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My attempt at a serious thread


Alba said:
Yes and it is the worst feeling in the world. You don't see things clearly you just see everything in a negative light and it isn't easy to get out of it. If you asked me what the lowest point in my life was i'd say just over a year ago when I took a whole packet of anti depressants and the Fortes that i had left (about 6 I think). In the state I was in I just wanted to do whatever I could to end what I was feeling but if i had of been thinking clearly I would have known that all those pills were gonna do was make me violently ill. And I paid for it for the next few days. I lost so much weight because I couldn't eat and I just kept vomiting I couldnt control it, I also couldnt walk without collapsing for a good part of it so I had to crawl. I just kept telling myself "you're a f***ing idiot you can't do anything right, you can't even kill yourself," and I came out of it feeling worse. In the past year i've learned to deal with things alot easier. I know i'm not living the best life and I don't have the best job and my family give me the sh*ts but i'm healthy and i'm independant and the choices i've made in life haven't always been the best ones but the decision that was causing me to be so depressed I realise now was the right one. Even if it still hurts. No matter how bad you think you have it, there's always someone who has it worse than you. Most of the time we take how lucky we are for granted by focussing on all the bad things but I'm choosing to see the glass half full these days and although I still get depressed I can manage it because sometimes we need to just be upset. But anyway geez that was a long post I bet no one will read it!


I read it babe. Thats one thing I am kinda been greatful for over the years, as much as i have often thought that it would be better off if I was no longer around, im too chicken sh*t to actually attempt to kill myself. Have done the whole "self mutilation" sh*t but that hurt like hell!!! Still have the scars from it tho :(


Post Whore
Nikki said:
I read it babe. Thats one thing I am kinda been greatful for over the years, as much as i have often thought that it would be better off if I was no longer around, im too chicken sh*t to actually attempt to kill myself. Have done the whole "self mutilation" sh*t but that hurt like hell!!! Still have the scars from it tho :(

Never done anything on purpose...but I used to drink and do drugs to the point that it could have killed me, and part of me didn't care...thankfully it was just a part of me...


Post Whore
I've never taken drugs or drank that much alcohol, but I did lash out in other destructive ways...

I used to go out and physically cause myself and others harm, because the pain felt like it was a settling, calming inffluence...


Bazal said:
I read it...that's so sad. But, thankfully, you realise what so many people don't (and what I once didn't). Sometimes we need to hurt, it makes us who we are. It sucks more than anything in this world, but it builds us into the people we are, and makes us far better people...

yeah thats true .. if you mask your pain all the time then eventually its gonna hit you much harder once it finally gets too much to hide .. it's not worth it, if you are upset - be upset. Just try and do things to deal with it and move on. That's easier said than done, trust me I know but in the end it's worth putting effort into. If you are happy then people are happier to be around you.
Not meaning to drag the thread down into murkier waters, but I had a friend attempt suicide last week. She's only young too, and thankfully she'll have a second chance at growing older.

Its easier said than done I know, but no matter how far down a hole you might be, don't stop trying to climb out. It wont be easy, but once your feet are back on the ground you'll realise life is the most wonderful thing on the planet.


Yeah true. I guess what helps is having supportive friends that you can talk to and that will actually try and help you out of the rut. I don't really have that. Well now I do but never did before. Most of my friends were the type that when the going got tough they p!ssed off .. assholes .. surround yourself with positive people and do the things you love. It may sound crazy especially with 3 wins next to us but the football saved my sanity this year. It was the only thing that i'd jump up out of bed for. We all have something that sparks a passion in us and if you aren't aware of what that is, then do whatever you can to find it.


I agree it is a stupid thing to do but Phillips unless you have been in that situation before you really don't know what it's like. You lose the ability to think straight and you convince yourself no one would care if you died and that it would be much easier for everyone including yourself. It takes a strong person to fight that.


i have no problems if people want to do it, and succeed..

but is not fair on there family..

imo anyway


When thoughts of suicide crossed my mind i always thought that everyone would be better off without me. Depression makes you feel so alone and i often thought there was no other solution.
Dani said:
When thoughts of suicide crossed my mind i always thought that everyone would be better off without me. Depression makes you feel so alone and i often thought there was no other solution.

I Don't want to hear that you have these thoughts any more. I assume thats the case by you mentioning "thought" rather than "think".

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
Phillips said:
i have no problems if people want to do it, and succeed..

but is not fair on there family..

imo anyway

Its selfish, but to be fair people in that situation don't have that perspective.

I couldn't kill myself. Or cut myself. I get freaked out when sharp stuff comes close to me. Also pain = crap.


I go through phases. For the vast majority of this year i have been perfectly fine. But there was a stage, not too long after i made this thread, for about a week when i slipped back into old habits, pretty hard.

But things are looking up now.


Father Dougal McGuire said:
Its selfish, but to be fair people in that situation don't have that perspective.

Never, ever say that to someone who may be thinking about killing themselves. Chances are, it will push them further.


You can't help but pity yourself and feel worthless. People think it may be selfish, but when i know when i thought about it/attempted it, i thought it would be better for everyone, i wouldn't be a burden any more.

There was one person who stopped me from doing it not long ago, i couldn't do it cause i knew it hurt this person. They are the only one who has even attempted to help me or talk me through it or just be there when i needed someone to cry to or scream at. I'm thankful every day that i have this person in my life and i hope they never leave.
Dani said:
I go through phases. For the vast majority of this year i have been perfectly fine. But there was a stage, not too long after i made this thread, for about a week when i slipped back into old habits, pretty hard.

But things are looking up now.

Good. Don't look back.

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
Dani said:
You can't help but pity yourself and feel worthless. People think it may be selfish, but when i know when i thought about it/attempted it, i thought it would be better for everyone, i wouldn't be a burden any more.

Thats kinda what i meant.

Its unfair on the people that care, but because said person is in such a hole they need to have it shown.

I should stop now, what the f**k do i know?


Its funny but, for me now matter how many ppl try and support me, there is always one that will keep me down. And there could be 50 ppl standing there in front of me being positive, but it will be that one person who makes me feel like utter sh*t and they are the one I will feed off.


Post Whore
This is for all those in here who have ever been hurt, depressed or just plain down...

The All American Rejects-Move Along

Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking
When you fall everyone stands
Another day and you've had your fill of sinking
With the life held in your
Hands are shaking cold
These hands are meant to hold

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
Move along

So a day when you've lost yourself completely
Could be a night when your life ends
Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving
All the pain held in your
Hands are shaking cold
Your hands are mine to hold

Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)

When everything is wrong, we move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
When everything is wrong, we move along
Along, along, along

When all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through

(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
Right back what is wrong
We move along

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