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moltz staying


Moltzen is not worth this mess

What mess? For who?..has it completely turned your week upside down..have you had to take time of work untill this all gets sorted out? Humphries, Doust and Tauber are dealing with it because that's their job so just take an aspirin and relax...life will return to normal quite soon i'm sure

For the club, not me.

Das Hassler

Just kidding ...seemed like your blood pressure might have been getting a bit high there. Way i look at these things is i doubt the suits miss a big meal or lose any sleep over stuff like this, they just deal with it and move on, the supporters (understandably)take it all personally but it doesn't do any real damage to the club..especially when it's something that will be done and dusted long before off season training starts. We survived this year's midseason soap opera and rest assured there will be more groanworthy stuff to come next year and the year after that to be dealt with...nature of the beast right?
Just kidding ...seemed like your blood pressure might have been getting a bit high there. Way i look at these things is i doubt the suits miss a big meal or lose any sleep over stuff like this, they just deal with it and move on, the supporters (understandably)take it all personally but it doesn't do any real damage to the club..especially when it's something that will be done and dusted long before off season training starts. We survived this year's midseason soap opera and rest assured there will be more groanworthy stuff to come next year and the year after that to be dealt with...nature of the beast right?
Doesn't do any real damage to the club?
How about the integrity of both the club and the player?

The club agreed to let the player go because he wasn't playing well and because Lui was the prefered halfback.

The player signed a contract with St G. and is now not honouring that.

Both player and club have shown no integrity.

The Rosco

Well well . . . .
Sure, there could have been more honourable outcomes, but at the end of the day, it's only saint gorge illawarra. They don't count.

We need to stand up for the rights of our club. AS the first JV club to win a comp ( by playing attractive footy, and not boring the opposition to death ), we are the leading JV club.
History will not care, or will even remember who the 2nd JV club was to win a comp !!!.
We can't go yielding whenever a pipsqueak 2nd rate joint venture club lets out a yelp. They need to learn their place. They need to respect the might of the wonderful WestsTigers.

Show me the NRL registered contract, or STFU. If only Doust had the brains to come and ask us for a formal release. Fancy a CEO not securing the release of a player before signing him !!!. :lol:
Like I said . . . 2nd rate.
What's he the CEO of ?? the Carlton Public School year 6 formal dress standard committee ???

We should also demand compensation for all the whining we have had to endure over the last week.
Let's see . . . 7 days of endless bitching and moaning X 1/365 of his contract X the supposed duration (3).


First Grade
Well well . . . .
Sure, there could have been more honourable outcomes, but at the end of the day, it's only saint gorge illawarra. They don't count.

We need to stand up for the rights of our club. AS the first JV club to win a comp ( by playing attractive footy, and not boring the opposition to death ), we are the leading JV club.
History will not care, or will even remember who the 2nd JV club was to win a comp !!!.
We can't go yielding whenever a pipsqueak 2nd rate joint venture club lets out a yelp. They need to learn their place. They need to respect the might of the wonderful WestsTigers.

Show me the NRL registered contract, or STFU. If only Doust had the brains to come and ask us for a formal release. Fancy a CEO not securing the release of a player before signing him !!!. :lol:
Like I said . . . 2nd rate.
What's he the CEO of ?? the Carlton Public School year 6 formal dress standard committee ???

We should also demand compensation for all the whining we have had to endure over the last week.
Let's see . . . 7 days of endless bitching and moaning X 1/365 of his contract X the supposed duration (3).

Obviously you type in jest - lets compare the records of the 2 joint venture clubs. We won't even count 1999 and Saints making the grand final in their first year as a merged club.

2000 - 2011

Tigers - 3 semi final appearances - 1 grand final win(note: after winning the 2005 grand final it took the Tigers 5 years to make the semis again)

Dragons - 9 semi final appearances - 1 grand final win - 1 World club challenge win and 2 minor premierships.

Oh and keep talking up the attractive footy that the Tigers play because that 'attractive' footy in both 2010 and 2011 cost them the chance to play in a grand final. There is a time and place for 'attractive' footy.

2nd rate joint venture club please the statistics speak for themselves.
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Ok.. 1 GF win each...
Thanks for clearing that up...

Tigers seem to be the better supported club looking at crowds..


First Grade
If your speaking in terms of success one team has made the semis 9 times in 12 years and one team has made the semis 3 times in 12 years - which team is more successful on a year in, year out basis?

As for crowd support - the Tigers have a better home crowd average over the Dragons while the Dragons have a better away crowd average over the Tigers and when the 2 (both home and away) are added together, the Dragons come out in front there as well.

I actually think all 4 teams that merged to become 2 should be applauded because they looked at the long term future and quaranteed their survival. They also looked at what was best for the game even though us as supporters might not have agreed at the time the mergers.
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Dumb moronic Tiger supporters.

Have no idea.

Maybe you guys shuold practise boxing in the offseason. I hear Benji and Lui are really good at throwing a right hook!


First Grade
Noone gives a f**k about teams that make the finals but don't win the comp.

Counting away crowds, lol, now I've heard everything.
Dumb moronic Tiger supporters.

Have no idea.

Maybe you guys shuold practise boxing in the offseason. I hear Benji and Lui are really good at throwing a right hook!

Maybe Ben Creagh should take bravery classes in the off season to stop him running away like a heartless coward every time he is confronted and perhaps little Sowie Puss should take some man the hell up classes to stop from screwing up his little slapable whinging cat in the hat face every time he doesn't get his way.

Cop that my brother.......
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Keep Moltzen he is a useless turd pritty much like most of the Tigers team serious Farrah, Benji, Ryan the list goes on for the biggest wank club ever assembled.


Post Whore
Is Rosco claiming the tigers are the leading JV club because they won the comp first or is it simply on the basis of style of play with no interpretation of actual results?

They are both stupid proposals in the extreme but it's difficult to figure out exactly what that dribble meant.

I thought it was just sharks fans prone to such stupidity.


First Grade
I'm not even going to comment on the number 1 JV jibe, clearly a baited hook.
I will say that I always enjoyed the tigers style of play with the exception of the commentators ejaculating every time marshall touches the ball.
But the way your club has handled this is completely childish. This should be such a non issue as the player involved is not a superstar, just important enough to both clubs. I'm the first to admit doust is a douche, but I'm very grateful he isn't humphries.
Manager- incompetent
Dragons- gullible and stupid
Tigers- sleazy


First Grade
Its hilarious how angry Dragons fans have become.

No its hilarious how delusional some of the West Tigers supporters are. No 1 joint venture club because the Tigers won a comp and they throw the ball around. As for the comment about counting away crowds again it shows how some supporters have no clue. Look at the NRL states they count both home and away stats when it comes to crowds.

The comment about 'no one giving a f**k about teams that make the semis but don't win the comp' again delusional either that or someone forgot to tell the 70 odd thousand Saints/Tigers supporters that turned up at last years semi. Next thing we will be told minor premierships or the World club challenge doesn't count. They probably just don't count if you haven't won them, like making the semis count when you make it but it means nothing when you don't.
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