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New NRL commission as News Ltd plans to exit game

Should John Howard chair the NRL commission?

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First Grade
It's an image at odds with the burly forward who carted the pill up for Gold Coast during their first NRL incarnation in the late 1980s.

I thought Searle played for the Chargers, which meant he played in the 90's, not 80's...


Imagine the publicity it would get for the NRL around Australia, maybe even internationally! It would be great.

And he ran this country for many years and is probably one of our greatest PMs. If he can lead a country why not the NRL?

You could kiss goodbye any indiginous or islander development for starters.

And when he hit's his first crisis?

Gallop: Commissioner Howard - there is a crisis brewing. Wayne Bennet has been involved in a sex scandal. what should be do?

Howard: There is only one thing to do! Get me my mobile phone and hit speed dial 1, and ask to speak to Dubya.


I nominate his mate on the right as deputy! Seriously he is a bumbling old buffoon, can you imagine the interviews. As if Gallops ummhs and ahhhs are not bad enough!



I say give it a go.
At least Johnny balanced the books for the country for over a decade, and done a damn fine job until he came unstuck with his work choices vision, which unfortunately tainted a leadership that made some very positive moves forward.

Although he is a Saints fanatic, I doubt he'd give them an favouratism as he knows the game as a whole needs to leave some elements behind.

AND, News Ltd out?, thank f**king god.
Now all they need to do is stop propping up the Storm.


Progress? I couldn't be arsed responding to your last mail, as it would take this thread off-topic, but since you want to continue sprouting the Kevin07 mantra...........

If we didn't have APRA and the Government was burdened with the same debt levels as under the Hawke/Keating years, this country would have been pharked.

Why do you think Rudd was able to open his shoulders with such a massive stimulus package? Our 4 banks are all rated AAA, and where not burdened with the same CDO/CDS etc exposures as offshore. Why was that? Why are other countries looking to setup the same type of supervision as we have with APRA?

That said, it is real easy to spend, spend, spend. Labor is good at it.
Lets see how guys like you respond when your taxes will inevitably be jacked up over the course of the next cycle to pay for the $900 that was flushed into the pokies. You will be one of the first to to start bitching how Ruddy has let down the true believers.

Also, please let us know when Rudd gets anything started, because all I can see is review after review, with absolutely nothing being done when they come out. Look to the rubbish that was the 2020 summit, the biggest waste of time and money in Australia's history. I guess Ruddy got some pics next to Blanchett, so not all is lost.


Agreed, there will come a time when that money needs to be paid back.
Unfortunately, and much to my own anger, it will be many of us who never got to see it in the first place asked to foot the bill for this little exercise.
Rudd get something started?
Not likely, maybe create another committee, that's about it.
The 20/20 summit, f**k me what a waste of time, some "great" ideas came out of that little exercise, by the way I may need to indicate I am being sarcastic there.
If anything the 20/20 summit simply gave him a method to engage some people that may have been his critics, allowed them to air there ideas, make it look like they would be considered and as a result get some critics off his back for a while.
By all means Kevin, continaully waste the war chest of money others built up over the years, by the time it has to be paid back I hope to be a fully fledged citizen of the cook islands anyway and renouncing my Australian citizenship, so sh*thouse is the taxation in this country.


If he was a true League man he wouldn't be wearing a Wobblies tracksuit at all.

Big Kev put $11 million into League (for the commission actually). Howard put in nothing.

Perth Red

Post Whore
whi is it a certainty that Gallop would "continue with the day to day running of the NRL"? Surely that is half our problem!
That Bec&Buzz rubbish are reporting Colin Love has already been guaranteed to be commissioner for the first 2 years when the commission is formed.

El Diablo

Post Whore

FIFA's man could help shape NRL

Adrian Proszenko | October 11, 2009

He's the man who masterminded the independent review and commission of Football Australia - and now he's been sounded out about doing a similar job for the NRL.

Anter Isaac, an influential administrator with Football Federation Australia for more than a decade, has met with Titans boss Michael Searle, the architect behind league's push for a new governing body.

The pair were introduced by Bulldogs legend Steve Mortimer, a long-time advocate of an independent rugby league committee. At the meeting, Searle indicated that Isaac, now a consultant to FIFA, could play a role in establishing a body to replace the partnership of News Ltd and the Australian Rugby League.

''I haven't discussed any formal role but they're aware I was involved in the process for football,'' Isaac said. ''Informally, [Searle] said he would get in contact with me and that he believes there is a role for me down the line.

''They're aware of my experience and the fact I now consult to FIFA on matters of organisational performance and assessment, in terms of improving governance and member associations and structure.''

Isaac, whose cousin Lancen Joudo made his NRL debut for Cronulla this year, has the credentials to play a role in a rugby league restructure.

The managing director of business performance consultants Kleinmann Wang, he was an integral part of FFA's restructure and recently advised Lucas Neill regarding the Socceroos' bid for a Western Sydney A-League franchise. Coincidentally, he worked with Searle's sister at Football Australia almost a decade ago.

While he stressed there was no formal approach for his services, Isaac confirmed he would like to be involved in the biggest shake-up in league's 102-year history.

Asked for his initial thoughts on how league could improve its structure, Isaac said: ''What I did suggest was that before any independent commission is instituted, there needs to be an independent review into the game. I'm very strong on that. I believe that each [stakeholder] needs to be heard.

''There needs to be a detailed understanding of what each of them brings and how they can each become more effective in propelling the game forward.

''I ask the people I've spoken to for the strategy for the game - not just for five or 10 years but 10 or 20 years. A lot of the time they don't seem to know. From what I can understand, the stakeholders haven't been part of that process. They need to be because they're at the grassroots.

''That's one thing that soccer did [in 2003] but perhaps not as well as they should have.

''I think we can do it better than the AFL did it 25 years ago and what football did five years ago.''

Meanwhile, John Ribot, one of the architects of the Super League war and now a member of the Queensland Rugby League, vehemently denied speculation he was angling for a commissioner's role.

''One of the great furphies that's come out is that I want to be an independent commissioner - nothing could be further from the truth,'' Ribot said from San Francisco.

''That's not an ambition at all, but I want the game to have an independent commission.''

There were rumours that News Ltd may be prepared to step away from the game as soon as November 1. A potential stumbling block is the fate of the Melbourne Storm once News Ltd divests its interests in the club.

Ribot said the new governing body had to ensure the Storm's future - and said a $30 million guarantee to the club over a five-year period would be a good start.