough inaugral JV premiership will never include words such as . . . grinding, defensive slog, wearing down, boring, mind numbing, etc.

Saints have more red on their jumper than us.

Jamie Soward looks seriously stupid in his pre-kick ritual. It doesn't matter that he actually kicks quite well, he looks like a mong.

Their V is also red.

It is piss funny to see a saints fan try to pass the "chokers" tag onto another club. Please . . . for time immemorial, whenever the term "chokers" is used in a sporting context, every single fan of the game as a whole will think of saints.

Apparently saints did win some things like a minor premiership ( shame we aint playing soccer ), but the die had been cast by then.
History is a lil forgetful when it comes to those that finished second. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

Now . . .I've even included a few facts that you saints fans should be happy about. ( the red, and the V ). My work here is done. . . well, nearly !
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Das Hassler

" . . grinding, defensive slog, wearing down, boring, mind numbing, etc."...

I'd imagine Michael Weyman would feature strongly in their "Season's Top 10 most exciting moments"


Wow !

You saints fans really are a touch sensitive.

The whole " superior JV club " was a swipe at one of the dum merkins in YOUR forum. This nob was parading about saying saints were the best, that they shouldn't have to bow down to an inferior club, blah blah, rub rub, oops mess, get the kleenex.

As long as you all have now accepted that YOUR CEO has farked up royally on this Moltz affair, we can move on.

Some more facts for you.

WestsTigers are the first JV club to win a premiership. And always will be.

They did it playing an attractive and creative brand of footy. The description of the WestsTigers breakthrough inaugral JV premiership will never include words such as . . . grinding, defensive slog, wearing down, boring, mind numbing, etc.

Saints have more red on their jumper than us.

Jamie Soward looks seriously stupid in his pre-kick ritual. It doesn't matter that he actually kicks quite well, he looks like a mong.

Their V is also red.

It is piss funny to see a saints fan try to pass the "chokers" tag onto another club. Please . . . for time immemorial, whenever the term "chokers" is used in a sporting context, every single fan of the game as a whole will think of saints.

Apparently saints did win some things like a minor premiership ( shame we aint playing soccer ), but the die had been cast by then.
History is a lil forgetful when it comes to those that finished second. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

Now . . .I've even included a few facts that you saints fans should be happy about. ( the red, and the V ). My work here is done. . . well, nearly !

"You saints fans really are a touch sensitive"

Ah this line, one of the oldest tricks in the books.

As Dragons supporters we're not trying to pass on the chokers tag. All we're saying is the Weat Tigers are chokers as well. There can be more than one choker. I pointed out 2 semi-finals in 2010, 2011, I forgot to mention the first semi-final in 2010 against the roosters. All the Tigers had to do was feed a scrum and fall on the ball. Unfortunately, again, the pressure was immense and the Tigers were unable to perform even the most basic of tasks.

On Doust - I'd probably agree with you. I'm not a Doust fan and think he probably has fallen asleep at the wheel on this occasion. But, in his defence, I guess he probably thought he was dealing with honest and ethical people. I guess in this occasion he was proven wrong. What's the name of your CEO? There used to be a saying something about an apple. . .

Just on boring, grinding type football - it is what it is. Noone was complaining grand-final day 2010. Wayne Bennett even went as far as to say it was one of the greatest atmospheres he's ever experienced.

Just back to the West Tigers choking - I think some of you Tigers supporters are a bit upset at some of us coming on here and actually acknowledging the elephant in the room.:D

The Rosco

Hey there St Mick,
You make some valid points.
Doust . . well, it's like buying a used car for a great price and " I'll give you the rego papers next week, OK ?"
I said in an earlier rant . . this might not be the most professional way for things to unravel, but who's to say what would have happened if the shoe was on any one elses foot.
Personally, I think the majority of blame lies with the manager.
Sorry mate, but you guys will always be known as the chokers. You had the roster to win multiple comps, but . . .well, you know.

Of course you didn't hear anyone complaining about the laborious style in 2010. You would have been delirious, drunk, and oblivious to all except your red and white mates.

Anyhoo . .. it's a long off season. I look forward to seeing where this Moltzen thing will finish up. :D


Hey there St Mick,
You make some valid points.
Doust . . well, it's like buying a used car for a great price and " I'll give you the rego papers next week, OK ?"
I said in an earlier rant . . this might not be the most professional way for things to unravel, but who's to say what would have happened if the shoe was on any one elses foot.
Personally, I think the majority of blame lies with the manager.
Sorry mate, but you guys will always be known as the chokers. You had the roster to win multiple comps, but . . .well, you know.

Of course you didn't hear anyone complaining about the laborious style in 2010. You would have been delirious, drunk, and oblivious to all except your red and white mates.

Anyhoo . .. it's a long off season. I look forward to seeing where this Moltzen thing will finish up. :D

You're right about it being a long off-season Rosco. What happens in a place like this should be taken for what it is - just a bit of shits and giggles.

Just on Moltzen - to be honest (and I know this will sound like a disgruntled Dragons fan but it's actually the way I feel) if he doesn't come, i honestly don't believe it'll be the end of the world. I look at our roster for next year and see plenty of potential in the full-back position. Kyle Stanley, Nightingale and Vidot. If he doesn't want to come, honestly do we really want him?

I also look at it this way, if he stays at the Tigers we'll have all that money under the salary cap next year. Doust should renegotiate some contracts and frontload them with the Moltzen money and go for some really big fish in 2013.

In saying all that, if he comes that'll be fine as well.


First Grade
Wow !

You saints fans really are a touch sensitive.

Some more facts for you.

WestsTigers are the first JV club to win a premiership. And always will be.

They did it playing an attractive and creative brand of footy. The description of the WestsTigers breakthrough inaugral JV premiership will never include words such as . . . grinding, defensive slog, wearing down, boring, mind numbing, etc.

It is piss funny to see a saints fan try to pass the "chokers" tag onto another club. Please . . . for time immemorial, whenever the term "chokers" is used in a sporting context, every single fan of the game as a whole will think of saints.

Apparently saints did win some things like a minor premiership ( shame we aint playing soccer ), but the die had been cast by then.
History is a lil forgetful when it comes to those that finished second. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

Now . . .I've even included a few facts that you saints fans should be happy about. ( the red, and the V ). My work here is done. . . well, nearly !

What you will hear is Benji! Marshall! Here's Marshall again! Benji Marshall the genius! He's a freak young Marshall! Who else but Marshall! Look at Marshall!
boring we may be, a one man team we ain't.

Amazing that someone holds very little regard for the minor premiership when you have never won it as the best JV that has ever existed etc etc.


First Grade
I'll play along with the whole Moltzen thing and put this to you Tiger supporters. Humphries said that Moltzen was never granted a release(therefore he was never leaving the Tigers) so having said that - when the West Tigers players were all tweeting and commenting about Moltzen being gone, when Tim Sheens with steam coming out of his ears entered a press conference and said that the players had to virtually get over themselves as this was a professional business and people move on, Humphries said nothing and let the players and coach think Moltzen was gone? When your season was nearly going to hell in a hand basket because of this, Humphries again said nothing about it being a non issue because Moltzen was not going anywhere?

Are you seriously expecting everyone to believe that the CEO of your club never mentioned Moltzen still being on contract and not going anywhere to the coach and players? That he sat back and did or said nothing at the time to try and turn the Tigers season around and put the players at ease - hard to believe that the CEO of any club would sit back and let unrest like that go on. Why not talk to the players, to stop them tweeting and stressing about it, why not mention it to the coach so he didn't nearly bust a boiler at the press conference?

The Rosco

What you will hear is Benji! Marshall! Here's Marshall again! Benji Marshall the genius! He's a freak young Marshall! Who else but Marshall! Look at Marshall!
boring we may be, a one man team we ain't.

Amazing that someone holds very little regard for the minor premiership when you have never won it as the best JV that has ever existed etc etc.

Saints 4 eva . . . mate, you must have missed the part where I said that I was taking the piss and copying exactly what a tool in the saints forum was posting.( with all this best JV club stuff )
Now, on to Benji . . . put it this way: Make a 15 minute DVD of the career best highlights of Benji, and compare it to the same 15 minutes of ANY other player in the history of the game. ANY other player at all.
Benji has done stuff that has never been seen before on the field. He brought the mid-air step onto the first grade field . . . never seen before at that level. Copied by 75% of junior players within a week.
I'm the first to admit that they tool on a bit about Benji, but that is mostly Gould. He is beyond help.

And now that Gasnier is gone, just between you and me . . . I will be relieved to hear the last of Gould rubbing himself over the shimmy shimmy man ;-)


I'll play along with the whole Moltzen thing and put this to you Tiger supporters. Humphries said that Moltzen was never granted a release(therefore he was never leaving the Tigers) so having said that - when the West Tigers players were all tweeting and commenting about Moltzen being gone, when Tim Sheens with steam coming out of his ears entered a press conference and said that the players had to virtually get over themselves as this was a professional business and people move on, Humphries said nothing and let the players and coach think Moltzen was gone? When your season was nearly going to hell in a hand basket because of this, Humphries again said nothing about it being a non issue because Moltzen was not going anywhere?

Are you seriously expecting everyone to believe that the CEO of your club never mentioned Moltzen still being on contract and not going anywhere to the coach and players? That he sat back and did or said nothing at the time to try and turn the Tigers season around and put the players at ease - hard to believe that the CEO of any club would sit back and let unrest like that go on. Why not talk to the players, to stop them tweeting and stressing about it, why not mention it to the coach so he didn't nearly bust a boiler at the press conference?

Why did not st George wait until they had the formal release before announcing the signing ? They stuffed up. Re the season supposedly being on the brink I think looking back that was about 3 weeks of stuffing around. St George would/should have tried to register molten ASAP . They knew they couldn't .