I won an oztag comp at 35
First ever for any sport.
Scored 3 tries
It was glorious.
I was glorious.
Played me last season of League at 35 with the mighty Park side. We actually won one game.
The old boy took out Best Forward and Leading Point Scorer. But 'me' highlight of the season was the first trial game at the Wooribinda Mission west of Rocky. I jagged the first try and a big dark bloke wacked me in the head whilst scoring. I grabbed hold of his jersey and yelled at the Ref "Was that a try" He said yes Ive awarded it. I said again as not letting go of the blokes jersey. " Was that a try?" The ref yelled back "Yes Ive bloody awarded it"
With the confirmation I rammed the ball I had held in my other hand straight into the face of the bloke that hit me. Followed by about 4 quick solid rights. Of course there was an almighty stink. ( I loved it)
But the thing was half my team was trying to drag me away and I remember a few of them saying, "What are you doing, we don't fight here"
I just told them that they better get f**king used to it. (the dinosaur era - oh I am glad that I played in it)
Rugby League skills you just can't pass on anymore. What a waste.