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My attempt at a serious thread


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
*presents fingers for Crushers licking*

Back to the topic - has anybody ever just given up before and sunk right down?


Yeah once.

I was playing cricket in the U14's. I was hit in the nads by a bowler. I had no choice but to give up. It was another 12 years before I knew I could still have a family.
Reading everyones stories in this thread has inspired me to tell my story in the hope that it can give someone hope. This event changed my life completely and the domino effect it had has been fantastic!

Since I was 11, I had a burning desire to go to Japan. It was the one thing I wanted more than anything else in the world, but a the time I was in no position to go there (Family, finances, the usual stuff). I tried applying for student exchanges and even scholarships but failed.
As the years went by, many of my friends were going to Japan and every time someone went, it was like getting a kick in the balls. Going to Japan felt like a dream. Not even travelling to Singapore and Malaysia could cheer me up. Every day I was getting more and more frustrated but there was a little voice in my head that urged me to keep trying. Until one day, an opportunity presented itself that became the first step.
In 2001, I got my first full time job as a phone salesman. On my first day, I told everyone about my dream of travelling to Japan and how I was going to make plenty of sales to achieve my goal. To this day, I still can't explain what happened in myself but I saw this job as the opportunity I'd been waiting for and I had this MASSIVE drive to make my goal a reality, not matter what.
To cut a long story short, in the months leading up to my trip I got promoted and made salesman of the month 3 times in a row. Everyone at work knew about my goal and were supporting me. Finally in August 2002, I boarded the plane for Japan on Sunday and when that plane touched down at Narita airport, I nearly started crying and it felt like I'd won the NRL grand final (I had to restrain myself from dancing and jumping up and down the aisles, cheering!) It didn't matter that it took 12 years of hoping and 2 years of working, all that mattered was that I was in Japan!
Since realising my dream, it gave me the drive and confidence to go back to uni, work harder and have more faith in myself.

The moral of this story kids, is that ANYTHING can be achieved if the desire and the drive exists within you and it give you the BEST confidence boost!

Secondly, if you feel like there's no hope and that you feel defeated, listen hard for the voice that tells you to get up, to keep fighting and to never give up. That voice may very well change you AND your life !

Hope this story helps


Post Whore
Just Another 'Dogs Supporter said:
Back to the topic - has anybody ever just given up before and sunk right down?

I used to get like that often. Even now I have my moments...but I realise these days that it hurts less in the long run to just fight your way through...


Post Whore
giving up it not an option, if your passionate and care enough about what ever it is, then you wont give up, my opinion are those who give up without knowing absolute certintiy that the desired result is impossible, they are weak and pathetic


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I was sorta referring to life in general, and had a period of time where like, you've just shut off from the world for a while.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
:( I was like that for the afternoon I broke up with my ex, but like, the next day I started a new job so I didn't have a choice :)

Never looked back :fist:


ive been 'depressed' as such for years. there are no easy solutions, you just need to take time out to evaluate what is important to you and then take small steps to get there. don't worry about what other people think, it'll send you crazy. the cause of a lot of depression is a lack of relationships, and it makes perfect sense. The more time that you have to yourself, not enjoying your time - the more you are going to get depressed. There are no easy answers, but i can guarantee that in a lot of the above situations, those things are the drivers behind why you're feeling that way

life isn't easy. remember that. no one expects (and not many people) get through life without stumbling a few times

God-King Dean

It amazes me when depression talks comes up no-one mentions testosterone levels (more so referring to men).

Most men who suffer from depression are either srawny or over-weight.


A few things have just caught up with me emotionally and HJs comments over in the dimension have just pushed me over the edge I guess..


Post Whore
Life is tough. But it's worth the effort.

A wise person (I can't remember who originally said it) quotes: "Nothing that is worth having in life comes easy. You have to work hard for it. But, because it's worth having, the struggle is worth it."


Just Another 'Dogs Supporter said:
*presents fingers for Crushers licking*

Back to the topic - has anybody ever just given up before and sunk right down?

Yes and it is the worst feeling in the world. You don't see things clearly you just see everything in a negative light and it isn't easy to get out of it. If you asked me what the lowest point in my life was i'd say just over a year ago when I took a whole packet of anti depressants and the Fortes that i had left (about 6 I think). In the state I was in I just wanted to do whatever I could to end what I was feeling but if i had of been thinking clearly I would have known that all those pills were gonna do was make me violently ill. And I paid for it for the next few days. I lost so much weight because I couldn't eat and I just kept vomiting I couldnt control it, I also couldnt walk without collapsing for a good part of it so I had to crawl. I just kept telling myself "you're a f***ing idiot you can't do anything right, you can't even kill yourself," and I came out of it feeling worse. In the past year i've learned to deal with things alot easier. I know i'm not living the best life and I don't have the best job and my family give me the sh*ts but i'm healthy and i'm independant and the choices i've made in life haven't always been the best ones but the decision that was causing me to be so depressed I realise now was the right one. Even if it still hurts. No matter how bad you think you have it, there's always someone who has it worse than you. Most of the time we take how lucky we are for granted by focussing on all the bad things but I'm choosing to see the glass half full these days and although I still get depressed I can manage it because sometimes we need to just be upset. But anyway geez that was a long post I bet no one will read it!



Post Whore
Alba said:
Yes and it is the worst feeling in the world. You don't see things clearly you just see everything in a negative light and it isn't easy to get out of it. If you asked me what the lowest point in my life was i'd say just over a year ago when I took a whole packet of anti depressants and the Fortes that i had left (about 6 I think). In the state I was in I just wanted to do whatever I could to end what I was feeling but if i had of been thinking clearly I would have known that all those pills were gonna do was make me violently ill. And I paid for it for the next few days. I lost so much weight because I couldn't eat and I just kept vomiting I couldnt control it, I also couldnt walk without collapsing for a good part of it so I had to crawl. I just kept telling myself "you're a f***ing idiot you can't do anything right, you can't even kill yourself," and I came out of it feeling worse. In the past year i've learned to deal with things alot easier. I know i'm not living the best life and I don't have the best job and my family give me the sh*ts but i'm healthy and i'm independant and the choices i've made in life haven't always been the best ones but the decision that was causing me to be so depressed I realise now was the right one. Even if it still hurts. No matter how bad you think you have it, there's always someone who has it worse than you. Most of the time we take how lucky we are for granted by focussing on all the bad things but I'm choosing to see the glass half full these days and although I still get depressed I can manage it because sometimes we need to just be upset. But anyway geez that was a long post I bet no one will read it!


I read it...that's so sad. But, thankfully, you realise what so many people don't (and what I once didn't). Sometimes we need to hurt, it makes us who we are. It sucks more than anything in this world, but it builds us into the people we are, and makes us far better people...

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