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New NRL commission as News Ltd plans to exit game

Should John Howard chair the NRL commission?

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First Grade
Yes, because spelling is a requirement for having a discussion about what is best for the game.

If you are too dumb to come up with a valid argument and that is the best you've got, then yes...I agree there really is no point.

Because you cannot provide a valid solution, rather just bitch and moan about solutions being highlighted to the public.

You don't like it, get off your farkin ass and do something yourself. But alas, I wont ever see that. Because you'd rather sit there and argue political values rather than getting to the god damn point about whats good for the game.

Christ you like to moan when you've been shot down in flames, don't ya bitch? :lol::lol:

You used the phrase "too dumb" and then "dumbed out".

I've already provided who I think is the calibre of person required for such a role in Gerry Harvey.

All you've offered is why little johnny is your hero.


First Grade
Jeff Kennett is the president of Hawthorn in the AFL.

When he took up the position there was much gnashing of teeth. Kennett is loathed by many down in Victoria and some people found it very difficult to put the politics aside.

But just about every Hawthorn supporter today (Labor, Liberal or otherwise) will say Kennett has been very good for the club.

Howard is being tapped to run a Rugby League commission, not the country again. His views on asylum seekers, industrial relations and taxation do not matter.

While all of that is very true, Kennett is seen by most to be a winner, unlike Howard.

Kennett has also managed to drop the " biased political" persona, much the same as Malcolm Fraser did.

Howard is still bucketing on (when given the chance) about how "his" government should be thanked by the current government, such is his desperation to be noticed.

The job should go to a person heavily based on the answer to this question - "what have they done for Rugby League?".

Gerry Harvey is a perfect example of someone who fits this criteria.


he probably would!

this guy couldn't even run the country, so i don't think he could run the NRL.
anyone who thinks this is a good idea is either a liberal voter or a genius:crazy:
or both!

Well Im neither. I have never voted liberal in my life but that is not the point is it. It is more to do with his experience and the repect he commands.

You might not like his political views but his leadership ability is unquestioned.
How will Howard contribute to Rugby League?? He won't have George Dubya on the phone every ten minutes telling him what to do...


First Grade
I hate him but the little facist would probably be good for a short-while. We'd soon tire of his dictatorial ways though.

Big Mick

Christ you like to moan when you've been shot down in flames, don't ya bitch? :lol::lol:

You used the phrase "too dumb" and then "dumbed out".

I've already provided who I think is the calibre of person required for such a role in Gerry Harvey.

All you've offered is why little johnny is your hero.

I'm not getting shot down in flames...far from it. You however, just want to go down a line where you are using political argument rather than highlighting what potential good he can do for the game.

And merkin...I agreed with you about Gerry Harvey...but is he putting his hand up to get involved.

I havn't offered little Johnny and he is FAR FAR FAR from my hero. The League offered John and i'm willing to at least hear them out on it.

I said he's not the ideal candidate, but i'm not so narrow-minded to totally SHUT OUT the idea like others.

People are not even willing to see how he wants to use the capacity, they just say no.

I've said it'd be awesome to have someone like a Frank Lowie with his passion for the game of Football, but realistically, that isn't going to happen.

Gerry Harvey has his own hands full with his own company, so I highly doubt he would want to invest time into this, and also whether he'd be able to devote the necessary time to make it a success.

I agreed that Harvey should be there, as I also said Roy Masters should be there....so I have not provided just John Howard. I'm willing to take a balanced view of this, and put aside what his views are regarding the boat people etc which definately did not align with those of my own. What I can see is someone putting their hand up to be involved in taking the game forward and while i'm not totally sold on the idea, i'm willing to at least hear what the guy has to say first before calling for his head.

But you can continue believing you've shot me down...because I really couldn't give a sh!t what ignorant people such as yourself think of me. It's not my fault that you cannot see past political views into what could potentially be a valuable positive for the game.
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First Grade
I'm not getting shot down in flames...far from it. You however, just want to go down a line where you are using political argument rather than highlighting what potential good he can do for the game.

And merkin...I agreed with you about Gerry Harvey...but is he putting his hand up to get involved.

I havn't offered little Johnny and he is FAR FAR FAR from my hero. The League offered John and i'm willing to at least hear them out on it.

I said he's not the ideal candidate, but i'm not so narrow-minded to totally SHUT OUT the idea like others.

People are not even willing to see how he wants to use the capacity, they just say no.

I've said it'd be awesome to have someone like a Frank Lowie with his passion for the game of Football, but realistically, that isn't going to happen.

Gerry Harvey has his own hands full with his own company, so I highly doubt he would want to invest time into this, and also whether he'd be able to devote the necessary time to make it a success.

I agreed that Harvey should be there, as I also said Roy Masters should be there....so I have not provided just John Howard. I'm willing to take a balanced view of this, and put aside what his views are regarding the boat people etc which definately did not align with those of my own. What I can see is someone putting their hand up to be involved in taking the game forward and while i'm not totally sold on the idea, i'm willing to at least hear what the guy has to say first before calling for his head.

But you can continue believing you've shot me down...because I really couldn't give a sh!t what ignorant people such as yourself think of me. It's not my fault that you cannot see past political views into what could potentially be a valuable positive for the game.

No worries merkin, the thread remains a testimony to your "positive" input.


FMD. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

What? you dont think someone who was in his position for as long he was can lead people?

How do you think he stayed head of the liberal party for so long with all those other power hungry heads trying to get on top?

If he can handle politics he can handle this gig too.

This role would be less about the game itself and more about getting the opposing factions under control, or out. It would be about unifying.

Top choice.


We need a Frank Lowie type to run league - not yet another old has been and a bunch of cronies sucking more lifeblood out of the game - we already have dozens of them.

You mean the millionare who has no connection with the common man and has prematurely planted how many failing teams into a comp.

I hated the barstard but Howard understands how the average Aussie ticks, he knows how to appeal to the masses, more importantly he knows how to control factions, and establish an efficient political machine that understands its market.

We still need to get the commission up and Seale has again given a masterclass in how to generate publicity and keep the momentum going. We now have the mass media talking about a commission and even expansion.


Only this forum could find fault with this. If this comes off it will be THE greatest news I have ever heard associated with league.


F#*k you guys are a hard bunch to please. :crazy:

Moan moan moan about the NRL leadership and the evils of New Ltd blah blah blah...

Searle, who I believe is exactly the sort of guy our game needs, advocates for an independant commision to run Rugby League and again, moan moan moan..don't pick John Howard..moan moan moan.

He is a former Australian PM FFS!

If any of you whining pr#*ks think you can do a better job, please step up.



Ziggy the God

First Grade
People either forget or don't know what a Chairman's role actually entails.

He is perfect for the position on so many levels.


The problem with this idea is obvious...

we want an Australian with a big respected profile with an interest in the game like Howard,

but without all the division he in particular will cause, and not his age. I can see how people think it will work if its only for a short timeframe.

We have to remember that this will take effect from 2013 when Howard will be what, 75? Use him for a year for his profile then ditch him?

All depends on the powers and roles of the organisation when it takes effect.

Anyone got any sugestions on who we could use other than Homobrow (aka Mr Sheen)?


The arguments against Howard are pretty much...."I hate him" from ALP voters. That's always going to be a lot of people. It's no coincidence that rabid ALP voters have hated every Liberal PM, it doesn't matter who it is.
Put the bias to one side and history will tell you that Howard was one of the most successful politicians in Australia's history. It's a tough game and he did very well at it.
I'm sure he'd do a good job heading the commission.
I hate Billy Slater but I know he'd do a great job in the #1 jersey at my club and that's all that matters, getting the job done.