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Most biased Commentators/Journalists?


Steve 'Bomber' Bombolas - commentates Ch9 Brisbane Broncos games when they are not the Friday night game or Sunday tv game. He is on par with the NZ commentators for bias.


I'd agree with a lot written here, but being an eels fan I totally agree with the comment about Garry Freeman he seems to hate us and Brian Smith. He is so totally one eyed in our game its not funny.

He is also very pro tigers and panthers.

But he is very obviosly bias in both directions, making some ludicrous calls at times.

NZ commentators who call warriors home games, over time they have all been very bias, although some have openly stated this. Even when Hughes was calling their games he fell into it as well.

Vossy supports souths, I guess thats why you don't hear much bias, because they are rarely covered. Vossy comes over as very opiniated but not in a bias way towards one particular team. The only problem I have with Vossy is he seems a bit full of himself, seems to think he is a bit smarter and funnier than those around him, which is sometimes true.

I actually think Sterlo is quite good, he certainly doesn't seem bias towards the eels although he does love Eric Grothe and gets very excited when he does a good run. I think it brings back memories and gets the goosebumps. If anything he seems to like Newcastle the best.

On the Andrew Johns front, and nine crew and other commentators loving him, well there is good reason for that. He is an awesome player, the best currently and he does a lot of awesome things, they get a mention by commentators not suprisingly.

Sir Biffo

Has to be the assorted Brisbane journo's masquerading as unbiased up here. It's pathetic, they have the hugest chip on their shoulders and rant about how unfair life is for Queenslanders in league. Sure it was like that about 20 years ago, but now you will have 3 teams in the NRL! Get over it!

I think it was last Sunday they ran an article saying 16 of the 17 test players would be NSW, picking nuffy's like Joel Clinton ....


RainMan said:
Steve 'Bomber' Bombolas - commentates Ch9 Brisbane Broncos games when they are not the Friday night game or Sunday tv game. He is on par with the NZ commentators for bias.

You mean big Chris.


It doesn't bother me too much, I'm sure they mostly try not to be biased, but really, if you were in that situation you'd probably be the same yourself, without even meaning to be. It's just human nature.

Just concentrate on watching the game and tune the commentators out, works for me!


I had to laugh at Main Game tonight seeing all the young journo's (James Hooper, Dean Ritchie and Steve Mascord) spruiking about Joey being the greatest player of all time

I have nothing against any of them individually, think they all do a reasonable job and generally enjoy the program

Just a pity they collectively try to sensationalise Joey in order to pump up the game (and therefore sell papers) while clearly having no clue to the quality of our immortals of the past

Steve Ricketts agreed with them less emphatically under sufferance on his status in the game, yet they wouldn't hear the voice of experience in lauding the King as the greatest

age and experience cannot be underestimated ... the show lost credibility tonight through the immaturity of the panel in my eyes

Long live the King, Joey is a mere court jester

Oink !

Ron Jeremy

f**king Harragon!! I hate this tool, even though talk may be without Newcastle he try's to drag them into it.

A hopless commentator, with no personality.
legend said:
I think Gould is warming to the Dragons.
I think he went past warm about 2 yrs ago , he seems to have a raging hardon for them now (the" they can't deny US a try" comment a few weeks ago verified that)
He is either on the dragons payroll or trying very hard to get on it.

parra pete

David Morrow...St George No 1 fan

Ray Hadley...(anti Smith, Parramatta) is the biggest peanut on wireless...
Razor said:
Chris Bombolas
Gary Belcher
Glen Lazarus
Trevor Gillmeister

Move to nsw then asshole.

In the history of the world there has never been anyone as biased about anything as Queef Harrogan on Newcastle, i dont watch the Footy show or should i say the Knights show because its all about chief making up sh*t how newcastle shouldve been in the finals last year on a wildcard or something pathetic. Matt Johns is just as bad but only for his brother, Ive accepted that Andrew Johns is an extremely good footballer but do we need to be force fed this every second by his non funny brother. I was reading his rlw preview for the cowboys v eels game and he managed to somehow talk about the knights and johns in it, pathetic.

Gould hates the broncos soooooo much. he shouldnt be allowed to commentate on Broncos games.


IMO, Warren Ryan is biased towards the Broncos and Knights, biased against Manly and Roosters. Barry Dick, from the Curious Mail, is the worst print journo.


Raiders Plight said:
paul harrogan isn't just biased he doesn't even aknowledge the existence of teams other than the knights.

what was that verbal blowjob he gave johns on thursdays show, right before that surfing bit.
it sounded like he was reading out his valentines card to him.


the bondi spy said:
Ray Warren is hard to take when Parra are playing. He gets so excited when they score early. He actually knows half their players names as opposed to most teams he knows two or three of the stars off by heart. And all the channel 9 team are in love with the Knights for some reason(Sterlo,Chief, Matty and Rabs too). Warren Smith and his pro Tiger anti Rooster agenda is hard to cop too. Does anyone else notice bias for or against other teams?
NZ Commentators Suck,SL Commentators Suck, Nothing wrong with Rabs,2GB is Pro-Manly & doesn't everyone hate the Rooters


Chris Bumble-ar$e.
Paul Arrogant

For those of you outside Brisbane, the do-it-yourself Broncos is so bad, its embarassing...


Ron Jeremy said:
f**king Harragon!! I hate this tool, even though talk may be without Newcastle he try's to drag them into it.

A hopless commentator, with no personality.

Yes! This guy is the worst thing about football commentating and the footy show. He thinks he's funny when he's not and comes across as really up himself with a crazy bias towards Newcastle.


First Grade
parra pete said:
Ray Hadley...(anti Smith, Parramatta) is the biggest peanut on wireless...

Wonder if Horse Head will be on a anti Newcastle crusade next season :lol:

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